
(tōu) to steal; to pilfer; to snatch; thief; stealthily

偷偷 (w)

(tōutōu) stealthily; secretly; covertly; furtively; on the sly

偷偷摸摸 (w)

(tōutōumōmō) surreptitious; sneaky

偷去 (w)

(tōuqù) to steal; to make off with; stolen

偷吃 (w)

(tōuchī) to eat on the sly; to pilfer food; to be unfaithful

偷安 (w)

(tōuān) to shirk responsibility; thoughtless pleasure-seeking

偷工 (w)

(tōugōng) to skimp on the job; to avoid work

偷工减料 (w)

(tōugōngjiǎnliào) to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom); jerry-building; sloppy work

偷情 (w)

(tōuqíng) to carry on a clandestine love affair

偷惰 (w)

(tōuduò) to skive off work; to be lazy

偷懒 (w)

(tōulǎn) to goof off; to be lazy

偷拍 (w)

(tōupāi) to take a picture of a person without permission or without their knowledge

偷梁换柱 (w)

(tōuliánghuànzhù) lit. to steal a rafter and replace it with a column; to replace the original with a fake; to perpetrate a fraud (idiom)

偷渡 (w)

(tōudù) illegal immigration; to stowaway (on a ship); to steal across the international border; to run a blockade

偷渡者 (w)

(tōudùzhě) smuggled illegal alien; stowaway

偷猎 (w)

(tōuliè) to poach

偷猎者 (w)

(tōulièzhě) poacher

偷生 (w)

(tōushēng) to live without purpose

偷盗 (w)

(tōudào) to steal

偷看 (w)

(tōukàn) to peep; to peek; to steal a glance

偷眼 (w)

(tōuyǎn) to take a furtive look at

偷税 (w)

(tōushuì) tax evasion

偷窥 (w)

(tōukuī) to peep; to peek; to act as voyeur

偷窥狂 (w)

(tōukuīkuáng) voyeur; peeping tom

偷窃 (w)

(tōuqiè) to steal; to pilfer

偷听 (w)

(tōutīng) to eavesdrop; to monitor (secretly)

偷袭 (w)

(tōuxí) to sneak attack

偷运 (w)

(tōuyùn) to smuggle

偷闲 (w)

(tōuxián) to snatch a moment of leisure; to take a break from work; also written 偷閒|偷闲

偷闲 (w)

(tōuxián) to snatch a moment of leisure; to take a break from work

偷鸡不成蚀把米 (w)

(tōujībùchéngshíbǎmǐ) trying to steal a chicken, but only lost a handful of rice (common expression); having high aims, but a total failure

偷鸡不着蚀把米 (w)

(tōujībùzháoshíbǎmǐ) trying to steal a chicken, but only lost a handful of rice (common expression); having high aims, but a total failure

偷鸡摸狗 (w)

(tōujīmōgǒu) to imitate the dog and steal chicken (idiom); to dally with women; to have affairs

偷香窃玉 (w)

(tōuxiāngqièyù) lit. stolen scent, pilfered jade (idiom); philandering; secret illicit sex