
(tǔ) to spit; to put; to say


(tù) to vomit; to throw up

吐口 (w)

(tǔkǒu) to spit; fig. to spit out (a request, an agreement etc)

吐司 (w)

(tǔsī) toast (loanword)

吐字 (w)

(tǔzì) diction; enunciation; to pronounce the words correctly (in opera)

吐故纳新 (w)

(tǔgùnàxīn) lit. to breathe out stale air and breathe in fresh (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子); fig. to get rid of the old and bring in the new

吐根 (w)

(tǔgēn) ipecac

吐弃 (w)

(tǔqì) to spurn; to reject

吐气 (w)

(tǔqì) aspirated; to blow off steam

吐沫 (w)

(tùmo) saliva; spittle

吐火罗人 (w)

(tǔhuǒluórén) Tokharian Indo-European people of central Asia; same as 月氏人

吐瓦鲁 (w)

(tǔwǎlǔ) Tuvalu

吐痰 (w)

(tǔtán) to spit; to expectorate

吐穗 (w)

(tǔsuì) to have the ears of grain come up

吐絮 (w)

(tǔxù) cotton boll splits open and reveals its white interior

吐丝自缚 (w)

(tǔsīzìfù) to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising; hoist with his own petard

吐绶鸡 (w)

(tǔshòujī) turkey

吐艳 (w)

(tǔyàn) to burst into bloom

吐苦水 (w)

(tǔkǔshuǐ) to have bitter digestive fluids rising to the mouth; fig. to complain bitterly; to pour out one's sufferings

吐蕃 (w)

(tǔbō) Tubo, old name for Tibet; the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century AD

吐蕃 (w)

(tǔfān) Tubo, ancient name for Tibet; the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century AD

吐蕃王朝 (w)

(tǔbōwángcháo) the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century AD

吐诉 (w)

(tǔsù) to pour forth (one's opinions)

吐谷浑 (w)

(tǔyùhún) Tuyuhun, a Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people; a state in Qinhai in 4th-7th century AD

吐露 (w)

(tǔlù) to tell; to disclose; to reveal

吐鲁番 (w)

(tǔlǔfān) Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tulufan)

吐鲁番地区 (w)

(tǔlǔfāndìqū) Turpan prefecture in Xinjiang

吐鲁番市 (w)

(tǔlǔfānshì) Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tulufan)

吐鲁番盆地 (w)

(tǔlǔfānpéndì) the Turpan depression in Xinjiang