
(hán) cold; poor; to tremble

寒亭 (w)

(hántíng) Hanting district of Weifang city 濰坊市|潍坊市[Wei2 fang1 shi4], Shandong

寒亭区 (w)

(hántíngqū) Hanting district of Weifang city 濰坊市|潍坊市[Wei2 fang1 shi4], Shandong

寒假 (w)

(hánjià) winter vacation

寒光闪闪 (w)

(hánguāngshǎnshǎn) to glitter like frost and snow (idiom)

寒冬 (w)

(hándōng) wintry

寒冷 (w)

(hánlěng) cold (climate); frigid; very cold

寒喧 (w)

(hánxuān) to discuss the weather; to exchange conventional greetings

寒噤 (w)

(hánjìn) a shiver

寒天 (w)

(hántiān) agar-agar (loanword from Japanese)

寒带 (w)

(hándài) polar climate

寒微 (w)

(hánwēi) of humble origin

寒心 (w)

(hánxīn) disillusioned; bitterly disappointed; terrified

寒意 (w)

(hányì) a nip in the air; chilliness

寒战 (w)

(hánzhàn) shiver

寒暄 (w)

(hánxuān) exchanging conventional greetings; to talk about the weather

寒武 (w)

(hánwǔ) Cambrian (geological period 545-495m years ago)

寒武爆发 (w)

(hánwǔbàofā) the Cambrian explosion

寒武纪 (w)

(hánwǔjì) Cambrian geological period (545-495m years ago)

寒武纪大爆发 (w)

(hánwǔjìdàbàofā) the Cambrian explosion

寒武纪生命大爆发 (w)

(hánwǔjìshēngmìngdàbàofā) the Cambrian explosion

寒毛 (w)

(hánmáo) fine hair on the human body

寒气 (w)

(hánqì) cold air

寒流 (w)

(hánliú) cold stream

寒潮 (w)

(háncháo) cold wave; CL:股[gu3]

寒碜 (w)

(hánchen) ugly; shameful; to ridicule

寒舍 (w)

(hánshè) my humble home

寒蝉 (w)

(hánchán) cicada in winter; fig. mournful sound

寒酸 (w)

(hánsuān) wretched; poverty-stricken; unpresentable (for clothing, gifts etc)

寒门 (w)

(hánmén) poor and humble family; my family (humble)

寒露 (w)

(hánlù) Hanlu or Cold Dew, 17th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 8th-22nd October

寒风刺骨 (w)

(hánfēngcìgǔ) bone chilling wind (idiom)

寒食 (w)

(hánshí) cold food (i.e. to abstain from cooked food for 3 days around the Qingming festival 清明節|清明节); the Qingming festival