
(zhuàng) Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the PRC's second most numerous ethnic group; Zhuang: Bouxcuengh


(zhuàng) to strengthen; strong; robust

壮丁 (w)

(zhuàngdīng) able-bodied man (capable of fighting in a war)

壮围 (w)

(zhuàngwéi) Zhuangwei or Chuangwei township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan

壮围乡 (w)

(zhuàngwéixiāng) Zhuangwei or Chuangwei township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan

壮士 (w)

(zhuàngshì) hero; fighter; brave strong guy; warrior (in armor)

壮大 (w)

(zhuàngdà) to expand; to strengthen

壮年 (w)

(zhuàngnián) lit. robust years; prime of life; summer; able-bodied (fit for military service); mature (talent, garden etc)

壮志 (w)

(zhuàngzhì) great goal; magnificent aspiration

壮族 (w)

(zhuàngzú) Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the PRC's second most numerous ethnic group; Zhuang: Bouxcuengh

壮烈 (w)

(zhuàngliè) brave; heroic

壮美 (w)

(zhuàngměi) magnificent

壮举 (w)

(zhuàngjǔ) magnificent feat; impressive feat; heroic undertaking; heroic attempt

壮观 (w)

(zhuàngguān) spectacular; magnificent sight

壮语 (w)

(zhuàngyǔ) Zhuang language; language of the Zhuang ethnic group 壯族|壮族[Zhuang4 zu2] of Guangxi

壮语 (w)

(zhuàngyǔ) magnificent talk; exaggeration

壮起胆子 (w)

(zhuàngqǐdǎnzi) to proceed with sth even though scared; to put on a brave face

壮丽 (w)

(zhuànglì) magnificence; magnificent; majestic; glorious