
(dōu) pocket; bag; to wrap up or hold in a bag; to move in a circle; to canvas or solicit; to take responsibility for; to disclose in detail; combat armor (old)

兜儿 (w)

(dōur) erhua variant of 兜

兜兜 (w)

(dōudou) an undergarment covering chest and abdomen

兜售 (w)

(dōushòu) to hawk; to peddle

兜圈子 (w)

(dōuquānzi) to encircle; to go around; to circle; to beat about the bush

兜帽 (w)

(dōumào) hood

兜底 (w)

(dōudǐ) to reveal; to expose

兜抄 (w)

(dōuchāo) to surround and attack; to corner; to envelop

兜捕 (w)

(dōubǔ) to round up (fugitives); to corner and arrest

兜揽 (w)

(dōulǎn) to canvas (for customers); to solicit; to advertise; to drum up; sales pitch; to take on (a task)

兜翻 (w)

(dōufān) to expose; to turn over

兜老底兜鍪 (w)

(dōulǎodǐdōumóu) helmet (archaic)

兜肚 (w)

(dōudu) vest; undergarment covering chest and abdomen

兜卖 (w)

(dōumài) to peddle; to hawk (pirate goods)

兜鍪 (w)

(dōumóu) helmet (archaic)

兜风 (w)

(dōufēng) to catch the wind; to go for a spin in the fresh air