Date: 2005-12-30 09:58:00
Tags: web, livejournal
livejournal backup copy online

One of the reasons I wrote ljdump was to use the backup copy to generate a simple HTML presentation of my journal directly on my web site. This is duplicating some of the functionality that is already available on livejournal itself, but I believe my presentation is much easier to navigate especially when you're looking in the archives for a particular post by topic or date.

My journal is here. The year links near the top permit navigation by date; the tag keywords below that permit navigation by topic. (I went back and added tags to all my previous posts.)

If you're interested in trying this out for yourself, let me know and I'll send you the code. You'll also need the following:

You will need to edit the XSLT to generate something that fits into your web site layout instead of looking like it came from mine.

Greg Hewgill <>