
(qǐ) Qi son of Yu the Great 禹[Yu3], reported founder of the Xia Dynasty 夏朝[Xia4 Chao2] (c. 2070-c. 1600 BC)


(qǐ) to open; to start; to initiate; to enlighten or awaken; to state; to inform

启事 (w)

(qǐshì) announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or website); to post information; a notice

启动 (w)

(qǐdòng) to start (a machine); to set in movement; to launch (an operation); to activate (a plan)

启动作业 (w)

(qǐdòngzuòyè) priming task

启动区 (w)

(qǐdòngqū) boot sector (computing)

启动子 (w)

(qǐdòngzi) promoter

启动技术 (w)

(qǐdòngjìshù) priming technique

启奏 (w)

(qǐzòu) to submit a report to the king; to talk to the king

启德机场 (w)

(qǐdéjīchǎng) Kai Tak Airport

启应祈祷 (w)

(qǐyìngqídǎo) Introitus (section of Catholic mass)

启明 (w)

(qǐmíng) classical Chinese name for planet Venus in the east before dawn

启明星 (w)

(qǐmíngxīng) (astronomy) Venus

启东 (w)

(qǐdōng) Qidong county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu

启东市 (w)

(qǐdōngshì) Qidong county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu

启用 (w)

(qǐyòng) start using; enable (as in 'enable a feature')

启发 (w)

(qǐfā) to enlighten; to explain and arouse interest; to inspire; inspiration; heuristic (attributively); to teach; CL:個|个[ge4]

启发式 (w)

(qǐfāshì) heuristic

启发法 (w)

(qǐfāfǎ) heuristic method; heuristics

启蒙 (w)

(qǐméng) variant of 啟蒙|启蒙[qi3 meng2]; to instruct the young

启蒙专制君主 (w)

(qǐméngzhuānzhìjūnzhǔ) enlightened dictatorship

启示 (w)

(qǐshì) enlightenment; revelation; apocalypse

启示者 (w)

(qǐshìzhě) revelator

启示录 (w)

(qǐshìlù) the Revelation of St John the divine; the Apocalypse

启程 (w)

(qǐchéng) to set out on a journey

启航 (w)

(qǐháng) (of a ship) to set sail; (of an aeroplane) to take off; also written 起航[qi3 hang2]

启蒙 (w)

(qǐméng) to instruct the young; to initiate; to awake sb from ignorance; to free sb from prejudice or superstition; primer; enlightened; the Enlightenment; Western learning from the late Qing dynasty

启蒙主义 (w)

(qǐméngzhǔyì) Enlightenment (philosophy)

启蛰 (w)

(qǐzhé) Waking from Hibernation; old variant of 驚蟄|惊蛰, Insects Wake, 3rd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 6th-20th March

启迪 (w)

(qǐdí) to edify; enlightenment

启齿 (w)

(qǐchǐ) to open one's mouth; to start talking