GMPCPP library

The GMPCPP library is a C++ wrapper for the GNU MP library.

Download gmpcpp-0.1.3.tar.gz.


The GMPCPP library offers four classes, all in the namespace GMP.

class GMP::MPZ

This class wraps the mpz_t GMP type. It provides operations on arbitrary size integers.

class GMP::MPQ

This class wraps the mpq_t GMP type. It provides operations on arbitrary size rational numbers.

class GMP::MPF

This class wraps the mpf_t GMP type. It provides operations on arbitrary precision floating point numbers.


This class wraps the gmp_randstate_t type. It provides various types of random integers.


Gerardo Ballabio's C++ wrapper for GMP
LiDIA - a library for number theory
John Kassebaum's C++ wrappers for GMP
The Studio Framework contains a GMP wrapper.

Greg Hewgill <>