Date: 2003-12-01 23:46:00
Tags: usa, education
I'm from the government and I'm here to help
I just finished filling out the 2003 National Survey of College Graduates from the National Science Foundation. Somehow they decided to pick me as a respondent, even though I got my degree in Canada and have never attended school in the US.

The survey asked a bunch of questions about current employment, recent employment history, education, demographics, etc. The accompanying documentation said that the results of the survey will assist the NSF in deciding how to invest in research and education. I believe both these things are of critical importance to society, so I was happy to take the time to fill out the survey.

Hopefully this will help somebody, somewhere.
[info]snaxxx : Yay, funding!

You are my hero, for having such a good attitude, and taking this survey!

I personally know twenty-five girls who benefit from funding from The National Science Foundation. NSF gave a grant to Girlstart for a three year program for five schools, but this year they were able to give us an additional year and fund a sixth middle school program! The Aiming for Algebra project was created by Girlstart to give girls hands-on training in math, science, engineering, and technology.

I started out last year with a group of sixth grade girls with Club Explorers, and I 'moved up' to seventh grade with them this year for Web Divas. Check out for more information about this wonderful organization!
Greg Hewgill <>