
(lǚ) shoe; to tread on

履带 (w)

(lǚdài) caterpillar track; shoes and belt

履带车 (w)

(lǚdàichē) a caterpillar track vehicle

履历 (w)

(lǚlì) curriculum vitae; career information; career

履历片 (w)

(lǚlìpiàn) curriculum vitae (CV)

履历表 (w)

(lǚlìbiǎo) curriculum vitae (CV); resume

履约 (w)

(lǚyuē) to keep an promise; to keep an appointment; to honor an agreement; to practice economy

履约保证金 (w)

(lǚyuēbǎozhèngjīn) performance bond (international trade)

履舄交错 (w)

(lǚxìjiāocuò) lit. shoes and slippers muddled together (idiom); fig. many guests come and go; a lively party

履行 (w)

(lǚxíng) to fulfill (one's obligations); to carry out (a task); to implement (an agreement); to perform

履践 (w)

(lǚjiàn) to carry out (a task)

履险如夷 (w)

(lǚxiǎnrúyí) to cross a ravine like flat ground; fig. to handle a crisis effortlessly; to keep a cool head in a crisis