
(míng) name; noun (part of speech); place (e.g. among winners); famous; classifier for people

名下 (w)

(míngxià) under sb's name

名不副实 (w)

(míngbùfùshí) the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact; Reality does not live up to the name.; Excellent theory, but the practice does not bear it out.

名不正言不顺 (w)

(míngbuzhèngyánbushùn) unjustified and undeserving of such description; identity or status is unverified, or inconsistent in detail; unworthy of the title (or name), or reputation; no valid reason as justification; words without weight; cf 名正言順|名正言顺

名不符实 (w)

(míngbùfúshí) the name does not correspond to reality (idiom); it doesn't live up to its reputation

名不虚传 (w)

(míngbùxūchuán) lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation; enjoys a well-deserved reputation

名不见经传 (w)

(míngbùjiànjīngzhuàn) (lit.) name not encountered in the classics; unknown (person); nobody

名人 (w)

(míngrén) personage; celebrity

名人录 (w)

(míngrénlù) record of famous men; anthology of biographies

名位 (w)

(míngwèi) fame and position; official rank

名作 (w)

(míngzuò) masterpiece; famous work

名优 (w)

(míngyōu) outstanding; excellent quality

名儿 (w)

(míngr) name; fame

名册 (w)

(míngcè) roll (of names); register; CL:本[ben3]

名分 (w)

(míngfèn) a person's status

名列 (w)

(míngliè) famous; among the most famous

名列前茅 (w)

(mínglièqiánmáo) to rank among the best

名利 (w)

(mínglì) fame and profit

名利双收 (w)

(mínglìshuāngshōu) both fame and fortune (idiom); both virtue and reward

名刺 (w)

(míngcì) visiting card; name card

名副其实 (w)

(míngfùqíshí) not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)

名胜 (w)

(míngshèng) a place famous for its scenery or historical relics; scenic spot; CL:處|处[chu4]

名胜古迹 (w)

(míngshènggǔjì) historical sites and scenic spots

名古屋 (w)

(mínggǔwū) Nagoya, city in Japan

名句 (w)

(míngjù) famous saying; celebrated phrase

名叫 (w)

(míngjiào) called; named

名单 (w)

(míngdān) list (of names)

名嘴 (w)

(míngzuǐ) popular TV or radio host

名噪一时 (w)

(míngzàoyīshí) to achieve fame among one's contemporaries (idiom); temporary or local celebrity

名垂青史 (w)

(míngchuíqīngshǐ) lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom); fig. achievements will earn eternal glory

名城 (w)

(míngchéng) famous city

名堂 (w)

(míngtang) variety; result; reason

名士 (w)

(míngshì) famous scholar; worthy; celebrity, esp. distinguished literary person having no official post

名妓 (w)

(míngjì) famous courtesan

名媛 (w)

(míngyuán) young lady of note; debutante

名字 (w)

(míngzi) name (of a person or thing); CL:個|个[ge4]

名存实亡 (w)

(míngcúnshíwáng) the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom)

名学 (w)

(míngxué) (archaic term) logic

名家 (w)

(míngjiā) School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the School of Names

名实 (w)

(míngshí) name and reality; whether reality lives up to its reputation

名将 (w)

(míngjiàng) famous general

名山 (w)

(míngshān) famous mountain; Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan

名山大川 (w)

(míngshāndàchuān) famous mountains and great rivers

名山县 (w)

(míngshānxiàn) Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan

名帖 (w)

(míngtiě) name card; business card

名师 (w)

(míngshī) famous master; great teacher

名师出高徒 (w)

(míngshīchūgāotú) A famous teacher trains a fine student (idiom). A cultured man will have a deep influence on his successors.

名从主人 (w)

(míngcóngzhǔrén) named after (the original owner)

名手 (w)

(míngshǒu) master; famous artist or sportsman

名数 (w)

(míngshù) (grammar) number plus classifier; household (in census)

名曲 (w)

(míngqǔ) famous song; well-known piece of music

名望 (w)

(míngwàng) renown

名校 (w)

(míngxiào) famous school

名次 (w)

(míngcì) position in a ranking of names

名正言顺 (w)

(míngzhèngyánshùn) right and proper; authoritative and fair; (modified from Confucian Analects) with the right title (or reputation), the words carry weight

名气 (w)

(míngqì) reputation; fame

名流 (w)

(míngliú) gentry; celebrities

名源 (w)

(míngyuán) origin of names; etymology

名满天下 (w)

(míngmǎntiānxià) world famous

名为 (w)

(míngwéi) named as

名爵 (w)

(míngjué) MG Motor (car manufacturer)

名片 (w)

(míngpiàn) (business) card

名牌 (w)

(míngpái) famous brand

名状 (w)

(míngzhuàng) to express; to describe

名产 (w)

(míngchǎn) staple; name-brand product

名画 (w)

(mínghuà) famous painting

名画家 (w)

(mínghuàjiā) famous painter

名目 (w)

(míngmù) name of an item; fame

名目繁多 (w)

(míngmùfánduō) names of many kinds (idiom); items of every description

名相 (w)

(míngxiàng) famous prime minister (in ancient China); names and appearances (Buddhism)

名称 (w)

(míngchēng) name (of a thing); name (of an organization)

名称标签 (w)

(míngchēngbiāoqiān) name tag

名称权 (w)

(míngchēngquán) copyright; rights to a trademark

名篇 (w)

(míngpiān) famous piece of writing

名签 (w)

(míngqiān) name tag

名义 (w)

(míngyì) titular; (do something) in sb's name

名义上 (w)

(míngyìshàng) nominally

名义价值 (w)

(míngyìjiàzhí) nominal value

名义账户 (w)

(míngyìzhànghù) nominal bank account

名闻 (w)

(míngwén) famous; of good reputation

名声 (w)

(míngshēng) reputation

名臣 (w)

(míngchén) important official or statesman (in feudal China)

名菜 (w)

(míngcài) famous dishes; specialty dishes

名落孙山 (w)

(míngluòsūnshān) (idiom) to fail in imperial exam

名著 (w)

(míngzhù) masterpiece

名号 (w)

(mínghào) name; good reputation; title

名角 (w)

(míngjué) famous actor

名角儿 (w)

(míngjuér) erhua variant of 名角, famous actor

名言 (w)

(míngyán) saying

名词 (w)

(míngcí) noun

名讳 (w)

(mínghuì) taboo name (e.g. of emperor)

名誉 (w)

(míngyù) fame; reputation; honor; honorary; emeritus (of retired professor)

名誉博士 (w)

(míngyùbóshì) honorary doctorate; Doctor Honoris Causae

名誉博士学位 (w)

(míngyùbóshìxuéwèi) honorary doctorate; Doctor Honoris Causae

名誉学位 (w)

(míngyùxuéwèi) honorary degree; academic degree Honoris Causa

名誉扫地 (w)

(míngyùsǎodì) to be thoroughly discredited; to fall into disrepute

名贵 (w)

(míngguì) famous and valuable; rare; precious

名酒 (w)

(míngjiǔ) a famous wine

名医 (w)

(míngyī) famous doctor

名重识暗 (w)

(míngzhòngshíàn) of great reputation but shallow in knowledge (idiom)

名量词 (w)

(míngliàngcí) nominal classifier (in Chinese grammar); measure word applying mainly to nouns

名录 (w)

(mínglù) directory

名录服务 (w)

(mínglùfúwù) name service

名表 (w)

(míngbiǎo) famous watch (i.e. expensive brand of wristwatch)

名门 (w)

(míngmén) famous family; prestigious house

名门望族 (w)

(míngménwàngzú) offspring a famous family (idiom); good breeding; blue blood

名间 (w)

(míngjiān) Mingjian or Mingchien township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan

名间乡 (w)

(míngjiānxiāng) Mingjian or Mingchien township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan

名缰利锁 (w)

(míngjiānglìsuǒ) lit. fettered by fame and locked up by riches (idiom); tied down by reputation and wealth; the victim of one's own success

名额 (w)

(míngé) fixed number of people; quota

名驰遐迩 (w)

(míngchíxiáěr) To have one's fame spread far and wide. (idiom)