
(xià) the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC; Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432); surname Xia


(xià) summer

夏代 (w)

(xiàdài) Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC

夏令 (w)

(xiàlìng) summer; summer weather

夏令时 (w)

(xiàlìngshí) daylight saving time

夏令营 (w)

(xiàlìngyíng) summer camp

夏利 (w)

(xiàlì) Xiali, car brand by Tianjin FAW Xiali Motor Company

夏商周 (w)

(xiàshāngzhōu) Xia, Shang and Zhou, the earliest named Chinese dynasties

夏士莲 (w)

(xiàshìlián) Hazeline, Unilever range of skin care products

夏天 (w)

(xiàtiān) summer; CL:個|个[ge4]

夏威夷 (w)

(xiàwēiyí) Hawaii, US state

夏威夷岛 (w)

(xiàwēiyídǎo) Hawaii island

夏威夷州 (w)

(xiàwēiyízhōu) Hawai, US state

夏娃 (w)

(xiàwá) Eve

夏季 (w)

(xiàjì) summer

夏州 (w)

(xiàzhōu) old place name (up to Tang), in Hengshan county 橫山縣|横山县, Yulin, Shaanxi

夏敬渠 (w)

(xiàjìngqú) Xia Jingqu (1705-1787), Qing novelist, author of monumental novel Yěsǒu pùyán 野叟曝言 Humble words of a rustic elder

夏日 (w)

(xiàrì) summertime

夏时制 (w)

(xiàshízhì) daylight saving time

夏历 (w)

(xiàlì) the traditional Chinese lunar calendar

夏朝 (w)

(xiàcháo) Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BC)

夏正民 (w)

(xiàzhèngmín) Justice Michael Hartmann (1944-), Hong Kong High Court judge

夏河 (w)

(xiàhé) Xiahe county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu, formerly Amdo province of Tibet

夏河县 (w)

(xiàhéxiàn) Xiahe county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu, formerly Amdo province of Tibet

夏洛克 (w)

(xiàluòkè) Shylock (in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice); Sherlock (name)

夏洛特 (w)

(xiàluòtè) Charlotte (name)

夏洛特・勃良特 (w)

(xiàluòtèbóliángtè) Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855), English novelist, eldest of three Brontë sisters, author of Jane Eyre 簡·愛|简·爱

夏洛特敦 (w)

(xiàluòtèdūn) Charlottetown, capital of Prince Edward Island, Canada

夏洛特阿马利亚 (w)

(xiàluòtèāmǎlìyà) Charlotte Amalie, capital of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI)

夏津 (w)

(xiàjīn) Xiajin county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong

夏津县 (w)

(xiàjīnxiàn) Xiajin county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong

夏尔巴人 (w)

(xiàěrbārén) Sherpa

夏王朝 (w)

(xiàwángcháo) Xia dynasty, unconfirmed but placed at c. 2070-c. 1600 BC

夏目漱石 (w)

(xiàmùshùshí) Natsume Sōseki (1867-1916), one of the first modern Japanese novelist

夏县 (w)

(xiàxiàn) Xia county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi

夏至 (w)

(xiàzhì) Xiazhi or Summer Solstice, 10th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 21st June-6th July

夏至点 (w)

(xiàzhìdiǎn) the summer solstice

夏虫不可以语冰 (w)

(xiàchóngbùkěyǐyǔbīng) A summer insect (which does not live to see winter) cannot talk about ice; to have limited experience and knowledge (idiom)

夏衍 (w)

(xiàyǎn) Xia Yan (1900-1995), Chinese writer, playwright, socialist critic and movie pioneer

夏邑 (w)

(xiàyì) Xiayi county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan

夏邑县 (w)

(xiàyìxiàn) Xiayi county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan

夏黄公 (w)

(xiàhuánggōng) Xia Huanggong also known as Huang Shigong 黃石公|黄石公[Huang2 Shi2 gong1] (dates of birth and death uncertain), Daoist hermit of the Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin2 Dai4] and purported author of ”Three Strategies of Huang Shigong” 黃石公三略|黄石公三略[Huang2 Shi2 gong1 San1 Lu:e4], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1]