
(xián) to dislike; suspicion; resentment; enmity; abbr. for 嫌犯[xian2 fan4], criminal suspect

嫌厌 (w)

(xiányàn) to loathe

嫌忌 (w)

(xiánjì) suspicion

嫌怨 (w)

(xiányuàn) grievance; hatred

嫌恨 (w)

(xiánhèn) hatred

嫌恶 (w)

(xiánwù) to loathe; to abhor; hatred; revulsion

嫌弃 (w)

(xiánqì) to avoid sb (out of dislike); to turn one's back on sb; to ignore

嫌犯 (w)

(xiánfàn) criminal suspect

嫌猜 (w)

(xiáncāi) suspicion

嫌疑 (w)

(xiányí) suspicion; (be) suspected (of)

嫌疑人 (w)

(xiányírén) a suspect

嫌疑犯 (w)

(xiányífàn) a suspect

嫌肥挑瘦 (w)

(xiánféitiāoshòu) to choose sth over another to suit one's own convenience

嫌隙 (w)

(xiánxì) hostility; animosity; suspicion