
(shèng) to remain; to be left; to have as remainder

剩下 (w)

(shèngxià) to remain; left over

剩女 (w)

(shèngnǚ) "leftover woman" (successful career woman who has remained single)

剩磁 (w)

(shèngcí) residual magnetism

剩菜 (w)

(shèngcài) leftovers (food)

剩钱 (w)

(shèngqián) to have money left; remaining money

剩饭 (w)

(shèngfàn) left-over food

剩余 (w)

(shèngyú) remainder; surplus

剩余价值 (w)

(shèngyújiàzhí) surplus value

剩余定理 (w)

(shèngyúdìnglǐ) the Remainder Theorem

剩余放射性 (w)

(shèngyúfàngshèxìng) residual radioactivity

剩余辐射 (w)

(shèngyúfúshè) residual radiation