
(zēng) to increase; to expand; to add

增三和弦 (w)

(zēngsānhéxián) augmented triad (musical chord)

增值 (w)

(zēngzhí) to appreciate (financially); to increase in value; value-added (accountancy)

增值税 (w)

(zēngzhíshuì) value-added tax (VAT)

增光 (w)

(zēngguāng) to add luster; to add glory

增兵 (w)

(zēngbīng) to reinforce; to increase troop numbers; reinforcements; extra troops

增刊 (w)

(zēngkān) additional publication; supplement (to a newspaper)

增删 (w)

(zēngshān) add and delete

增加 (w)

(zēngjiā) to raise; to increase

增加值 (w)

(zēngjiāzhí) value added (accountancy)

增城 (w)

(zēngchéng) Zengcheng county level city in Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1], Guangdong

增城市 (w)

(zēngchéngshì) Zengcheng county level city in Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1], Guangdong

增塑剂 (w)

(zēngsùjì) plasticizer

增压 (w)

(zēngyā) to pressurize; to boost; to supercharge

增多 (w)

(zēngduō) to increase; to grow in number

增大 (w)

(zēngdà) to enlarge; to amplify; to magnify

增幅 (w)

(zēngfú) growth rate; amplification

增广 (w)

(zēngguǎng) to widen

增强 (w)

(zēngqiáng) to increase; to strengthen

增援 (w)

(zēngyuán) to reinforce

增殖 (w)

(zēngzhí) growth; increase

增殖反应堆 (w)

(zēngzhífǎnyìngduī) breeder reactor

增添 (w)

(zēngtiān) to add; to increase

增减 (w)

(zēngjiǎn) to add or subtract; to increase or decrease; to go up or go down

增温层 (w)

(zēngwēncéng) thermosphere; ionosphere

增生 (w)

(zēngshēng) growth (of organism); proliferation; supernumerary candidate (in imperial examation system)

增产 (w)

(zēngchǎn) to increase production

增白剂 (w)

(zēngbáijì) whitener; whitening agent

增益 (w)

(zēngyì) to increase; gain (electronics)

增稠 (w)

(zēngchóu) to thicken

增稠剂 (w)

(zēngchóujì) thickener

增补 (w)

(zēngbǔ) to augment; to supplement; to add

增订 (w)

(zēngdìng) revise and enlarge

增订本 (w)

(zēngdìngběn) revised and enlarged edition

增设 (w)

(zēngshè) to add sth new

增速 (w)

(zēngsù) to speed up; to accelerate; growth rate (economics)

增进 (w)

(zēngjìn) to promote; to enhance; to further; to advance (a cause etc)

增量 (w)

(zēngliàng) increment

增量参数 (w)

(zēngliàngcānshù) incremental parameter

增长 (w)

(zēngzhǎng) to grow; to increase

增长天 (w)

(zēngzhǎngtiān) Virudhaka (one of the Heavenly Kings)

增长率 (w)

(zēngzhǎnglǜ) growth rate (esp. in economics)

增防 (w)

(zēngfáng) to reinforce defenses

增高 (w)

(zēnggāo) to heighten; to raise; to increase; to rise