
(mìng) life; fate; order or command; to assign a name, title etc

命不久已 (w)

(mìngbùjiǔyǐ) at death's door

命中 (w)

(mìngzhòng) to hit (a target)

命中率 (w)

(mìngzhònglǜ) hit rate; scoring rate

命中注定 (w)

(mìngzhōngzhùdìng) decreed by fate (idiom); destined; fated

命令 (w)

(mìnglìng) order; command; CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]

命危 (w)

(mìngwēi) critical; life threatening (medicine)

命名 (w)

(mìngmíng) to give a name to; to dub; to christen; to designate; named after; naming

命名作业 (w)

(mìngmíngzuòyè) naming task

命名法 (w)

(mìngmíngfǎ) nomenclature

命名系统 (w)

(mìngmíngxìtǒng) system of nomenclature

命在旦夕 (w)

(mìngzàidànxī) to be at death’s door (idiom)

命案 (w)

(mìngàn) fatal case (legal, criminal, medical etc)

命理学 (w)

(mìnglǐxué) numerology

命盘 (w)

(mìngpán) natal chart (astrology)

命相 (w)

(mìngxiàng) horoscope

命脉 (w)

(mìngmài) lifeline

命赴黄泉 (w)

(mìngfùhuángquán) to visit the Yellow Springs; to die

命途 (w)

(mìngtú) the course of one's life; one's fate

命途坎坷 (w)

(mìngtúkǎnkě) to have a tough life; to meet much adversity in one's life

命运 (w)

(mìngyùn) fate; destiny; CL:個|个[ge4]

命运注定 (w)

(mìngyùnzhùdìng) ordain

命题 (w)

(mìngtí) proposition; to assign an essay topic

命题逻辑 (w)

(mìngtíluóji) propositional logic