1 definition found From en.wiktionary.org [en]: dictionary English {{ML.}} dictionarium < {{L.}} dictionarius < dictio ('speaking') < perfect passive participle dictus < verb dicere ('to speak'), plus suffix -arium, indicating "room" or "place". Pronunciation * (UK) {{IPA|/ˈdɪkʃən(ə)ɹi/}}, {{SAMPA|/"dIkS@n(@)ri/}} * (US) {{AHD|dĭk'shə-nĕr"ē}}, {{IPA|/ˈdɪkʃənˌɛɹi/}}, {{SAMPA|/"dIkS@n%Eri/}} * {{audio|en-us-dictionary.ogg|Audio (US)}} * {{audio|en-uk-dictionary.ogg|Audio (UK)}} Noun {{en-noun|dictionar|ies}} 1. A publication, usually in the form of a book, which gives an ordered list (normally alphabetically) of words, normally explaining their meaning and sometimes containing information on etymology, usage, translations and other items related to the word. Some dictionaries list the words of more than one language and/or give translations in more than one language. {{seeCites}} Ref: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dictionary