
(shēng) sound; voice; tone; noise; classifier for sounds

声价 (w)

(shēngjià) reputation

声势 (w)

(shēngshì) fame and power; prestige; influence; impetus; momentum

声卡 (w)

(shēngkǎ) sound card

声名 (w)

(shēngmíng) reputation; declaration

声名大震 (w)

(shēngmíngdàzhèn) to create a sensation

声名狼藉 (w)

(shēngmínglángjí) to have a bad reputation

声呐 (w)

(shēngnà) sonar

声囊 (w)

(shēngnáng) vocal sac; vocal pouch (for vocal amplification in male frogs)

声学 (w)

(shēngxué) acoustics

声带 (w)

(shēngdài) vocal cords; vocal folds; (motion picture) soundtrack

声张 (w)

(shēngzhāng) to make public; to disclose

声息 (w)

(shēngxī) sound (often with negative, not a sound); whisper

声情并茂 (w)

(shēngqíngbìngmào) (of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expression (idiom)

声押 (w)

(shēngyā) to apply to a court for an arrest warrant

声援 (w)

(shēngyuán) to support (a cause)

声旁 (w)

(shēngpáng) phonetic component of Chinese character

声旁字 (w)

(shēngpángzì) character serving as sound value of another character; phonetic

声旁错误 (w)

(shēngpángcuòwù) phonological error

声明 (w)

(shēngmíng) statement; declaration; CL:項|项[xiang4],份[fen4]

声明书 (w)

(shēngmíngshū) statement

声望 (w)

(shēngwàng) popularity; prestige

声东击西 (w)

(shēngdōngjīxī) to make a declaration for the east and strike to the west; to misdirect

声乐 (w)

(shēngyuè) vocal music

声母 (w)

(shēngmǔ) consonant; the initial consonant (of a Chinese syllable)

声气 (w)

(shēngqì) voice; tone

声波 (w)

(shēngbō) sound wave

声波定位 (w)

(shēngbōdìngwèi) sonic location system (esp. underwater sonar); acoustic positioning

声浪 (w)

(shēnglàng) clamor

声称 (w)

(shēngchēng) to claim; to state; to proclaim; to assert

声纳 (w)

(shēngnà) sonar (sound navigation and ranging)

声色场所 (w)

(shēngsèchǎngsuǒ) red-light district

声言 (w)

(shēngyán) profess; pronouncement; declare; declaration

声讨 (w)

(shēngtǎo) to denounce; to condemn

声说 (w)

(shēngshuō) to narrate

声调 (w)

(shēngdiào) tone; note; a tone (on a Chinese syllable); CL:個|个[ge4]

声调的调值 (w)

(shēngdiàodediàozhí) pitch of tones

声调语言 (w)

(shēngdiàoyǔyán) tonal language (e.g. Chinese or Vietnamese)

声调轮廓 (w)

(shēngdiàolúnkuò) tone contour

声请 (w)

(shēngqǐng) to make a formal request; formal request; to make a claim (law)

声誉 (w)

(shēngyù) reputation; fame

声道 (w)

(shēngdào) sound track; audio channel

声门 (w)

(shēngmén) glottis

声音 (w)

(shēngyīn) voice; sound; CL:個|个[ge4]

声韵学 (w)

(shēngyùnxué) phonetics

声响 (w)

(shēngxiǎng) sound; noise

声频 (w)

(shēngpín) audio frequency

声类系统 (w)

(shēnglèixìtǒng) phonetic system