
(dà) big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; oldest; eldest


(dài) see 大夫[dai4 fu5]

大一 (w)

(dàyī) first-year university student

大一些 (w)

(dàyīxiē) a bit bigger

大一统 (w)

(dàyītǒng) unification (of the nation); large scale unification

大一统志 (w)

(dàyītǒngzhì) Dayuan Dayi Tongzhi, Yuan dynasty geographical encyclopedia, compiled 1285-1294 under Jamal al-Din 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁 and Yu Yinglong 虞應龍|虞应龙, 755 scrolls

大丈夫能屈能伸 (w)

(dàzhàngfunéngqūnéngshēn) A leader can submit or can stand tall as required.; ready to give and take; flexible

大三 (w)

(dàsān) third-year university student

大三和弦 (w)

(dàsānhéxián) major triad do-mi-so

大三度 (w)

(dàsāndù) major third (musical interval)

大不了 (w)

(dàbùliǎo) at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious; alarming

大不列蹀 (w)

(dàbuliedie) to be too casual or informal

大不列颠 (w)

(dàbùlièdiān) Great Britain

大不相同 (w)

(dàbùxiāngtóng) not at all the same; substantially different

大不里士 (w)

(dàbùlǐshì) Tabriz city in northwest Iran, capital of Iranian East Azerbaijan

大不韪 (w)

(dàbùwěi) great error; heinous crime

大中学生 (w)

(dàzhōngxuésheng) university and high school students

大中华区 (w)

(dàzhōnghuáqū) greater China; refers to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (esp. in finance and economics); refers to all areas of Chinese presence (esp. in the cultural field), including parts of Southeast Asia, Europe and the Americas

大主教 (w)

(dàzhǔjiào) archbishop; primate (of a church); metropolitan

大久保 (w)

(dàjiǔbǎo) Japanese surname and place name Oukubo

大久保利通 (w)

(dàjiǔbǎolìtōng) Oukubo Toshimichi (1830-1878), Japanese politician

大乘 (w)

(dàshèng) Mahayana, the Great Vehicle; Buddhism based on the Mayahana sutras, as spread to Central Asia, China and beyond; also pr. [Da4 cheng2]

大事 (w)

(dàshì) major event; major political event (war or change of regime); major social event (wedding or funeral); (do sth) in a big way; CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1]

大事化小,小事化了 (w)

(dàshìhuàxiǎoxiǎoshìhuàle) to turn big problems into small ones, and small problems into no problems at all

大二 (w)

(dàèr) second-year university student

大五码 (w)

(dàwǔmǎ) Big5 Chinese character coding (developed by Taiwanese companies from 1984)

大五趾跳鼠 (w)

(dàwǔzhǐtiàoshǔ) great jerboa (Allactaga major)

大亚湾 (w)

(dàyàwān) Daya Bay

大亨 (w)

(dàhēng) big shot; top gun; superstar; VIP

大人 (w)

(dàren) adult; grownup; title of respect toward superiors

大仙 (w)

(dàxiān) great immortal

大仲马 (w)

(dàzhòngmǎ) Alexandre Dumas, père

大件 (w)

(dàjiàn) large; bulky

大伙 (w)

(dàhuǒ) everybody; everyone; we all

大伙儿 (w)

(dàhuǒr) erhua variant of 大伙[da4 huo3]

大伯 (w)

(dàbó) husband's older brother; brother-in-law

大伯子 (w)

(dàbǎizi) (coll.) husband's elder brother

大作 (w)

(dàzuò) to make sth big of it; sudden big and impressive event (sound, flash, burst, wind); to exaggerate

大佬 (w)

(dàlǎo) big shot (leading some field or group); godfather

大使 (w)

(dàshǐ) ambassador; envoy; CL:名[ming2],位[wei4]

大使级 (w)

(dàshǐjí) ambassadorial

大使馆 (w)

(dàshǐguǎn) embassy; CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]

大便 (w)

(dàbiàn) to defecate; excrement; feces

大便干燥 (w)

(dàbiàngānzào) constipated

大便秘结 (w)

(dàbiànmìjié) constipation

大侠 (w)

(dàxiá) knight; swordsman; noble warrior

大修 (w)

(dàxiū) overhaul

大修道院 (w)

(dàxiūdàoyuàn) abbey; large monastery or convent

大修道院长 (w)

(dàxiūdàoyuànzhǎng) abbot

大个儿 (w)

(dàgèr) tall person

大伦敦地区 (w)

(dàlúndūndìqū) Greater London; London region, England

大伟 (w)

(dàwěi) David (name)

大伤元气 (w)

(dàshāngyuánqì) to ruin one's constitution

大傻瓜 (w)

(dàshǎguā) a fool; a jerk; lit. a silly big melon

大元大一统志 (w)

(dàyuándàyītǒngzhì) Dayuan Dayi Tongzhi, Yuan dynasty geographical encyclopedia, compiled 1285-1294 under Jamal al-Din 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁 and Yu Yinglong 虞應龍|虞应龙, 755 scrolls

大先知书 (w)

(dàxiānzhīshū) the biblical books of the prophets

大内 (w)

(dànèi) Tanei township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan

大内乡 (w)

(dànèixiāng) Tanei township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan

大全 (w)

(dàquán) all-inclusive; complete; comprehensive collection

大公司 (w)

(dàgōngsī) large company; corporation

大公国 (w)

(dàgōngguó) Grand Duchy

大公国际 (w)

(dàgōngguójì) Dagong Global Credit Rating, credit rating agency based in China

大公报 (w)

(dàgōngbào) Dagong Bao, popular newspaper name; Ta Kung Pao, newspaper founded 1902 in Beijing, now published in Hong Kong

大公无私 (w)

(dàgōngwúsī) the common good above everything without no regard for personal interests (idiom); to behave altruistically; impartial and selfless; just and fair

大冶 (w)

(dàyě) Daye county level city in Huangshi 黃石|黄石[Huang2 shi2], Hubei

大冶市 (w)

(dàyěshì) Daye county level city in Huangshi 黃石|黄石[Huang2 shi2], Hubei

大凡 (w)

(dàfán) generally; in general

大凡粗知 (w)

(dàfáncūzhī) a rough acquaintance with sth

大出其汗 (w)

(dàchūqíhàn) to sweat buckets (idiom)

大刀 (w)

(dàdāo) broadsword; large knife; machete

大刀会 (w)

(dàdāohuì) Great Sword Society, an offshoot of the White Lotus in the late Qing dynasty, involved in anti-Western activity at the time of the Boxer rebellion

大刀阔斧 (w)

(dàdāokuòfǔ) bold and decisive

大分子 (w)

(dàfēnzǐ) macromolecule (chemistry)

大分界岭 (w)

(dàfēnjièlǐng) Great Dividing Range, mountain range in Eastern Australia

大分县 (w)

(dàfēnxiàn) Ōita prefecture, Japan

大别山 (w)

(dàbiéshān) Dabie mountain range on the borders of Henan, Anhui and Hubei provinces

大利拉 (w)

(dàlìlā) Delilah (person name)

大剌剌 (w)

(dàlàlà) pompous; with a swagger; casual

大前提 (w)

(dàqiántí) major premise

大剪刀 (w)

(dàjiǎndāo) shears; large scissors; secateurs

大副 (w)

(dàfù) substantially; by a big amount

大力 (w)

(dàlì) energetically; vigorously

大力士 (w)

(dàlìshì) strong man; brute force; Hercules

大力发展 (w)

(dàlìfāzhǎn) vigorous expansion; rapid development

大力神 (w)

(dàlìshén) Titan

大功 (w)

(dàgōng) great merit; great service

大功告成 (w)

(dàgōnggàochéng) successfully accomplished (project or goal); to be highly successful

大加那利岛 (w)

(dàjiānàlìdǎo) Gran Canaria (in the Canary islands)

大勇若怯 (w)

(dàyǒngruòqiè) a great hero may appear timid (idiom); the really brave person remains level-headed

大勇若怯,大智若愚 (w)

(dàyǒngruòqièdàzhìruòyú) a great hero may appear timid, the wise may appear stupid (idiom); the general public may not recognize great talent

大动脉 (w)

(dàdòngmài) main artery (blood vessel); fig. main highway; arterial road

大胜 (w)

(dàshèng) great victory

大势所趋 (w)

(dàshìsuǒqū) general trend; irresistible trend

大势至菩萨 (w)

(dàshìzhìpúsà) Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, the Great Strength Bodhisattva

大包大揽 (w)

(dàbāodàlǎn) to take complete charge (idiom)

大化瑶族自治县 (w)

(dàhuàyáozúzìzhìxiàn) Dahua Yao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi

大化县 (w)

(dàhuàxiàn) Dahua Yao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi

大半 (w)

(dàbàn) more than half; greater part; most; probably; most likely

大卡 (w)

(dàkǎ) kilocalorie

大印 (w)

(dàyìn) stamp; official seal

大叔 (w)

(dàshū) uncle

大口 (w)

(dàkǒu) big mouthful (of food, drink, smoke etc); open mouth; gulping; gobbling; gaping

大口径 (w)

(dàkǒujìng) large caliber

大可不必 (w)

(dàkěbùbì) need not; unnecessary

大司农 (w)

(dāsīnóng) Grand Minister of Agriculture in Imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]

大吃 (w)

(dàchī) to gorge oneself; to pig out

大吃一惊 (w)

(dàchīyījīng) to have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled; gobsmacked

大吃二喝 (w)

(dàchīèrhē) to eat and drink extravagantly; to binge

大吃大喝 (w)

(dàchīdàhē) to eat and drink as much as one likes; to make a pig of oneself

大吃苦头 (w)

(dàchīkǔtou) to suffer; to suffer for one's actions; to pay dearly; to burn one's fingers

大吉 (w)

(dàjí) very auspicious; extremely lucky

大吉大利 (w)

(dàjídàlì) great luck, great profit (idiom); everything is thriving

大同 (w)

(dàtóng) Datong or Great community in neo-Confucian philosophy, sim. New Jerusalem; Datong or Tatung district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan; Datong prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西; Datong or Tatung township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan

大同区 (w)

(dàtóngqū) Datong or Tatung district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan; Datong district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang

大同小异 (w)

(dàtóngxiǎoyì) virtually the same; differing only on small points

大同市 (w)

(dàtóngshì) Datong prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西

大同县 (w)

(dàtóngxiàn) Datong county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi

大同乡 (w)

(dàtóngxiāng) Datong or Tatung township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan

大同乡 (w)

(dàtóngxiāng) person from the same province

大名 (w)

(dàmíng) Daming county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei

大名 (w)

(dàmíng) great name; your name (honorary); one's formal personal name

大名县 (w)

(dàmíngxiàn) Daming county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei

大名鼎鼎 (w)

(dàmíngdǐngdǐng) grand reputation; renowned; famous

大吞噬细胞 (w)

(dàtūnshìxìbāo) macrophage

大吵大闹 (w)

(dàchǎodànào) to shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fuss; to make a scene

大吹大擂 (w)

(dàchuīdàléi) make an exhibition of oneself; ostentation

大呼小叫 (w)

(dàhūxiǎojiào) to shout and quarrel; to make a big fuss

大呼拉尔 (w)

(dàhūlāěr) State Great Khural or Great State Assembly, Mongolian parliament

大和 (w)

(dàhé) Yamato (possibly 3rd century AD), Japanese state before written records began in 7th century AD, its real dating is controversial

大员 (w)

(dàyuán) high official

大哥 (w)

(dàgē) eldest brother

大哥大 (w)

(dàgēdà) mobile phone; cell phone (old usage)

大哭 (w)

(dàkū) to cry loudly

大唐 (w)

(dàtáng) the Tang dynasty (618-907)

大唐狄公案 (w)

(dàtángdígōngàn) Three murder cases solved by Judge Dee (lit. the Tang dynasty Di Renji case), 1949 novel by R.H. van Gulik featuring Tang dynasty politician Di Renjie 狄仁傑|狄仁杰[Di2 Ren2 jie2] as master sleuth

大唐西域记 (w)

(dàtángxīyùjì) Report of the regions west of Great Tang; travel record of Xuan Zang 玄奘

大喊 (w)

(dàhǎn) to shout

大喊大叫 (w)

(dàhǎndàjiào) shouting and screaming (idiom); to scream loudly; to rant; to kick up a racket; to conduct vigorous propaganda

大喜 (w)

(dàxǐ) exultation

大喜过望 (w)

(dàxǐguòwàng) overjoyed at unexpected good news (idiom)

大嗓 (w)

(dàsǎng) loud voice

大器晚成 (w)

(dàqìwǎnchéng) lit. it takes a long time to make a big pot (idiom); fig. a great talent matures slowly; in the fullness of time a major figure will develop into a pillar of the state; Rome wasn't built in a day

大四 (w)

(dàsì) fourth-year university student

大国 (w)

(dàguó) a power (i.e. a dominant country)

大国家党 (w)

(dàguójiādǎng) South Korean Grand national party

大园 (w)

(dàyuán) Dayuan or Tayuan township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan

大园乡 (w)

(dàyuánxiāng) Dayuan or Tayuan township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan

大圆 (w)

(dàyuán) great circle (in spherical geometry)

大圆圈 (w)

(dàyuánquān) great circle (in spherical geometry)

大地 (w)

(dàdì) earth; mother earth

大地主 (w)

(dàdìzhǔ) a large landowner

大地之歌 (w)

(dàdìzhīgē) Song of the Earth; Das Lied von der Erde

大地图 (w)

(dàdìtú) atlas

大地洞 (w)

(dàdìdòng) cavern

大地测量学 (w)

(dàdìcèliángxué) geodesy

大地线 (w)

(dàdìxiàn) a geodesic (curve)

大地震 (w)

(dàdìzhèn) great earthquake

大坂 (w)

(dàbǎn) old name for Ōsaka 大阪 (city in Japan), changed in the beginning of the Meiji 明治 Era because 坂 could, if the radicals were read separately, be interpreted as "(will) return to soil"

大坑 (w)

(dàkēng) Tai Hang District, Hong Kong

大型 (w)

(dàxíng) large; large-scale

大型企业 (w)

(dàxíngqǐyè) large scale industry; major industry

大型强子对撞机 (w)

(dàxíngqiángzǐduìzhuàngjī) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

大城 (w)

(dàchéng) Dacheng county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei; Tacheng township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan

大城市 (w)

(dàchéngshì) major city; big city; metropolis; large city

大城县 (w)

(dàchéngxiàn) Dacheng county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei

大城乡 (w)

(dàchéngxiāng) Tacheng township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan

大埔 (w)

(dàbù) Dabu county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong; Tai Po district of New Territories, Hong Kong; Dabu or Tabu township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan

大埔县 (w)

(dàbùxiàn) Dabu county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong

大埔乡 (w)

(dàbùxiāng) Dabu or Tabu township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan

大埤 (w)

(dàpí) Dapi or Tapi township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan

大埤乡 (w)

(dàpíxiāng) Dapi or Tapi township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan

大堂 (w)

(dàtáng) lobby

大堡礁 (w)

(dàbǎojiāo) Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia

大场鸫 (w)

(dàchǎngdōng) OHBA Tsugumi (pen-name), author of cult series Death Note 死亡筆記|死亡笔记[si3 wang2 bi3 ji4]

大块朵颐 (w)

(dàkuàiduǒyí) to chew on a large slab (idiom); a large mouthful is hard to chew; to tuck into a great meal

大块头 (w)

(dàkuàitóu) heavy man; fat man; lunkhead; lummox; lug

大坏蛋 (w)

(dàhuàidàn) scoundrel; bastard

大坝 (w)

(dàbà) dam

大夏 (w)

(dàxià) ancient kingdom at Khotan 和田 in modern Xinjiang

大多 (w)

(dàduō) for the most part; many; most; the greater part; mostly

大多数 (w)

(dàduōshù) (great) majority

大多数人 (w)

(dàduōshùrén) most people; the majority of people

大夥 (w)

(dàhuǒ) variant of 大伙[da4 huo3]

大大 (w)

(dàdà) greatly; enormously; uncle

大大咧咧 (w)

(dàdàliēliē) carefree; offhand; casual

大大小小 (w)

(dàdàxiǎoxiǎo) large and small, of all sizes

大大方方 (w)

(dàdàfāngfāng) confident; calm; natural; poised

大夫 (w)

(dàifu) doctor; minister of state (in pre-Han states); CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

大失所望 (w)

(dàshīsuǒwàng) greatly disappointed

大夼 (w)

(dàkuǎng) Dakuang township in Laiyang 萊陽|莱阳, Yantai, Shandong

大夼镇 (w)

(dàkuǎngzhèn) Dakuang township in Laying 莱阳, Yantai, Shandong

大姐 (w)

(dàjiě) big sister; elder sister; older sister (also polite term of address for a girl or woman slightly older than the speaker)

大姑 (w)

(dàgū) father's oldest sister; husband's older sister; sister-in-law

大姚 (w)

(dàyáo) Dayao county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan

大姚县 (w)

(dàyáoxiàn) Dayao county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan

大姨 (w)

(dàyí) (informal) wife's elder sister; sister-in-law

大姨子 (w)

(dàyízi) sister-in-law; wife's older sister

大娘 (w)

(dàniáng) (informal) father's older brother's wife; aunt (polite address)

大媒 (w)

(dàméi) matchmaker

大媒体 (w)

(dàméitǐ) macromedia

大妈 (w)

(dàmā) father's elder brother's wife; aunt (affectionate term for an elderly woman)

大嫂 (w)

(dàsǎo) older brother's wife; sister-in-law; elder sister (respectful appellation for an older married woman)

大字报 (w)

(dàzìbào) big-character poster

大学 (w)

(dàxué) the Great Learning, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Si4 shu1] in Confucianism

大学 (w)

(dàxué) university; college; CL:所[suo3]

大学城 (w)

(dàxuéchéng) university city

大学本科 (w)

(dàxuéběnkē) university undergraduate course

大学生 (w)

(dàxuéshēng) university student; college student

大学预科 (w)

(dàxuéyùkē) university preparatory course

大宇 (w)

(dàyǔ) Daewoo (Korean conglomerate)

大安 (w)

(dàān) Da'an or Ta'an district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan; Ta'an township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan; Da'an county level city in Baicheng 白城, Jilin

大安区 (w)

(dàānqū) Da'an or Ta'an district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan; Da'an district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan; Ta'an township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大安市 (w)

(dàānshì) Da'an county level city in Baicheng 白城, Jilin

大安的列斯 (w)

(dàāndìlièsī) Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago

大安的列斯群岛 (w)

(dàāndìlièsīqúndǎo) Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago

大安乡 (w)

(dàānxiāng) Ta'an township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大宗 (w)

(dàzōng) large amount; staple; influential family of long standing

大宛 (w)

(dàyuān) ancient state of south west Asia

大客车 (w)

(dàkèchē) coach

大家 (w)

(dàjiā) everyone; influential family; great expert

大容量 (w)

(dàróngliàng) high capacity

大富大贵 (w)

(dàfùdàguì) very rich; millionaire

大富翁 (w)

(dàfùwēng) Monopoly (game); known as 地產大亨|地产大亨[Di4 chan3 Da4 heng1] in Taiwan

大寒 (w)

(dàhán) Great Cold, 24th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 20th January-3rd February

大宁 (w)

(dàníng) Daning county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi

大宁县 (w)

(dàníngxiàn) Daning county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi

大寨 (w)

(dàzhài) Dazhai

大写 (w)

(dàxiě) capital letters; uppercase letters; block letters; banker's anti-fraud numerals

大写字母 (w)

(dàxiězìmǔ) capital letters; uppercase letters

大写锁定 (w)

(dàxiěsuǒdìng) caps lock

大寮 (w)

(dàliáo) Taliao township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

大寮乡 (w)

(dàliáoxiāng) Taliao township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

大宝 (w)

(dàbǎo) Taiho (era)

大寺院 (w)

(dàsìyuàn) abbey; large monastery

大将 (w)

(dàjiàng) a general or admiral

大将军 (w)

(dàjiāngjūn) important general; generalissimo

大专 (w)

(dàzhuān) three-year college; junior college; professional training college

大尉 (w)

(dàwèi) captain (army rank); senior captain

大小 (w)

(dàxiǎo) dimension; magnitude; size; measurement; large and small; at any rate; adults and children; consideration of seniority

大小三度 (w)

(dàxiǎosāndù) major and minor third (musical interval)

大小便 (w)

(dàxiǎobiàn) using the toilet; urination and defecation

大小姐 (w)

(dàxiǎojie) eldest daughter of an affluent family; (polite) your daughter; bossy or indulged young woman; Miss High and Mighty

大小写 (w)

(dàxiǎoxiě) capitals and lower case letters

大局 (w)

(dàjú) general situation; present conditions

大屠杀 (w)

(dàtúshā) massacre; Holocaust

大屠杀事件 (w)

(dàtúshāshìjiàn) massacre; Holocaust

大屯火山 (w)

(dàtúnhuǒshān) Mt Tatun, volcanic area to the north of Taipei

大山 (w)

(dàshān) Dashan, stage name of Canadian Mark Henry Rowswell (1965-), actor and well-known TV personality in PRC

大山谷州立大学 (w)

(dàshāngǔzhōulìdàxué) Grand Valley State University (Michigan), USA

大山猫 (w)

(dàshānmāo) Lynx rufus

大峡谷 (w)

(dàxiágǔ) great valley; Grand Canyon of Colorado River

大屿山 (w)

(dàyǔshān) Lantau Island

大巴 (w)

(dàbā) a big coach; tourist bus

大师 (w)

(dàshī) great master; master

大幅 (w)

(dàfú) a big margin; substantially

大幅度 (w)

(dàfúdù) by a wide margin; substantial

大度包容 (w)

(dàdùbāoróng) extreme tolerance; generous and forgiving

大庭广众 (w)

(dàtíngguǎngzhòng) public place with numerous people

大庸 (w)

(dàyōng) Dayong, former name of Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hunan

大庾岭 (w)

(dàyǔlǐng) Dayu mountain range between southwest Jiangxi and Guangdong

大厦 (w)

(dàshà) large building; edifice; mansion; CL:座[zuo4]

大厦将倾 (w)

(dàshàjiāngqīng) great mansion on the verge of collapse (idiom); hopeless situation

大厂 (w)

(dàchǎng) Dachang Hui autonomous county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei

大厂回族自治县 (w)

(dàchǎnghuízúzìzhìxiàn) Dachang Hui autonomous county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei

大厂县 (w)

(dàchǎngxiàn) Dachang Hui autonomous county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei

大厅 (w)

(dàtīng) hall; lounge

大张挞伐 (w)

(dàzhāngtàfá) to attack on a grand scale

大张旗鼓 (w)

(dàzhāngqígǔ) fanfare

大张声势 (w)

(dàzhāngshēngshì) to spread one's voice wide (idiom); wide publicity

大后天 (w)

(dàhòutiān) three days from now; day after day after tomorrow

大后年 (w)

(dàhòunián) three years from now; year after year after next year

大彻大悟 (w)

(dàchèdàwù) to achieve supreme enlightenment or nirvana (Buddhism)

大志 (w)

(dàzhì) high aims

大忙人 (w)

(dàmángrén) busy bee; very busy person

大快人心 (w)

(dàkuàirénxīn) to the satisfaction of everyone

大快朵颐 (w)

(dàkuàiduǒyí) to gorge oneself; to eat heartily (idiom)

大怒 (w)

(dànù) angry; indignant

大悟 (w)

(dàwù) Dawu county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei

大悟县 (w)

(dàwùxiàn) Dawu county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei

大惑不解 (w)

(dàhuòbùjiě) do not understand a certain thing

大意 (w)

(dàyì) general idea; main idea

大意 (w)

(dàyi) careless

大愚 (w)

(dàyú) idiot; ignorant fool

大慈恩寺 (w)

(dàcíēnsì) Daci'en Buddhist temple in Xi'an

大庆 (w)

(dàqìng) Daqing prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China

大庆市 (w)

(dàqìngshì) Daqing prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China

大憝 (w)

(dàduì) archenemy; chief enemy

大宪章 (w)

(dàxiànzhāng) Magna Carta

大戟科 (w)

(dàjǐkē) Euphorbiaceae (plant family including rubber and cassava)

大战 (w)

(dàzhàn) great war

大户 (w)

(dàhù) great family; rich family; large landlord; conspicuous spender or consumer

大手大脚 (w)

(dàshǒudàjiǎo) extravagant (idiom); to throw away money by the handful; wasteful

大才小用 (w)

(dàcáixiǎoyòng) lit. making little use of great talent; to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut

大批 (w)

(dàpī) large quantities of

大投资家 (w)

(dàtóuzījiā) big investor

大抵 (w)

(dàdǐ) in all

大拇指 (w)

(dàmuzhǐ) Tom Thumb (small person in folk tales)

大拇指 (w)

(dàmuzhǐ) thumb

大括弧 (w)

(dàkuòhú) square brackets

大括号 (w)

(dàkuòhào) braces; curly brackets { }

大指 (w)

(dàzhǐ) first (index) finger; big toe

大捕头 (w)

(dàbǔtóu) head constable

大提琴 (w)

(dàtíqín) cello; violoncello; CL:把[ba3]

大提琴手 (w)

(dàtíqínshǒu) cellist

大摇大摆 (w)

(dàyáodàbǎi) to strut; swaggering

大放光明 (w)

(dàfàngguāngmíng) great release of light (idiom)

大放厥辞 (w)

(dàfàngjuécí) great release of talk (idiom); to spout nonsense

大放悲声 (w)

(dàfàngbēishēng) great release of sorrow; to burst into tears

大放异彩 (w)

(dàfàngyìcǎi) to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment); to demonstrate extraordinary talent or skill

大政翼賛会 (w)

(dàzhèngyìzànhuì) Taisei Yokusankai, Japanese fascist organization created in 1940

大败 (w)

(dàbài) to defeat; to inflict a defeat on sb

大教堂 (w)

(dàjiàotáng) cathedral

大敌当前 (w)

(dàdídāngqián) facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting grave difficulties; Enemy at the Gates, 1991 movie by Jean-Jacques Annaud

大数 (w)

(dàshù) Tarsus, Mediterranean city in Turkey, the birthplace of St Paul

大数 (w)

(dàshù) a large number

大数学家 (w)

(dàshùxuéjiā) great mathematician

大文蛤 (w)

(dàwéngé) giant clam; geoduck (Panopea abrupta); elephant trunk clam; same as 象拔蚌[xiang4 ba2 bang4]

大料 (w)

(dàliào) Chinese anise; star anise

大新 (w)

(dàxīn) Daxin county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi

大新县 (w)

(dàxīnxiàn) Daxin county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi

大方 (w)

(dàfāng) expert; scholar; mother earth; a type of green tea

大方 (w)

(dàfang) generous; magnanimous; stylish; in good taste; easy-mannered; natural and relaxed

大方县 (w)

(dàfāngxiàn) Dafang county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou

大于 (w)

(dàyú) greater than; bigger than

大旗 (w)

(dàqí) banner

大日如来 (w)

(dàrìrúlái) Vairocana, Buddha of supreme enlightenment

大明历 (w)

(dàmínglì) the 5th century Chinese calendar established by Zu Chongzhi 祖沖之|祖冲之

大星芹 (w)

(dàxīngqín) great masterwort (Astrantia major)

大昭寺 (w)

(dàzhāosì) Jokhang, main Buddhist temple in Lhasa, a sacred place of Tibetan Buddhism

大智如愚 (w)

(dàzhìrúyú) the wise may appear stupid (idiom); a genius not appreciated in his own time

大智慧 (w)

(dàzhìhuì) great wisdom and knowledge (Buddhism)

大智若愚 (w)

(dàzhìruòyú) great intelligence may appear to be stupidity (idiom)

大暑 (w)

(dàshǔ) Dashu or Great Heat, 12th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd July-6th August

大会 (w)

(dàhuì) general assembly; general meeting; convention; CL:個|个[ge4],屆|届[jie4]

大会报告起草人 (w)

(dàhuìbàogàoqǐcǎorén) rapporteur

大月 (w)

(dàyuè) solar month of 31 days; a lunar month of 30 days

大月支 (w)

(dàyuèzhī) Tokhara; Tokharians (historic people of central Asia)

大月氏 (w)

(dàyuèzhī) Tokhara; Tokharians (historic people of central Asia)

大有 (w)

(dàyǒu) plentiful (e.g. harvest)

大有人在 (w)

(dàyǒurénzài) there are plenty of such people

大有作为 (w)

(dàyǒuzuòwéi) the prospects are very good; sth well worth doing

大有可为 (w)

(dàyǒukěwéi) with great prospects for the future (idiom); well worth doing

大有希望 (w)

(dàyǒuxīwàng) very probably; a very good chance (of success)

大有文章 (w)

(dàyǒuwénzhāng) some deeper meaning in this; more to it than meets the eye; there's sth behind all this

大有裨益 (w)

(dàyǒubìyì) bringing great benefits (idiom); very useful; of great service; to help greatly; to serve one well

大本涅盘经 (w)

(dàběnnièpánjīng) the great Nirvana sutra: every living thing has Buddha nature.

大本营 (w)

(dàběnyíng) headquarters; base camp

大材小用 (w)

(dàcáixiǎoyòng) using a talented person in an insignificant position; a sledgehammer to crack a nut

大村 (w)

(dàcūn) Dacun township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan

大村乡 (w)

(dàcūnxiāng) Dacun township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan

大东 (w)

(dàdōng) Dadong district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning

大东亚共荣圈 (w)

(dàdōngyàgòngróngquān) Great East Asia co-prosperity sphere, Japanese wartime slogan for their short-lived Pacific Empire, first enunciated by Prime Minister Prince KONOE Fumimaro 近衛文麿|近卫文麿 in 1938

大东区 (w)

(dàdōngqū) Dadong district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning

大林 (w)

(dàlín) Dalin or Talin town in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan

大林镇 (w)

(dàlínzhèn) Dalin or Talin town in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan

大柴旦 (w)

(dàcháidàn) Da Qaidam county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai

大柴旦行政区 (w)

(dàcháidànxíngzhèngqū) Da Qaidam county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai

大柴旦行政委员会 (w)

(dàcháidànxíngzhèngwěiyuánhuì) Da Qaidam county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai

大柴旦镇 (w)

(dàcháidànzhèn) Da Qaidam town in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai

大校 (w)

(dàxiào) senior ranking officer in Chinese army; senior colonel

大根兰 (w)

(dàgēnlán) Cymbidium macrorrhizum Lindl.

大桶 (w)

(dàtǒng) barrel; vat

大梁 (w)

(dàliáng) capital of Wei 魏 during Warring states; CL:根[gen1]

大条 (w)

(dàtiáo) poop; shit

大棒 (w)

(dàbàng) big-stick

大业 (w)

(dàyè) great cause; great undertaking

大概 (w)

(dàgài) roughly; probably; rough; approximate; about

大楼 (w)

(dàlóu) large building; CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]

大样 (w)

(dàyàng) arrogant; full-page proofs (of newspaper); detailed drawing

大树 (w)

(dàshù) Tashu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

大树菠萝 (w)

(dàshùbōluó) jackfruit

大树乡 (w)

(dàshùxiāng) Tashu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

大桥 (w)

(dàqiáo) Da Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China

大桥 (w)

(dàqiáo) great bridge

大权 (w)

(dàquán) power; authority

大权在握 (w)

(dàquánzàiwò) to be in a position of power

大款 (w)

(dàkuǎn) very wealthy person

大正 (w)

(dàzhèng) Taishō, reign name 1912-1926 of Japanese emperor Yoshihito 嘉仁

大步 (w)

(dàbù) large strides

大步流星 (w)

(dàbùliúxīng) at a stride; taking large steps (while walking)

大步走 (w)

(dàbùzǒu) stride

大武 (w)

(dàwǔ) Dawu or Tawu township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan

大武口 (w)

(dàwǔkǒu) Dawukou district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia

大武口区 (w)

(dàwǔkǒuqū) Dawukou district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia

大武乡 (w)

(dàwǔxiāng) Dawu or Tawu township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan

大杀风景 (w)

(dàshàfēngjǐng) to be a blot on the landscape; to dampen spirits; to spoil the fun; to be a wet blanket

大殿 (w)

(dàdiàn) main hall of a Buddhist temple

大比目鱼 (w)

(dàbǐmùyú) halibut

大氅 (w)

(dàchǎng) overcoat; cloak; cape; CL:件[jian4]

大气 (w)

(dàqì) atmosphere; heavy breathing; magnanimity

大气候 (w)

(dàqìhòu) atmosphere

大气儿 (w)

(dàqìr) erhua variant of 大氣|大气[da4 qi4]

大气圈 (w)

(dàqìquān) atmosphere

大气压 (w)

(dàqìyā) atmospheric pressure

大气压力 (w)

(dàqìyālì) atmospheric pressure

大气压强 (w)

(dàqìyāqiáng) atmospheric pressure

大气层 (w)

(dàqìcéng) atmosphere

大气层核试验 (w)

(dàqìcénghéshìyàn) atmospheric nuclear test

大气暖化 (w)

(dàqìnuǎnhuà) atmospheric warming

大气污染 (w)

(dàqìwūrǎn) air pollution; atmospheric pollution

大气环流 (w)

(dàqìhuánliú) atmospheric circulation

大氧吧 (w)

(dàyǎngbā) source of oxygen (of forests and nature reserves); (cliché) lungs of the planet

大水 (w)

(dàshuǐ) flood

大汗 (w)

(dàhàn) sweat; perspiration

大汗淋漓 (w)

(dàhànlínlí) dripping with sweat

大江健三郎 (w)

(dàjiāngjiànsānláng) Oe Kenzaburo (1935-) Japanese novelist and 1994 Nobel laureate

大沙河 (w)

(dàshāhé) Dasha River in Shanxi; Dasha River in Jinagsu

大沙漠 (w)

(dàshāmò) great desert (e.g. the Taklamakan 塔克拉瑪干|塔克拉玛干[Ta3 ke4 la1 ma3 gan4] or Sahara 撒哈拉[Sa1 ha1 la1])

大河 (w)

(dàhé) large river (esp the Yellow River)

大沽口炮台 (w)

(dàgūkǒupàotái) Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back to the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)

大沽炮台 (w)

(dàgūpàotái) Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back to the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)

大法官 (w)

(dàfǎguān) grand justice; high court justice; supreme court justice

大洋 (w)

(dàyáng) oceans; silver yuan

大洋中脊 (w)

(dàyángzhōngjǐ) mid-ocean ridge (geology)

大洋型地壳 (w)

(dàyángxíngdìqiào) oceanic crust (geology)

大洋洲 (w)

(dàyángzhōu) Oceania

大洲 (w)

(dàzhōu) continents

大浦洞 (w)

(dàpǔdòng) Taepodong, North Korean rocket series

大浦洞二 (w)

(dàpǔdòngèr) Taepodong 2, North Korean rocket

大浦洞二号 (w)

(dàpǔdòngèrhào) Taepodong 2, North Korean rocket

大浪 (w)

(dàlàng) billow; surge

大海 (w)

(dàhǎi) sea; ocean

大海捞针 (w)

(dàhǎilāozhēn) lit. to fish a needle from the sea; to find a needle in a haystack (idiom)

大海沟 (w)

(dàhǎigōu) marine trench

大清 (w)

(dàqīng) the (great) Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

大清帝国 (w)

(dàqīngdìguó) the (great) Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911); Qing empire

大清早 (w)

(dàqīngzǎo) early in the morning

大渡口 (w)

(dàdùkǒu) Dadukou district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

大渡口区 (w)

(dàdùkǒuqū) Dadukou district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

大渡河 (w)

(dàdùhé) Dadu river in Sichuan

大港 (w)

(dàgǎng) Dagang former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial district 濱海新區|滨海新区[Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]

大港区 (w)

(dàgǎngqū) Dagang former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial district 濱海新區|滨海新区[Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]

大湄公河次区域 (w)

(dàméigōnghécìqūyù) Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), area of economic cooperation between China and Vietnam

大湄公河次区域合作 (w)

(dàméigōnghécìqūyùhézuò) Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), economic cooperation program between China and Vietnam

大湖 (w)

(dàhú) Dahu or Tahu township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan

大湖区 (w)

(dàhúqū) Lake district, north England

大湖乡 (w)

(dàhúxiāng) Dahu or Tahu township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan

大溪 (w)

(dàxī) Daxi or Tahsi town in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan

大溪豆干 (w)

(dàxīdòugān) Tahsi or Dasi dried dofu, Taiwanese Taoyuan speciality

大溪镇 (w)

(dàxīzhèn) Daxi or Tahsi town in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan

大灭绝 (w)

(dàmièjué) global extinction

大满贯 (w)

(dàmǎnguàn) grand slam

大汉 (w)

(dàhàn) big person; the great Han dynasty

大汉族主义 (w)

(dàhànzúzhǔyì) Greater Han nationalism

大润发 (w)

(dàrùnfā) RT Mart (department store chain)

大潮 (w)

(dàcháo) tidal bore; tidal wave

大火 (w)

(dàhuǒ) conflagration; large fire; CL:場|场[chang2]

大灶 (w)

(dàzào) big stove; stove in a common mess

大灾 (w)

(dàzāi) plague

大炮打蚊子 (w)

(dàpàodǎwénzi) cannon fire to hit a mosquito; to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut

大乌苏里岛 (w)

(dàwūsūlǐdǎo) Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang or Amur river, at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk; same as Heixiazi Island 黑瞎子島|黑瞎子岛

大乌鸦 (w)

(dàwūyā) a raven

大无畏 (w)

(dàwúwèi) utterly fearless

大烟 (w)

(dàyān) opium

大煞风景 (w)

(dàshàfēngjǐng) see 大殺風景|大杀风景[da4 sha4 feng1 jing3]

大熊座 (w)

(dàxióngzuò) Ursa Major, the Great Bear (constellation)

大熊猫 (w)

(dàxióngmāo) giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

大熔炉 (w)

(dàrónglú) lit. large smelting furnace; fig. the mixing of different ethnicities and cultures; Melting Pot

大热 (w)

(dàrè) great heat; very popular

大爆炸 (w)

(dàbàozhà) Big Bang (cosmology)

大爷 (w)

(dàyé) arrogant idler; self-centred show-off

大爷 (w)

(dàye) (informal) father's older brother; uncle; term of respect for older man

大片 (w)

(dàpiàn) wide expanse; large area; vast stretch; extending widely; blockbuster movie

大牌 (w)

(dàpái) strong card; honor card (card games); very popular or successful person; self-important

大犬座 (w)

(dàquǎnzuò) Canis Major (constellation)

大猩猩 (w)

(dàxīngxing) gorilla

大狱 (w)

(dàyù) jail; prison

大奖 (w)

(dàjiǎng) the big prize (e.g. lottery)

大获全胜 (w)

(dàhuòquánshèng) to seize total victory (idiom); an overwhelming victory; to win by a landslide (in election)

大王 (w)

(dàwáng) king; magnate; person having expert skill in something

大王 (w)

(dàiwang) robber baron (in opera, old stories); magnate

大班 (w)

(dàbān) tai-pan; business executive; foreign business manager; top class of kindergarten or school grade

大球 (w)

(dàqiú) sports such as soccer, basketball and volleyball that use large balls; see also 小球[xiao3 qiu2]

大理 (w)

(dàlǐ) Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州 in Yunnan

大理 (w)

(dàlǐ) judicial officer; justice of the peace (old)

大理岩 (w)

(dàlǐyán) marble

大理州 (w)

(dàlǐzhōu) abbr. for 大理白族自治州, Dali Bai autonomous prefecture in Yunnan

大理市 (w)

(dàlǐshì) Dali city, capital of Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州 in Yunnan

大理白族自治州 (w)

(dàlǐbáizúzìzhìzhōu) Dali Bai autonomous prefecture in Yunnan

大理石 (w)

(dàlǐshí) marble

大环 (w)

(dàhuán) Tai Wan (bay in Hong Kong)

大用 (w)

(dàyòng) to put sb in powerful position; to empower

大田 (w)

(dàtián) Datian county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian; Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of South Chungcheong Province 忠清南道[Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4], South Korea

大田市 (w)

(dàtiánshì) Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of South Chungcheong Province 忠清南道[Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4], South Korea

大田广域市 (w)

(dàtiánguǎngyùshì) Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of South Chungcheong Province 忠清南道[Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4], South Korea

大田县 (w)

(dàtiánxiàn) Datian county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian

大甲 (w)

(dàjiǎ) Tachia town in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大甲镇 (w)

(dàjiǎzhèn) Tachia town in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大男子主义 (w)

(dànánzǐzhǔyì) male chauvinism

大男子主义者 (w)

(dànánzǐzhǔyìzhě) male chauvinist

大略 (w)

(dàlüè) a broad outline; the general idea; roughly

大病 (w)

(dàbìng) serious illness

大疮 (w)

(dàchuāng) ulcer or sore of venereal origin

大发雷霆 (w)

(dàfāléitíng) to be furious; to fly into a terrible rage

大白天 (w)

(dàbáitiān) broad daylight

大白菜 (w)

(dàbáicài) bok choy; Chinese cabbage; Brassica pekinensis; CL:棵[ke1]

大白话 (w)

(dàbáihuà) colloquial speech

大白鲨 (w)

(dàbáishā) great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

大盘子 (w)

(dàpánzi) platter

大眼角 (w)

(dàyǎnjiǎo) inner corner of the eye

大众 (w)

(dàzhòng) Volkswagen (automobile manufacturer)

大众 (w)

(dàzhòng) the masses; the great bulk of the population; popular (of music, science etc)

大众传播 (w)

(dàzhòngchuánbō) mass communication

大众化 (w)

(dàzhònghuà) mass-oriented; to cater for the masses; popularized

大众捷运 (w)

(dàzhòngjiéyùn) mass rapid transit MRT

大众文化 (w)

(dàzhòngwénhuà) mass culture; popular culture

大众汽车 (w)

(dàzhòngqìchē) Volkswagen

大石桥 (w)

(dàshíqiáo) Great stone bridge or Dashiqiao county level city in Yingkou 營口|营口, Liaoning

大石桥市 (w)

(dàshíqiáoshì) Great stone bridge or Dashiqiao county level city in Yingkou 營口|营口, Liaoning

大炮 (w)

(dàpào) big gun; cannon; artillery; one who talks big; trad. form 大炮 also used; CL:門|门[men2],尊[zun1]

大社 (w)

(dàshè) Tashe township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

大社乡 (w)

(dàshèxiāng) Tashe township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan

大祥 (w)

(dàxiáng) Daxiang district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan

大祥区 (w)

(dàxiángqū) Daxiang district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan

大祭司 (w)

(dàjìsī) High Priest

大祸 (w)

(dàhuò) disaster; calamity

大祸临头 (w)

(dàhuòlíntóu) facing imminent catastrophe; calamity looms; all hell will break loose

大禹 (w)

(dàyǔ) Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC) mythical leader who tamed the floods

大秦 (w)

(dàqín) Han Dynasty term for the Roman Empire 羅馬帝國|罗马帝国[Luo2 ma3 Di4 guo2]

大洼 (w)

(dàwā) Dawa county in Panjin 盤錦|盘锦, Liaoning

大洼县 (w)

(dàwāxiàn) Dawa county in Panjin 盤錦|盘锦, Liaoning

大竹 (w)

(dàzhú) Dazhu county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou1], Sichuan

大竹县 (w)

(dàzhúxiàn) Dazhu county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou1], Sichuan

大笑 (w)

(dàxiào) to laugh heartily; a belly laugh

大箐山 (w)

(dàqìngshān) mountain in Heilongjiang province

大范围 (w)

(dàfànwéi) large-scale

大篆 (w)

(dàzhuàn) the great seal; used narrowly for 籀文; used broadly for many pre-Qin scripts

大篷车 (w)

(dàpéngchē) schooner

大米 (w)

(dàmǐ) rice

大粪 (w)

(dàfèn) human excrement; night soil (human manure traditionally used as agricultural fertilizer)

大纪元 (w)

(dàjìyuán) Epoch Times, US newspaper

大纪元时报 (w)

(dàjìyuánshíbào) Epoch Times, US newspaper

大约 (w)

(dàyuē) approximately; about

大红 (w)

(dàhóng) crimson

大红鼻子 (w)

(dàhóngbízi) rhinophyma (red nose, often related to rosacea or excessive alcohol); brandy nose

大紫荆勋章 (w)

(dàzǐjīngxūnzhāng) Great Bauhinia Medal (GBM), Hong Kong's highest honor

大绝灭 (w)

(dàjuémiè) mass extinction

大纲 (w)

(dàgāng) main point; leading principles; synopsis; syllabus

大总统 (w)

(dàzǒngtǒng) president (of a country); same as 總統|总统

大骂 (w)

(dàmà) to rain curses (on sb); to let sb have it; to bawl sb out

大义 (w)

(dàyì) righteousness; virtuous cause; a woman's marriage; main points of a piece of writing

大义凛然 (w)

(dàyìlǐnrán) devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence (idiom)

大义灭亲 (w)

(dàyìmièqīn) to place righteousness before family (idiom); ready to punish one's own family if justice demands it

大老粗 (w)

(dàlǎocū) uncooth fellow; rustic

大圣 (w)

(dàshèng) great sage; mahatma; king; emperor; outstanding personage; Buddha

大声 (w)

(dàshēng) loud voice; in a loud voice; loudly

大声喊叫 (w)

(dàshēnghǎnjiào) to shout loudly

大声疾呼 (w)

(dàshēngjíhū) to call loudly (idiom); to get people's attention; to make one's views known

大声说话 (w)

(dàshēngshuōhuà) speak loudly

大肆 (w)

(dàsì) wantonly; without restraint (of enemy or malefactor); unbridled

大肆攻击 (w)

(dàsìgōngjī) to vilify sb wantonly; unrestrained attack (on sb)

大肆鼓 (w)

(dàsìgǔ) to advocate; to praise

大肚 (w)

(dàdù) Tatu township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大肚子 (w)

(dàdùzi) pregnant

大肚子经济 (w)

(dàdùzijīngjì) "Pregnancy-oriented Economy", new market conditions brought about by a predicted baby boom in China

大肚乡 (w)

(dàdùxiāng) Tatu township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大股东 (w)

(dàgǔdōng) large stockholder; majority shareholder

大能 (w)

(dànéng) almighty

大腕 (w)

(dàwàn) star; big shot; celebrity; leading actor; authority (slang)

大脑 (w)

(dànǎo) brain; cerebrum

大脑死亡 (w)

(dànǎosǐwáng) brain dead

大脑比喻 (w)

(dànǎobǐyù) brain metaphor

大脚 (w)

(dàjiǎo) bigfoot (mythological animal popular in the US)

大肠 (w)

(dàcháng) the large intestine

大肠杆菌 (w)

(dàchánggǎnjūn) Escherichia coli (E. coli)

大腿 (w)

(dàtuǐ) thigh

大胆 (w)

(dàdǎn) brazen; audacious; outrageous; bold; daring; fearless

大臣 (w)

(dàchén) chancellor (of a monarchy); cabinet minister

大自然 (w)

(dàzìrán) nature (the natural world)

大致 (w)

(dàzhì) more or less; roughly; approximately

大舅子 (w)

(dàjiùzi) (informal) wife's older brother

大兴 (w)

(dàxīng) Daxing district of Beijing, formerly Daxing county

大兴 (w)

(dàxīng) to go in for something in a big way; to undertake on a large scale

大兴区 (w)

(dàxīngqū) Daxing district of Beijing, formerly Daxing county

大兴问罪之师 (w)

(dàxīngwènzuìzhīshī) to launch a punitive campaign; to condemn scathingly

大兴土木 (w)

(dàxīngtǔmù) to carry out large scale construction

大兴安岭 (w)

(dàxīngānlǐng) Daxing'anling mountain range in northwest Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China; Daxing'anling prefecture

大兴安岭地区 (w)

(dàxīngānlǐngdìqū) Daxing'anling prefecture in northwest Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China

大兴安岭山脉 (w)

(dàxīngānlǐngshānmài) Daxing'anling mountain range in northwest Heilongjiang province

大举 (w)

(dàjǔ) carry out a large-scale (military) operation

大般涅盘经 (w)

(dàbānnièpánjīng) Nirvana sutra

大舵手 (w)

(dàduòshǒu) the Great Helmsman (Mao Zedong)

大英 (w)

(dàyīng) Daying county in Suining 遂寧|遂宁[Sui4 ning2], Sichuan; Great British

大英博物馆 (w)

(dàyīngbówùguǎn) British museum

大英帝国 (w)

(dàyīngdìguó) British Empire

大英县 (w)

(dàyīngxiàn) Daying county in Suining 遂寧|遂宁[Sui4 ning2], Sichuan

大英联合王国 (w)

(dàyīngliánhéwángguó) United Kingdom

大茴香 (w)

(dàhuíxiāng) Chinese anise; star anise

大茴香子 (w)

(dàhuíxiāngzi) aniseed

大草原 (w)

(dàcǎoyuán) prairie; savanna

大荔 (w)

(dàlì) Dali county in Wèinán 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shǎnxī

大荔县 (w)

(dàlìxiàn) Dali county in Wèinán 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shǎnxī

大菱鲆 (w)

(dàlíngpíng) turbot

大叶性肺炎 (w)

(dàyèxìngfèiyán) lobar pneumonia

大蒜 (w)

(dàsuàn) garlic

大盖帽 (w)

(dàgàimào) peaked cap; service cap; visor cap

大葱 (w)

(dàcōng) leek; Chinese onion

大萧条 (w)

(dàxiāotiáo) the Great Depression (1929-c. 1939)

大藏经 (w)

(dàzàngjīng) Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea

大处着眼 (w)

(dàchùzhuóyǎn) View the big picture while handling the details (idiom).

大处着眼,小处着手 (w)

(dàchùzhuóyǎnxiǎochùzhuóshǒu) View the big picture while handling the details (idiom).

大号 (w)

(dàhào) tuba

大蛇丸 (w)

(dàshéwán) Orochimaru, Japanese folktale hero; Orochimaru, character in the Naruto manga series

大融炉 (w)

(dàrónglú) melting pot

大虫 (w)

(dàchóng) tiger

大蝾螈 (w)

(dàróngyuán) Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus davidianus)

大街 (w)

(dàjiē) street; main street; CL:條|条[tiao2]

大街小巷 (w)

(dàjiēxiǎoxiàng) great streets and small alleys (idiom); everywhere in the city

大卫 (w)

(dàwèi) David (name); Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), French neoclassical painter

大卫・米利班德 (w)

(dàwèimǐlìbāndé) David Miliband (1965-), UK politician

大卫・艾登堡 (w)

(dàwèiàidēngbǎo) David Attenborough (1926-), British naturalist and broadcaster, author of Life on Earth 地球上的生物[di4 qiu2 shang4 de5 sheng1 wu4]

大卫营和约 (w)

(dàwèiyínghéyuē) the Camp David agreement of 1978 brokered by President Jimmy Carter between Israel and Egypt

大衣 (w)

(dàyī) overcoat; topcoat; cloak; CL:件[jian4]

大袋子 (w)

(dàdàizi) sack

大裂谷 (w)

(dàliègǔ) great rift valley

大西国 (w)

(dàxīguó) Atlantis

大西庇阿 (w)

(dàxībìā) Scipio Africanus (235-183 BC), Roman general and statesman

大西洋 (w)

(dàxīyáng) Atlantic Ocean

大西洋中脊 (w)

(dàxīyángzhōngjǐ) Atlantic mid-ocean ridge

大西洋国 (w)

(dàxīyángguó) Historical name for Portugal during the Qing dynasty

大西洋洋中脊 (w)

(dàxīyángyángzhōngjǐ) Atlantic mid-ocean ridge

大要 (w)

(dàyào) abstract; gist; main points

大规模 (w)

(dàguīmó) large scale; extensive; wide scale; broad scale

大规模杀伤性武器 (w)

(dàguīmóshāshāngxìngwǔqì) weapons of mass destruction

大观 (w)

(dàguān) Daguan district of Anqing city 安慶市|安庆市[An1 qing4 shi4], Anhui

大观区 (w)

(dàguānqū) Daguan district of Anqing city 安慶市|安庆市[An1 qing4 shi4], Anhui

大观园 (w)

(dàguānyuán) Prospect Garden; Grand View Garden, a garden in Dream of the Red Chamber

大解 (w)

(dàjiě) to defecate; to empty one's bowels

大言 (w)

(dàyán) to exaggerate; to boast

大言不惭 (w)

(dàyánbùcán) to boast shamelessly; to talk big

大计 (w)

(dàjì) large scale program of lasting importance; project of paramount importance; to think big; annual national audit

大话骰 (w)

(dàhuàtóu) liar's dice (dice game)

大调 (w)

(dàdiào) major key (in music)

大谈 (w)

(dàtán) to harangue; to yak

大谈特谈 (w)

(dàtántètán) to keep on talking about

大变 (w)

(dàbiàn) huge changes

大豆 (w)

(dàdòu) soybean

大丰 (w)

(dàfēng) Dafeng county level city in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu

大丰市 (w)

(dàfēngshì) Dafeng county level city in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu

大象 (w)

(dàxiàng) elephant; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

大费周章 (w)

(dàfèizhōuzhāng) to take great pains; to go to a lot of trouble

大卖场 (w)

(dàmàichǎng) hypermarket; large warehouse-like self-service retail store

大贱卖 (w)

(dàjiànmài) to sell at a big discount

大赦 (w)

(dàshè) amnesty; general pardon

大赦国际 (w)

(dàshèguójì) Amnesty International

大起大落 (w)

(dàqǐdàluò) significant ups and downs (idiom)

大足 (w)

(dàzú) Dazu suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

大足县 (w)

(dàzúxiàn) Dazu suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

大跌 (w)

(dàdiē) large fall

大跌市 (w)

(dàdiēshì) great market fall; market crash

大路 (w)

(dàlù) avenue; CL:條|条[tiao2]

大路货 (w)

(dàlùhuò) staple goods

大跃进 (w)

(dàyuèjìn) the Great Leap Forward (1958-1960), in retrospect widely viewed as an unprecedented economic and social disaster, with estimated 20 million people dying of starvation

大军区 (w)

(dàjūnqū) PLA military region

大轴戏 (w)

(dàzhòuxì) last item on a program (theater)

大辟 (w)

(dàpì) death sentence; crime punishable by death

大农场 (w)

(dànóngchǎng) ranch

大通 (w)

(dàtōng) Datong district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui; Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county in Xining 西寧|西宁[Xi1 ning2], Qinghai

大通区 (w)

(dàtōngqū) Datong district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui

大通回族土族自治县 (w)

(dàtōnghuízútǔzúzìzhìxiàn) Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county in Xining 西寧|西宁[Xi1 ning2], Qinghai

大通县 (w)

(dàtōngxiàn) Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county in Xining 西寧|西宁[Xi1 ning2], Qinghai

大连 (w)

(dàlián) Dalian subprovincial city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China

大连市 (w)

(dàliánshì) Dalian subprovincial city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China

大连理工大学 (w)

(dàliánlǐgōngdàxué) Dalian University of Technology

大运 (w)

(dàyùn) Mandate of Heaven; the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC; usually written 大運河|大运河[Da4 yun4 he2]

大运河 (w)

(dàyùnhé) the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC

大道 (w)

(dàdào) main street; avenue

大选 (w)

(dàxuǎn) general election

大邑 (w)

(dàyì) Dayi county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan

大邑县 (w)

(dàyìxiàn) Dayi county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan

大邱 (w)

(dàqiū) Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of North Gyeongsang Province 慶尚北道|庆尚北道[Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] in east South Korea

大邱市 (w)

(dàqiūshì) Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of North Gyeongsang Province 慶尚北道|庆尚北道[Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] in east South Korea

大邱广域市 (w)

(dàqiūguǎngyùshì) Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of North Gyeongsang Province 慶尚北道|庆尚北道[Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] in east South Korea

大部 (w)

(dàbù) most of; the majority of sth

大部分 (w)

(dàbùfen) in large part; the greater part; the majority

大都 (w)

(dàdū) Dadu, capital of China during the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368), modern day Beijing

大都 (w)

(dàdōu) for the most part; on the whole; also pr. [da4 du1]

大都 (w)

(dàdū) for the most part; on the whole; metropolitan

大都市 (w)

(dàdūshì) metropolis; large city; megacity

大都市地区 (w)

(dàdūshìdìqū) metropolitan area

大都会 (w)

(dàdūhuì) metropolitan

大酒店 (w)

(dàjiǔdiàn) grand hotel

大醇小疵 (w)

(dàchúnxiǎocī) great despite minor blemishes; a rough diamond

大里 (w)

(dàlǐ) Tali or Dali city in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大里市 (w)

(dàlǐshì) Tali or Dali city in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大量 (w)

(dàliàng) great amount; large quantity; bulk; numerous; generous; magnanimous

大量杀伤武器 (w)

(dàliàngshāshāngwǔqì) weapons of mass destruction

大量生产 (w)

(dàliàngshēngchǎn) to manufacture in bulk; mass production

大釜 (w)

(dàfǔ) cauldron

大钢琴 (w)

(dàgāngqín) grand piano

大锤 (w)

(dàchuí) sledge

大钱 (w)

(dàqián) high denomination of banknotes or coins; lots of money; a big sum (e.g. a bribe)

大错 (w)

(dàcuò) blunder

大错特错 (w)

(dàcuòtècuò) to be gravely mistaken (idiom)

大锅 (w)

(dàguō) a big wok; cauldron

大锅饭 (w)

(dàguōfàn) lit. big rice pan; communal feeding; fig. egalitarianism (equal treatment for everyone in same institution)

大键琴 (w)

(dàjiànqín) a harpsichord

大镕炉 (w)

(dàrónglú) variant of 大熔爐|大熔炉, lit. large smelting furnace; fig. the mixing of different ethnicities and cultures; Melting Pot

大镰刀 (w)

(dàliándāo) scythe

大长今 (w)

(dàchángjīn) Dae Chang Kum, a Korean Drama (GM)

大门 (w)

(dàmén) entrance; door; gate

大开 (w)

(dàkāi) to open wide

大开斋 (w)

(dàkāizhāi) see 開齋節|开斋节[Kai1 zhai1 jie2]

大关 (w)

(dàguān) (reach a) critical point

大关县 (w)

(dàguānxiàn) Daguan county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan

大阪 (w)

(dàbǎn) Ōsaka, a city and prefecture in Japan

大阪府 (w)

(dàbǎnfǔ) Ōsaka prefecture

大阮 (w)

(dàruǎn) daruan or bass lute, like pipa 琵琶 and zhongruan 中阮 but bigger and lower range

大阿姨 (w)

(dàāyí) auntie, eldest of sisters in mother's family

大限 (w)

(dàxiàn) the limit; maximum; one's allocated lifespan

大限到来 (w)

(dàxiàndàolái) to die; one's allocated lifespan is accomplished

大限临头 (w)

(dàxiànlíntóu) facing the end (idiom); at the end of one's life; with one foot in the grave

大院 (w)

(dàyuàn) courtyard (surrounded by many buildings); compound; great institution

大陪审团 (w)

(dàpéishěntuán) grand jury

大陆 (w)

(dàlù) mainland China (reference to the PRC)

大陆 (w)

(dàlù) continent; mainland; CL:個|个[ge4]

大陆坡 (w)

(dàlùpō) continental slope (boundary of continental shelf)

大陆块 (w)

(dàlùkuài) continental plates (geology)

大陆性 (w)

(dàlùxìng) continental

大陆性气候 (w)

(dàlùxìngqìhòu) continental climate

大陆架 (w)

(dàlùjià) continental shelf

大陆漂移 (w)

(dàlùpiāoyí) continental drift

大陆话 (w)

(dàlùhuà) Mainland Chinese (language)

大队 (w)

(dàduì) group; a large body of; production brigade; military group

大只 (w)

(dàzhī) big

大雁 (w)

(dàyàn) wild goose; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

大雁塔 (w)

(dàyàntǎ) Dayan pagoda in Xi'an

大雄 (w)

(dàxióng) great hero; main Buddhist image (in temple)

大雄宝殿 (w)

(dàxióngbǎodiàn) Hall of Great Strength, main hall of a Buddhist temple containing the main image of veneration 大雄[da4 xiong2]

大雅 (w)

(dàyǎ) Taya township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大雅 (w)

(dàyǎ) one of the three main divisions of the Book of Song 詩經|诗经

大雅乡 (w)

(dàyǎxiāng) Taya township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

大杂烩 (w)

(dàzáhuì) mix-up; mish-mash; pot-pourri

大杂院 (w)

(dàzáyuàn) compound with many families living together

大难 (w)

(dànàn) great catastrophe

大难不死 (w)

(dànànbùsǐ) to just escape from calamity

大雨 (w)

(dàyǔ) heavy rain; CL:場|场[chang2]

大雨如注 (w)

(dàyǔrúzhù) pouring with rain; rain bucketing down

大雪 (w)

(dàxuě) Daxue or Great Snow, 21st of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-21st December

大雾 (w)

(dàwù) thick fog

大青山 (w)

(dàqīngshān) mountain in Heilongjiang province

大革命 (w)

(dàgémìng) great revolution

大韩帝国 (w)

(dàhándìguó) Korean empire, from fall of Joseon dynasty in 1897 to annexation by Japan in 1910

大韩民国 (w)

(dàhánmínguó) Republic of Korea (South Korea)

大项 (w)

(dàxiàng) main item (of program)

大头目 (w)

(dàtóumù) the boss

大头钉 (w)

(dàtóudīng) tack; thumbtack; push pin

大题小作 (w)

(dàtíxiǎozuò) to cut a long story short; a brief treatment of a complicated subject; fig. to treat an important question as a minor matter

大愿地藏菩萨 (w)

(dàyuàndìzàngpúsà) Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi); also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva

大类 (w)

(dàlèi) main type; main class; main category

大显神通 (w)

(dàxiǎnshéntōng) to display one's remarkable skill or prowess; to give full play to one's brilliant abilities

大显身手 (w)

(dàxiǎnshēnshǒu) (idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities

大风 (w)

(dàfēng) gale; CL:場|场[chang2]

大饱口福 (w)

(dàbǎokǒufú) to eat one's fill; to have a good meal

大饱眼福 (w)

(dàbǎoyǎnfú) to feast one's eyes

大饼 (w)

(dàbǐng) large flat bread

大餐 (w)

(dàcān) great meal; banquet

大余 (w)

(dàyú) Dayu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi

大余县 (w)

(dàyúxiàn) Dayu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi

大马 (w)

(dàmǎ) abbr. for 馬來西亞|马来西亚, Malaysia; big horse

大马士革 (w)

(dàmǎshìgé) Damascus, capital of Syria

大马士革李 (w)

(dàmǎshìgélǐ) damson (fruit)

大驾 (w)

(dàjià) imperial chariot

大惊 (w)

(dàjīng) with great alarm

大惊失色 (w)

(dàjīngshīsè) to turn pale with fright (idiom)

大惊小怪 (w)

(dàjīngxiǎoguài) much fuss about nothing

大体 (w)

(dàtǐ) in general; more or less; in rough terms; basically; on the whole

大体上 (w)

(dàtǐshàng) overall; in general terms

大闹 (w)

(dànào) to cause havoc; to run amok

大闹天宫 (w)

(dànàotiāngōng) Monkey wreaks havoc in heaven, story about the Monkey King Sun Wukong 孫悟空|孙悟空[Sun1 Wu4 kong1] from the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记

大鲵 (w)

(dàní) giant salamander (Andrias japonicus)

大鲽鱼 (w)

(dàdiéyú) turbot fish

大鳄 (w)

(dàè) lit. big crocodile; fig. major figure; big shot; top boss (esp. criminal)

大鸨 (w)

(dàbǎo) great bustard

大鸿胪 (w)

(dàhónglú) Grand Herald in Imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]

大鹏 (w)

(dàpéng) roc (mythical bird of prey)

大鹏鸟 (w)

(dàpéngniǎo) roc (mythical bird of prey)

大鹿 (w)

(dàlù) moose

大丽花 (w)

(dàlìhuā) dahlia

大麦 (w)

(dàmài) barley

大麦克 (w)

(dàmàikè) see 巨無霸|巨无霸[Ju4 wu2 ba4]

大麦克指数 (w)

(dàmàikèzhǐshù) see 巨無霸漢堡包指數|巨无霸汉堡包指数[Ju4 wu2 ba4 han4 bao3 bao1 Zhi3 shu4]

大麦地 (w)

(dàmàidì) place name in Ningxia with rock carving conjectured to be a stage in the development of Chinese characters

大麻 (w)

(dàmá) hemp (Cannabis sativa); cannabis; marijuana

大麻里 (w)

(dàmálǐ) Damali or Tamali township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan; same as Taimali 太麻里[Tai4 ma2 li3]

大麻里乡 (w)

(dàmálǐxiāng) Damali or Tamali township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan; same as Taimali 太麻里[Tai4 ma2 li3]

大黄 (w)

(dàihuáng) rhubarb

大黄蜂 (w)

(dàhuángfēng) bumblebee

大黄鱼 (w)

(dàhuángyú) Croceine croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea), a fish popular in Cantonese cooking

大鼓 (w)

(dàgǔ) big bass drum

大鼠 (w)

(dàshǔ) rat

大斋 (w)

(dàzhāi) to fast; to abstain from food

大斋期 (w)

(dàzhāiqī) Lent (Christian period of forty days before Easter)

大斋节 (w)

(dàzhāijié) great fast; Christian lent

大龄 (w)

(dàlíng) older (than average in a group, at school, for marriage etc)

大龄青年 (w)

(dàlíngqīngnián) young people in their late 20s or older who are still unmarried