
(shǒu) to guard; to defend; to keep watch; to abide by the law; to observe (rules or ritual); nearby; adjoining

守住 (w)

(shǒuzhu) to hold on to; to defend; to keep; to guard

守信 (w)

(shǒuxìn) to keep promises

守信用 (w)

(shǒuxìnyòng) to keep one's word; trustworthy

守候 (w)

(shǒuhòu) to wait for; to expect; to watch over; to nurse

守备 (w)

(shǒubèi) to garrison; to stand guard; on garrison duty

守兵 (w)

(shǒubīng) guard; garrison soldier

守分 (w)

(shǒufèn) to abide by the law; to respect the law

守制 (w)

(shǒuzhì) to go into mourning for one's parents

守则 (w)

(shǒuzé) rules; regulations

守势 (w)

(shǒushì) defensive position; guard

守口如瓶 (w)

(shǒukǒurúpíng) lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle (idiom); tight-lipped; reticent; not breathing a word

守丧 (w)

(shǒusāng) to keep watch beside a coffin; to observe period of mourning

守土 (w)

(shǒutǔ) to guard one's territory; to protect the country

守土有责 (w)

(shǒutǔyǒuzé) duty to defend the country (idiom)

守夜 (w)

(shǒuyè) night vigil

守孝 (w)

(shǒuxiào) to observe mourning for one's parents

守宫 (w)

(shǒugōng) gecko; house lizard

守寡 (w)

(shǒuguǎ) to live as widow; to observe widowhood

守恒 (w)

(shǒuhéng) conservation (e.g. of energy, momentum or heat in physics); to remain constant (of a number)

守恒定律 (w)

(shǒuhéngdìnglǜ) conservation law

守成 (w)

(shǒuchéng) to preserve the accomplishments of previous generations; to carry on the good work of one's predecessors

守拙 (w)

(shǒuzhuō) to remain honest and poor

守敌 (w)

(shǒudí) enemy defense; enemy garrison

守时 (w)

(shǒushí) punctual

守更 (w)

(shǒugēng) to keep watch during the night

守服 (w)

(shǒufú) to observe mourning for one's parents

守望 (w)

(shǒuwàng) to keep watch; on guard

守望相助 (w)

(shǒuwàngxiāngzhù) to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to defend against external aggressors; mutual help and protection

守株待兔 (w)

(shǒuzhūdàitù) lit. to guard a tree-stump waiting for rabbits (idiom); to wait idly for opportunities; to trust to chance rather than show initiative

守株待兔,缘木求鱼 (w)

(shǒuzhūdàitùyuánmùqiúyú) to guard a tree-stump waiting for rabbits and climb a tree to catch fish (idiom); without any practical course of action

守株缘木 (w)

(shǒuzhūyuánmù) to guard a tree-stump waiting for rabbits and climb a tree to catch fish (idiom); without any practical course of action; abbr. of 守株待兔,緣木求魚|守株待兔,缘木求鱼

守业 (w)

(shǒuyè) to preserve one's heritage; to defend the accomplishments of previous generations; to carry on the good work; to keep one's business going

守正不阿 (w)

(shǒuzhèngbùē) to be strictly just and impartial

守岁 (w)

(shǒusuì) to see in the New Year

守法 (w)

(shǒufǎ) to abide by the law

守活寡 (w)

(shǒuhuóguǎ) to stay at home while one's husband is away; grass widow

守御 (w)

(shǒuyù) to defend

守空房 (w)

(shǒukōngfáng) to stay home alone (of married woman)

守节 (w)

(shǒujié) faithful (to the memory of betrothed); constant (of widow who remains unmarried)

守约 (w)

(shǒuyuē) to keep an appointment; to keep one's word

守职 (w)

(shǒuzhí) to observe one's duty steadfastly; devoted to one's job

守旧 (w)

(shǒujiù) conservative; reactionary

守旧派 (w)

(shǒujiùpài) the conservative faction; reactionaries

守卫 (w)

(shǒuwèi) to guard; to defend

守卫者 (w)

(shǒuwèizhě) defender; a guard

守规矩 (w)

(shǒuguīju) to abide by the rules

守护 (w)

(shǒuhù) to guard; to protect

守护神 (w)

(shǒuhùshén) protector God; patron saint

守财奴 (w)

(shǒucáinú) miser; scrooge

守身 (w)

(shǒushēn) to keep oneself pure; to preserve one's integrity; to remain chaste

守身如玉 (w)

(shǒushēnrúyù) to keep oneself pure; to preserve one's integrity; to remain chaste

守车 (w)

(shǒuchē) guard's van (on train); caboose

守军 (w)

(shǒujūn) defenders

守门 (w)

(shǒumén) to keep goal; on duty as gate-keeper

守门人 (w)

(shǒuménrén) gatekeeper

守门员 (w)

(shǒuményuán) goal-keeper

守灵 (w)

(shǒulíng) to keep watch beside a coffin

守斋 (w)

(shǒuzhāi) to fast