
(kǒu) mouth; classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc); classifier for bites or mouthfuls

口不应心 (w)

(kǒubùyìngxīn) to say one thing but mean another; to dissimulate

口干舌燥 (w)

(kǒugānshézào) lit. dry mouth and tongue (idiom); to talk too much

口交 (w)

(kǒujiāo) oral sex

口令 (w)

(kǒulìng) oral command; a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts); password (used by sentry)

口供 (w)

(kǒugòng) confession; oral evidence, as opposed to written evidence 筆供|笔供[bi3 gong4]; statement made under examination

口传 (w)

(kǒuchuán) orally transmitted

口北 (w)

(kǒuběi) north of the Great Wall

口口声声 (w)

(kǒukoushēngshēng) to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again

口吃 (w)

(kǒuchī) to stammer; to stutter; also pronounced [kou3 ji2]

口吐毒焰 (w)

(kǒutǔdúyàn) lit. a mouth spitting with poisonous flames; to speak angrily to sb (idiom)

口吸盘 (w)

(kǒuxīpán) oral sucker (e.g. on blood-sucking parasite)

口吻 (w)

(kǒuwěn) tone of voice; connotation in intonation; accent (regional etc); snout; muzzle; lips; protruding portion of an animal's face

口味 (w)

(kǒuwèi) a person's preferences; tastes (in food); flavor

口哨 (w)

(kǒushào) whistle

口器 (w)

(kǒuqì) mouthparts (of animal or insect)

口子 (w)

(kǒuzi) a hole; an opening; a cut; a gap; a gash

口实 (w)

(kǒushí) food; salary (old); a pretext; a cause for gossip

口岸 (w)

(kǒuàn) a port for external trade; a trading or transit post on border between countries

口弦 (w)

(kǒuxián) Jew's harp

口径 (w)

(kǒujìng) caliber; diameter of opening

口感 (w)

(kǒugǎn) taste; texture (of food); how food feels in the mouth

口才 (w)

(kǒucái) eloquence

口技 (w)

(kǒujì) beat boxing; vocal mimicry; ventriloquism

口技表演者 (w)

(kǒujìbiǎoyǎnzhě) ventriloquist

口是心非 (w)

(kǒushìxīnfēi) lit. mouth says yes, heart no (idiom); duplicity; empty words

口服 (w)

(kǒufú) oral (administered by mouth); to profess conviction; to say that one is convinced

口气 (w)

(kǒuqì) tone of voice; the way one speaks; manner of expression; tone

口水 (w)

(kǒushuǐ) saliva

口沫 (w)

(kǒumò) spittle; saliva

口淫 (w)

(kǒuyín) oral sex; fellatio

口渴 (w)

(kǒukě) thirsty

口湖 (w)

(kǒuhú) Kouhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan

口湖乡 (w)

(kǒuhúxiāng) Kouhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan

口无择言 (w)

(kǒuwúzéyán) to offer many needless alternatives (idiom)

口无遮拦 (w)

(kǒuwúzhēlán) to blab; to shoot one's mouth off; to commit a gaffe

口琴 (w)

(kǒuqín) harmonica

口疮 (w)

(kǒuchuāng) mouth ulcer

口白 (w)

(kǒubái) narrator; spoken parts in an opera

口碑 (w)

(kǒubēi) public praise; public reputation; commonly held opinions; current idiom

口碑流传 (w)

(kǒubēiliúchuán) widely praised (idiom); with an extensive public reputation

口碑载道 (w)

(kǒubēizàidào) lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); praise everywhere; universal approbation

口福 (w)

(kǒufú) fortuitous knack for getting to eat excellent food; luck and good timing when tasty food is involved

口称 (w)

(kǒuchēng) to speak; to say

口簧 (w)

(kǒuhuáng) Jew's harp

口簧琴 (w)

(kǒuhuángqín) Jew's harp

口粮 (w)

(kǒuliáng) ration

口红 (w)

(kǒuhóng) lipstick

口络 (w)

(kǒuluò) muzzle (over a dog's mouth)

口罩 (w)

(kǒuzhào) mask (surgical etc)

口腔 (w)

(kǒuqiāng) oral cavity

口腔炎 (w)

(kǒuqiāngyán) stomatitis; ulceration of oral cavity; inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth

口臭 (w)

(kǒuchòu) bad breath; halitosis

口舌 (w)

(kǒushé) dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip; to talk sb round

口若悬河 (w)

(kǒuruòxuánhé) mouth like a torrent (idiom); eloquent; glib; voluble; have the gift of the gab

口蘑 (w)

(kǒumó) Saint George's mushroom (Tricholoma mongplicum)

口号 (w)

(kǒuhào) slogan; catchphrase; CL:個|个[ge4]

口蜜腹剑 (w)

(kǒumìfùjiàn) lit. honeyed words, a sword in the belly (idiom); fig. hypocritical and murderous

口袋 (w)

(kǒudài) pocket; bag; sack; CL:個|个[ge4]

口角 (w)

(kǒujiǎo) corner of the mouth

口角 (w)

(kǒujué) altercation; wrangle; angry argument

口角战 (w)

(kǒujiǎozhàn) war of words

口诀 (w)

(kǒujué) mnemonic chant; rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order etc)

口试 (w)

(kǒushì) oral examination; oral test

口语 (w)

(kǒuyǔ) colloquial speech; spoken language; vernacular language; slander; gossip; CL:門|门[men2]

口语字词识别 (w)

(kǒuyǔzìcíshíbié) recognition of spoken word

口语沟通 (w)

(kǒuyǔgōutōng) oral communication (psychology)

口译 (w)

(kǒuyì) interpreting

口译员 (w)

(kǒuyìyuán) interpreter; oral translator

口蹄疫 (w)

(kǒutíyì) foot-and-mouth disease (FMD); aphthous fever

口述 (w)

(kǒushù) to dictate; to recount orally

口锋 (w)

(kǒufēng) manner of speech; tone of voice

口音 (w)

(kǒuyīn) oral speech sounds (linguistics)

口音 (w)

(kǒuyin) voice; accent

口头 (w)

(kǒutóu) oral; verbal

口头禅 (w)

(kǒutóuchán) lit. Zen saying repeated as cant; fig. popular saying; catchphrase; cliché

口头语 (w)

(kǒutóuyǔ) pet phrase; regularly used expression; manner of speaking

口风 (w)

(kǒufēng) meaning behind the words; what sb really means to say; one's intentions as revealed in one's words; tone of speech

口香糖 (w)

(kǒuxiāngtáng) chewing gum

口鼻 (w)

(kǒubí) mouth and nose

口齿 (w)

(kǒuchǐ) mouth and teeth; enunciation; to articulate; diction; age (of cattle, horses etc)

口齿不清 (w)

(kǒuchǐbùqīng) to lisp; unclear articulation; inarticulate

口齿伶俐 (w)

(kǒuchǐlínglì) eloquent and fluent speaker (idiom); grandiloquence; the gift of the gab

口齿清楚 (w)

(kǒuchǐqīngchu) clear diction; clear articulation

口齿生香 (w)

(kǒuchǐshēngxiāng) eloquence that generates perfume (idiom); profound and significant text