耀 (w)

(yào) brilliant; glorious

耀州 (w)

(yàozhōu) Yaozhou district of Tóngchuān city 銅川市|铜川市[Tong2 chuan1 shi4], Shǎnxī

耀州区 (w)

(yàozhōuqū) Yaozhou district of Tóngchuān city 銅川市|铜川市[Tong2 chuan1 shi4], Shǎnxī

耀德 (w)

(yàodé) to hold up as a virtuous example

耀斑 (w)

(yàobān) solar flare

耀武扬威 (w)

(yàowǔyángwēi) to show off one's military strength (idiom); to strut around; to bluff; to bluster

耀眼 (w)

(yàoyǎn) to dazzle; dazzling

耀县 (w)

(yàoxiàn) Yao county in Shaanxi

耀西 (w)

(yàoxī) Yoshi (Nintendo video game character)