
(zōng) surname Zong


(zōng) school; sect; purpose; model; ancestor; clan; to take as one's model (in academic or artistic work); classifier for batches, items, cases (medical or legal), reservoirs

宗喀巴 (w)

(zōngkābā) Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), Tibetan religious leader, founder of the Gelugpa school 格魯派|格鲁派[Ge2 lu3 pai4]

宗室 (w)

(zōngshì) imperial clan; member of the imperial clan; clansman; ancestral shrine

宗师 (w)

(zōngshī) great scholar respected for learning and integrity

宗庙 (w)

(zōngmiào) temple; ancestral shrine

宗教 (w)

(zōngjiào) religion

宗教仪式 (w)

(zōngjiàoyíshì) religious ceremony

宗教团 (w)

(zōngjiàotuán) religious order; religious grouping

宗教团体 (w)

(zōngjiàotuántǐ) religious organization

宗教学 (w)

(zōngjiàoxué) religious studies

宗教徒 (w)

(zōngjiàotú) adherent of religion; disciple

宗教改革 (w)

(zōngjiàogǎigé) (Protestant) Reformation

宗教法庭 (w)

(zōngjiàofǎtíng) Inquisition (religion)

宗族 (w)

(zōngzú) Chinese clan

宗旨 (w)

(zōngzhǐ) objective; aim; goal

宗正 (w)

(zōngzhèng) Director of the Imperial Clan in Imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]

宗派 (w)

(zōngpài) sect

宗派主义 (w)

(zōngpàizhǔyì) sectarianism

宗筋 (w)

(zōngjīn) penis (Chinese medicine)

宗圣侯 (w)

(zōngshènghóu) hereditary title bestowed on Confucius' descendants

宗圣公 (w)

(zōngshènggōng) hereditary title bestowed on Confucius' descendants