
(shēng) to raise; to hoist; to promote; metric liter (also written 公升); measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗

升任 (w)

(shēngrèn) to be promoted to

升天 (w)

(shēngtiān) lit. to ascend to heaven; to die

升学 (w)

(shēngxué) to enter the next grade school

升官 (w)

(shēngguān) to get promoted

升官发财 (w)

(shēngguānfācái) to be promoted and gain wealth (idiom)

升市 (w)

(shēngshì) rising prices; bull market

升幅 (w)

(shēngfú) extent of an increase; percentage rise

升息 (w)

(shēngxī) to raise interest rates

升斗 (w)

(shēngdǒu) lit. liter and decaliter dry measure; fig. wretchedly poor ration; grinding poverty

升斗小民 (w)

(shēngdǒuxiǎomín) poor people (idiom); lit. people surviving on 升斗[sheng1 dou3], wretchedly poor ration; in grinding poverty

升旗 (w)

(shēngqí) to raise a flag; to hoist a flag

升旗仪式 (w)

(shēngqíyíshì) flag raising ceremony

升格 (w)

(shēnggé) promotion; upgrade

升汞 (w)

(shēnggǒng) mercuric chloride (HgCl)

升级 (w)

(shēngjí) to escalate (in intensity); to go up by one grade; to be promoted; to upgrade (computing)

升结肠 (w)

(shēngjiécháng) ascending colon (anatomy); first section of large intestine

升华 (w)

(shēnghuá) to sublimate; sublimation (physics); to raise to a higher level; to refine; promotion

升起 (w)

(shēngqǐ) to raise; to hoist; to rise

升遐 (w)

(shēngxiá) to pass away (of an emperor)

升迁 (w)

(shēngqiān) promote; promotion

升降机 (w)

(shēngjiàngjī) aerial work platform (e.g. cherry picker or scissor lift); lift; elevator

升腾 (w)

(shēngténg) to rise; to ascend; to leap up


(shēng) ascend; peaceful

升值 (w)

(shēngzhí) to rise in value; to appreciate

升空 (w)

(shēngkōng) to rise to the sky; to lift off; to levitate; lift-off

升调 (w)

(shēngdiào) rising tone (phonetics, e.g. on a question in English)

升降 (w)

(shēngjiàng) rising and lowering

升高 (w)

(shēnggāo) to raise; to ascend


(shēng) variant of 升[sheng1]