
(shěn) to examine; to investigate; carefully; to try (in court)

审判 (w)

(shěnpàn) a trial; to try sb

审判席 (w)

(shěnpànxí) judgment seat

审判庭 (w)

(shěnpàntíng) court; tribunal; courtroom

审判栏 (w)

(shěnpànlán) judgment bar

审判权 (w)

(shěnpànquán) jurisdiction; judicial authority

审判者 (w)

(shěnpànzhě) judge

审判长 (w)

(shěnpànzhǎng) presiding judge

审问 (w)

(shěnwèn) to interrogate; to examine; to question

审定 (w)

(shěndìng) to examine and approve; to finalize

审察 (w)

(shěnchá) to investigate; to examine closely

审干 (w)

(shěngàn) to examine the cadres; same as 審查幹部|审查干部

审度 (w)

(shěnduó) to observe and form a judgment

审度时势 (w)

(shěnduóshíshì) to examine and judge the situation

审慎 (w)

(shěnshèn) prudent; cautious

审慎行事 (w)

(shěnshènxíngshì) to act prudently; steering a cautious course

审批 (w)

(shěnpī) to examine and approve; to endorse

审改 (w)

(shěngǎi) to check and revise

审断 (w)

(shěnduàn) to examine

审时度势 (w)

(shěnshíduóshì) to judge the hour and size up the situation; to take stock

审查 (w)

(shěnchá) to examine; to investigate; to censor out; censorship

审校 (w)

(shěnjiào) to proof-read; to review (a text)

审核 (w)

(shěnhé) to audit; to investigate thoroughly

审理 (w)

(shěnlǐ) to hear (a case)

审稿人 (w)

(shěngǎorén) reviewer (of a paper)

审级 (w)

(shěnjí) appeal (to higher courts)

审级制度 (w)

(shěnjízhìdù) system of appeals (to higher court)

审结 (w)

(shěnjié) to adjudicate; to finish a trial; to try and pass verdict

审美 (w)

(shěnměi) esthetics; appreciating the arts; taste

审美快感 (w)

(shěnměikuàigǎn) esthetic pleasure

审美活动 (w)

(shěnměihuódòng) appreciating the arts; esthetic activity

审美眼光 (w)

(shěnměiyǎnguāng) an eye for beauty; aesthetic judgment

审美观 (w)

(shěnměiguān) esthetic conception; esthetic point of view; standard

审处 (w)

(shěnchǔ) to deliberate and decide; to try and punish; trial and execution

审核 (w)

(shěnhé) see 審核|审核[shen3 he2]

审视 (w)

(shěnshì) to look closely at; to examine

审订 (w)

(shěndìng) to revise; to examine and revise

审计 (w)

(shěnjì) to audit; to examine finances

审计员 (w)

(shěnjìyuán) accountant; auditor

审计署 (w)

(shěnjìshǔ) audit office; public accounts committee

审计长 (w)

(shěnjìzhǎng) auditor

审讯 (w)

(shěnxùn) inquest; trial; interrogation; to try; to interrogate

审谛 (w)

(shěndì) to look at sth carefully; to examine

审议 (w)

(shěnyì) deliberation; pondering; due consideration

审读 (w)

(shěndú) to read (a draft); to review

审酌 (w)

(shěnzhuó) examination; to check and review

审阅 (w)

(shěnyuè) to review or peruse