
(liè) to arrange; to line up; row; file; series; column

列位 (w)

(lièwèi) ladies and gentlemen; all of you present

列传 (w)

(lièzhuàn) historical biography

列克星顿 (w)

(lièkèxīngdùn) Lexington, Massachusetts

列入 (w)

(lièrù) to include on a list

列兵 (w)

(lièbīng) private (army)

列出 (w)

(lièchū) to list; to make a list

列别杰夫 (w)

(lièbièjiéfū) Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian name)

列印 (w)

(lièyìn) to print; to typeset and print; to print from a webpage

列国 (w)

(lièguó) various countries

列夫・托尔斯泰 (w)

(lièfūtuōěrsītài) Tolstoy (name); Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist, author of War and Peace 戰爭與和平|战争与和平

列子 (w)

(lièzǐ) Lie Zi, Daoist author, said to be early Warring States period 戰國|战国; Daoist text in eight chapters, said to be by Lie Zi, probably compiled during WeiJin times 魏晉|魏晋 (3rd century AD)

列宁 (w)

(lièníng) Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader

列宁主义 (w)

(lièníngzhǔyì) Leninism

列宁格勒 (w)

(liènínggélè) Leningrad, name of Russian city Saint Petersburg 聖彼得堡|圣彼得堡 1923-1991

列岛 (w)

(lièdǎo) archipelago; chain of islands

列席 (w)

(lièxí) to attend a meeting as a nonvoting delegate

列强 (w)

(lièqiáng) the Great Powers (history)

列支敦士登 (w)

(lièzhīdūnshìdēng) Liechtenstein

列明 (w)

(lièmíng) to list; to specify

列星 (w)

(lièxīng) star alignment (in astrology)

列氏温标 (w)

(lièshìwēnbiāo) Réaumur temperature scale

列治文 (w)

(lièzhìwén) Richmond (place name or surname)

列为 (w)

(lièwéi) be classified as

列王纪上 (w)

(lièwángjìshàng) First book of Kings

列王纪下 (w)

(lièwángjìxià) Second book of Kings

列王记上 (w)

(lièwángjìshàng) First book of Kings

列王记下 (w)

(lièwángjìxià) Second book of Kings

列缺 (w)

(lièquē) lightning (archaic word)

列缺霹雳 (w)

(lièquēpīlì) thunder and lightning

列举 (w)

(lièjǔ) a list; to list; to enumerate

列表 (w)

(lièbiǎo) list

列车 (w)

(lièchē) train (railway term)

列车员 (w)

(lièchēyuán) train attendant

列车长 (w)

(lièchēzhǎng) conductor; train manager

列队 (w)

(lièduì) in formation (military)