
(niáng) mother; young lady

娘儿们 (w)

(niángrmen) (dialect) woman; wife

娘娘 (w)

(niángniang) queen; empress; imperial concubine; Goddess, esp. Xi Wangmu 王母娘娘 or 西王母, Queen Mother of the West; mother; aunt

娘娘庙 (w)

(niángniángmiào) temple of Goddess of Fertility

娘娘腔 (w)

(niángniangqiāng) sissy; effeminate

娘家 (w)

(niángjia) married woman's parent's home

娘家姓 (w)

(niángjiaxìng) maiden name (of married woman)

娘胎 (w)

(niángtāi) mother's womb


(niáng) variant of 娘[niang2]

娘子 (w)

(niángzi) wife

娘惹 (w)

(niángrě) Nyonya; see 峇峇孃惹|峇峇娘惹[ba1 ba1 niang2 re3]