
(jiāo) lovable; pampered; tender; delicate; frail

娇儿 (w)

(jiāoér) beloved son

娇嗔 (w)

(jiāochēn) to protest coquettishly; to pout playfully

娇媚 (w)

(jiāomèi) flirtatious; coquettish; sweet and charming; beautiful young woman (old)

娇嫩 (w)

(jiāonen) tender and lovely; fragile; delicate

娇宠 (w)

(jiāochǒng) to indulge; to spoil

娇小 (w)

(jiāoxiǎo) petite; delicate; dainty

娇弱 (w)

(jiāoruò) delicate

娇惰 (w)

(jiāoduò) spoilt and slovenly

娇态 (w)

(jiāotài) charming attitude; lascivious pose

娇惯 (w)

(jiāoguàn) to pamper; to coddle; to spoil

娇气 (w)

(jiāoqì) delicate; squeamish; finicky

娇滴滴 (w)

(jiāodīdī) sweet; cute; delicately pretty

娇生惯养 (w)

(jiāoshēngguànyǎng) pampered and spoiled since childhood

娇痴 (w)

(jiāochī) spoilt and naive

娇红 (w)

(jiāohóng) tender pink

娇纵 (w)

(jiāozòng) to indulge (a child); to pamper; to spoil

娇美 (w)

(jiāoměi) dainty

娇翠 (w)

(jiāocuì) tender green (shoots)

娇艳 (w)

(jiāoyàn) tender and beautiful; also written 嬌艷|娇艳

娇贵 (w)

(jiāoguì) pampered; fragile; finicky

娇黄 (w)

(jiāohuáng) tender yellow