
(miào) clever; wonderful

妙不可言 (w)

(miàobùkěyán) too wonderful for words

妙品 (w)

(miàopǐn) a fine work of art

妙在不言中 (w)

(miàozàibùyánzhōng) the charm lies in what is left unsaid (idiom)

妙妙熊历险记 (w)

(miàomiàoxiónglìxiǎnjì) Adventures of the Gummi Bears (Disney animated series)

妙手 (w)

(miàoshǒu) miraculous hands of a healer; highly skilled person; brilliant move in chess or weiqi (go) 圍棋|围棋

妙手回春 (w)

(miàoshǒuhuíchūn) magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure; brilliant doctor

妙手空空 (w)

(miàoshǒukōngkōng) petty thief (lit. quick fingered and vanish); empty-handed; having nothing

妙探寻凶 (w)

(miàotànxúnxiōng) Cluedo (board game)

妙智慧 (w)

(miàozhìhuì) wondrous wisdom and knowledge (Buddhism)

妙法莲华经 (w)

(miàofǎliánhuájīng) The Lotus Sutra

妙笔 (w)

(miàobǐ) talented, gifted or ingenious writing

妙笔生花 (w)

(miàobǐshēnghuā) gifted or skillful writing

妙处 (w)

(miàochù) ideal place; suitable location; merit; advantage

妙计 (w)

(miàojì) excellent plan; brilliant scheme

妙语如珠 (w)

(miàoyǔrúzhū) smart words like a string of pearl; scintillating witticisms

妙语横生 (w)

(miàoyǔhèngshēng) to be full of wit and humor

妙趣横生 (w)

(miàoqùhéngshēng) endlessly interesting (idiom); very witty

妙龄 (w)

(miàolíng) puberty; nubile