
(wēi) power; might; prestige

威信 (w)

(wēixìn) Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan

威信 (w)

(wēixìn) prestige; reputation; trust; credit with the people

威信扫地 (w)

(wēixìnsǎodì) to lose every scrap of reputation

威信县 (w)

(wēixìnxiàn) Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan

威仪 (w)

(wēiyí) majestic presence; awe-inspiring manner

威利 (w)

(wēilì) Wylie (name); Turrell Wylie, originator of the Wylie transcription of Tibetan script

威利斯 (w)

(wēilìsī) Willis (name)

威利诱 (w)

(wēilìyòu) intimidation then bribery

威力 (w)

(wēilì) might; formidable power

威势 (w)

(wēishì) might; power and influence

威化饼干 (w)

(wēihuàbǐnggān) wafer; wafer cookie

威厉 (w)

(wēilì) awe-inspiring; majestic

威名 (w)

(wēimíng) fame for fighting prowess; military glory

威吓 (w)

(wēihè) to threaten; to intimidate; to cow

威严 (w)

(wēiyán) dignified; imposing; august; awe-inspiring; awe; prestige; dignity

威基基 (w)

(wēijījī) Waikiki (Hawaii)

威士 (w)

(wēishì) VISA (credit card)

威士忌 (w)

(wēishìjì) whisky; whiskey

威士忌酒 (w)

(wēishìjìjiǔ) whisky; whiskey

威奇托 (w)

(wēiqítuō) Wichita (city in Kansas)

威妥玛 (w)

(wēituǒmǎ) Sir Thomas Francis Wade (1818-1895), British diplomat and sinologist, originator of the Wade-Giles Chinese romanization system

威妥玛拼法 (w)

(wēituǒmǎpīnfǎ) Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)

威妥玛拼音 (w)

(wēituǒmǎpīnyīn) Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)

威客 (w)

(wēikè) Witkey, question-and-answer website www.witkey.com

威容 (w)

(wēiróng) grave and dignified

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县 (w)

(wēiníngyízúhuízúmiáozúzìzhìxiàn) Weining Yi, Hui and Miao autonomous county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou

威宁县 (w)

(wēiníngxiàn) Weining Yi, Hui and Miao autonomous county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou

威尊命贱 (w)

(wēizūnmìngjiàn) orders weightier than life

威尼斯 (w)

(wēinísī) Venice; Venezia

威尼斯商人 (w)

(wēinísīshāngrén) the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

威州镇 (w)

(wēizhōuzhèn) Weizhou town, seat of Wenchuan county 汶川县 in northwest Sichuan

威廉 (w)

(wēilián) William or Wilhelm (name)

威廉・福克纳 (w)

(wēiliánfúkènà) William Faulkner (1897-1962), American novelist and poet

威廉・莎士比亚 (w)

(wēiliánshāshìbǐyà) William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet and playwright

威廉斯堡 (w)

(wēiliánsībǎo) Williamsburg, Virginia

威德 (w)

(wēidé) powerful benevolent rule

威慑 (w)

(wēishè) to cower by military force; deterrence

威慑力量 (w)

(wēishèlìliang) deterrent force; deterrent

威斯康星 (w)

(wēisīkāngxīng) Wisconsin, US state

威斯康星州 (w)

(wēisīkāngxīngzhōu) Wisconsin, US state

威斯康辛 (w)

(wēisīkāngxīn) Wisconsin

威斯敏斯特教堂 (w)

(wēisīmǐnsītèjiàotáng) Westminster Abbey, London

威望 (w)

(wēiwàng) prestige

威武 (w)

(wēiwǔ) might; formidable

威武不屈 (w)

(wēiwǔbùqū) not to submit to force

威氏注音法 (w)

(wēishìzhùyīnfǎ) Wade-Giles transliteration scheme for Chinese

威海 (w)

(wēihǎi) Weihai prefecture level city in Shandong

威海市 (w)

(wēihǎishì) Weihai prefecture level city in Shandong

威海卫 (w)

(wēihǎiwèi) Weihaiwei, late Qing naval port in Weihai 威海, Shandong

威烈 (w)

(wēiliè) fierce; formidable

威尔士 (w)

(wēiěrshì) Wales, constituent nation of UK

威尔士语 (w)

(wēiěrshìyǔ) Welsh (language)

威尔特郡 (w)

(wēiěrtèjùn) Wiltshire (English county)

威尔逊 (w)

(wēiěrxùn) Wilson (name)

威猛 (w)

(wēiměng) bold and powerful

威玛 (w)

(wēimǎ) Weimar (German city)

威玛共和国 (w)

(wēimǎgònghéguó) Weimar Republic (German Reich, 1919-1933)

威玛拼法 (w)

(wēimǎpīnfǎ) Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)

威玛拼音 (w)

(wēimǎpīnyīn) Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)

威福自己 (w)

(wēifúzìjǐ) to abuse power; conflict of interest; power to judge as tyrant over one's own case

威县 (w)

(wēixiàn) Wei county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei

威胁 (w)

(wēixié) to threaten; to menace

威迫 (w)

(wēipò) coercion; to intimidate

威逼 (w)

(wēibī) to threaten; to coerce; to intimidate

威逼利诱 (w)

(wēibīlìyòu) to threaten and bribe; to beat with a stick but offer a carrot

威远 (w)

(wēiyuǎn) Weiyuan county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan

威远县 (w)

(wēiyuǎnxiàn) Weiyuan county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan

威重 (w)

(wēizhòng) august; majestic

威震天下 (w)

(wēizhèntiānxià) formidable renown gives one authority over the whole country

威灵 (w)

(wēilíng) authority; prestige; supernatural spirit

威灵顿 (w)

(wēilíngdùn) Wellington (name); Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington (1769-1851)

威显 (w)

(wēixiǎn) awe-inspiring; power

威风 (w)

(wēifēng) might; awe-inspiring authority; impressive

威风凛凛 (w)

(wēifēnglǐnlǐn) majestic; awe-inspiring presence; impressive power

威骇 (w)

(wēihài) to intimidate

威凤一羽 (w)

(wēifèngyīyǔ) lit. one phoenix feather; fig. a glimpse that reveals the whole