
(chuī) to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through

吹干 (w)

(chuīgān) to blow-dry

吹了 (w)

(chuīle) failed; busted; to have not succeeded; to have died; to have parted company; to have chilled (of a relationship)

吹冷风 (w)

(chuīlěngfēng) to blow cold; damping expectations by discouraging or realistic words

吹口哨 (w)

(chuīkǒushào) whistle

吹吹拍拍 (w)

(chuīchuīpāipāi) to boast and flatter

吹喇叭 (w)

(chuīlǎba) to praise sb; lit. blowing the trumpet

吹嘘 (w)

(chuīxū) to brag

吹奏 (w)

(chuīzòu) to play (wind instruments)

吹孔 (w)

(chuīkǒng) (of a musical instrument) blow hole

吹拂 (w)

(chuīfú) to brush; to caress (of breeze); to praise

吹捧 (w)

(chuīpěng) to flatter; to laud sb's accomplishments; adulation

吹散 (w)

(chuīsàn) to disperse

吹毛求疵 (w)

(chuīmáoqiúcī) lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect (idiom); fig. to be fastidious; nitpick

吹气 (w)

(chuīqì) to blow air (into)

吹灰 (w)

(chuīhuī) to blow away dust

吹灰之力 (w)

(chuīhuīzhīlì) as easy as pie

吹熄 (w)

(chuīxī) to blow out (a flame)

吹牛 (w)

(chuīniú) to talk big; to shoot off one's mouth; to chat (dialect)

吹竽手 (w)

(chuīyúshǒu) player of the yu 竽 (free reed mouth organ)

吹笛者 (w)

(chuīdízhě) piper

吹管 (w)

(chuīguǎn) blowpipe

吹管乐 (w)

(chuīguǎnyuè) woodwind music

吹箫 (w)

(chuīxiāo) to play the xiao 箫 (mouth organ); to beg while playing pipes; cf politician Wu Zixu 伍子胥, c. 520 BC destitute refugee in Wu town, 吳市吹簫|吴市吹箫; to busk; virtuoso piper wins a beauty, cf 玉人吹箫; fellatio (oral sex); a blowjob

吹箫乞食 (w)

(chuīxiāoqǐshí) to beg while playing the xiao 箫 (mouth organ); cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥, destitute refugee from Chu 楚, busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician

吹糠见米 (w)

(chuīkāngjiànmǐ) instant results; lit. blow the husk and see the rice

吹叶机 (w)

(chuīyèjī) leaf blower (machine)

吹号 (w)

(chuīhào) to blow a brass instrument

吹袭 (w)

(chuīxí) storm struck; to attack (of wind)

吹风机 (w)

(chuīfēngjī) hair dryer