
(zǐ) son; child; seed; egg; small thing; 1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat; Viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]


(zi) (noun suffix)

子丑 (w)

(zǐchǒu) first two of the twelve earthly branches 十二地支; by ext., the earthly branches

子京 (w)

(zǐjīng) see 紫荊|紫荆[zi3 jing1]

子代 (w)

(zǐdài) offspring; child's generation

子公司 (w)

(zǐgōngsī) subsidiary company; subsidiary corporation

子午线 (w)

(zǐwǔxiàn) meridian

子句 (w)

(zǐjù) clause (grammar)

子囊菌 (w)

(zǐnángjūn) ascomycete

子域 (w)

(zǐyù) subfield (math.)

子夜 (w)

(zǐyè) midnight

子女 (w)

(zǐnǚ) children; sons and daughters

子子孙孙 (w)

(zǐzǐsūnsūn) one's posterity

子孝父慈 (w)

(zǐxiàofùcí) see 父慈子孝[fu4 ci2 zi3 xiao4]

子孙 (w)

(zǐsūn) offspring; posterity

子孙娘娘 (w)

(zǐsūnniángniang) goddess of fertility

子宫 (w)

(zǐgōng) uterus; womb

子宫内避孕器 (w)

(zǐgōngnèibìyùnqì) intrauterine device (IUD)

子宫壁 (w)

(zǐgōngbì) wall of the uterus

子宫环 (w)

(zǐgōnghuán) intrauterine device (IUD)

子宫肌瘤 (w)

(zǐgōngjīliú) fibroid tumor of the uterus; hysteromyoma

子宫颈 (w)

(zǐgōngjǐng) cervix; neck of the uterus

子宫颈癌 (w)

(zǐgōngjǐngái) cervical cancer

子层 (w)

(zǐcéng) sublayer

子弟 (w)

(zǐdì) child; the younger generation

子弹 (w)

(zǐdàn) bullet; CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1],發|发[fa1]

子弹火车 (w)

(zǐdànhuǒchē) bullet train; Shinkansen 新幹線|新干线, Japanese high-speed train

子房 (w)

(zǐfáng) ovary

子时 (w)

(zǐshí) 11 pm-1 am

子曰 (w)

(zǐyuē) Confucius says:

子模型 (w)

(zǐmóxíng) submodel

子母弹 (w)

(zǐmǔdàn) (military) cluster bomb; shrapnel

子母炮弹 (w)

(zǐmǔpàodàn) artillery cluster bomb

子母炸弹 (w)

(zǐmǔzhàdàn) cluster bomb

子民 (w)

(zǐmín) people

子洲 (w)

(zǐzhōu) Zishou county in Yúlín 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shǎnxī

子洲县 (w)

(zǐzhōuxiàn) Zishou county in Yúlín 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shǎnxī

子爵 (w)

(zǐjué) viscount

子产 (w)

(zǐchǎn) Zi Chan (?-522 BC), statesman and philosopher during the Spring and Autumn period

子癫前症 (w)

(zǐdiānqiánzhèng) pre-eclampsia, toxaemia of pregnancy (medicine)

子目 (w)

(zǐmù) subheading; specific item

子目录 (w)

(zǐmùlù) subdirectory (computing)

子程序 (w)

(zǐchéngxù) subroutine

子空间 (w)

(zǐkōngjiān) subspace (math.)

子粒 (w)

(zǐlì) seed

子精 (w)

(zǐjīng) "fetal essence", i.e. semen (medical term)

子系统 (w)

(zǐxìtǒng) subsystem

子细胞 (w)

(zǐxìbāo) daughter cell

子网 (w)

(zǐwǎng) subnetwork

子网屏蔽码 (w)

(zǐwǎngpíngbìmǎ) subnet mask (computing)

子群 (w)

(zǐqún) subgroup (math.)

子叶 (w)

(zǐyè) cotyledon (first embryonic leaf)

子规 (w)

(zǐguī) cuckoo

子贡 (w)

(zǐgòng) Zi Gong or Duanmu Ci 端木賜|端木赐[Duan1 mu4 Ci4] (520 BC-), disciple of Confucius

子路 (w)

(zǐlù) Zi Lu (542-480 BC), disciple of Confucius 孔夫子[Kong3 fu1 zi3], also known as Ji Lu 季路[Ji4 Lu4]

子长 (w)

(zǐcháng) Zichang county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi

子长县 (w)

(zǐchángxiàn) Zichang county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi

子集 (w)

(zǐjí) subset

子集合 (w)

(zǐjíhé) subset (math.)

子音 (w)

(zǐyīn) consonant

子鼠 (w)

(zǐshǔ) Year 1, year of the Rat (e.g. 2008)