
(xiǎo) small; tiny; few; young

小三 (w)

(xiǎosān) sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committed relationship; the other woman; the other man; abbr. for 第三者

小三和弦 (w)

(xiǎosānhéxián) minor triad la-do-mi

小三度 (w)

(xiǎosāndù) minor third (musical interval)

小不点 (w)

(xiǎobudiǎn) tiny; very small; tiny thing; small child; baby

小丑 (w)

(xiǎochǒu) clown

小丑鱼 (w)

(xiǎochǒuyú) clownfish; anemonefish

小丘 (w)

(xiǎoqiū) hill; knoll

小乘 (w)

(xiǎochéng) Hinayana, the Lesser Vehicle; Buddhism in India before the Mayahana sutras

小九九 (w)

(xiǎojiǔjiǔ) multiplication tables; (fig.) plan; scheme

小事 (w)

(xiǎoshì) trifle; trivial matter; CL:點|点[dian3]

小二 (w)

(xiǎoèr) waiter

小亚细亚 (w)

(xiǎoyàxìyà) Asia minor; Anatolia

小人 (w)

(xiǎorén) person of low social status (old); I, me (used to refer humbly to oneself); nasty person; vile character

小人书 (w)

(xiǎorénshū) children's picture story book; CL:本[ben3]

小企业 (w)

(xiǎoqǐyè) small enterprise

小伙子 (w)

(xiǎohuǒzi) lad; young fellow; youngster; CL:個|个[ge4]

小便 (w)

(xiǎobiàn) to urinate; to pass water; urine

小便器 (w)

(xiǎobiànqì) urinal

小便斗 (w)

(xiǎobiàndǒu) urinal

小偷 (w)

(xiǎotōu) thief

小传 (w)

(xiǎozhuàn) sketch biography; profile

小儿 (w)

(xiǎoér) son

小儿痲痹 (w)

(xiǎoérmábì) variant of 小兒麻痺|小儿麻痹; infantile paralysis; polio (poliomyelitis)

小儿科 (w)

(xiǎoérkē) pediatrics; pediatric (department); (slang) childish

小儿软骨病 (w)

(xiǎoérruǎngǔbìng) rickets (medicine)

小儿麻痹 (w)

(xiǎoérmábì) polio (poliomyelitis)

小儿麻痹病毒 (w)

(xiǎoérmábìbìngdú) poliovirus

小儿麻痹症 (w)

(xiǎoérmábìzhèng) poliomyelitis; infantile paralysis

小两口儿 (w)

(xiǎoliǎngkǒur) young married couple

小公共 (w)

(xiǎogōnggòng) mini bus (used for public transportation)

小册子 (w)

(xiǎocèzi) booklet; pamphlet; leaflet; information sheet; menu; CL:本[ben3]

小冬 (w)

(xiǎodōng) Xiaodong (person name)

小刀 (w)

(xiǎodāo) knife; CL:把[ba3]

小刀会 (w)

(xiǎodāohuì) Dagger Society, anti-Qing secret society who mounted an unsuccessful rebellion in 1855

小包 (w)

(xiǎobāo) packet

小区 (w)

(xiǎoqū) neighborhood; district

小卒 (w)

(xiǎozú) foot soldier; minor figure; a nobody; (chess) pawn

小叔 (w)

(xiǎoshū) husband's younger brother; brother-in-law

小吃 (w)

(xiǎochī) snack; refreshments; CL:家[jia1]

小吃店 (w)

(xiǎochīdiàn) snack bar; lunch room; CL:家[jia1]

小同乡 (w)

(xiǎotóngxiāng) person from the same county

小名 (w)

(xiǎomíng) pet name for a child; childhood name

小吞噬细胞 (w)

(xiǎotūnshìxìbāo) microphage (a type of white blood cell)

小品 (w)

(xiǎopǐn) short, simple literary or artistic creation; essay; skit

小商贩 (w)

(xiǎoshāngfàn) small trader; peddler

小团体主义 (w)

(xiǎotuántǐzhǔyì) cliquism; small-group mentality

小型 (w)

(xiǎoxíng) small scale; small size

小型企业 (w)

(xiǎoxíngqǐyè) small business

小型巴士 (w)

(xiǎoxíngbāshì) minibus; microbus

小型核武器 (w)

(xiǎoxínghéwǔqì) mini-nuke

小型柜橱 (w)

(xiǎoxíngguìchú) cabinet

小型汽车 (w)

(xiǎoxíngqìchē) compact car

小型货车 (w)

(xiǎoxínghuòchē) light van

小型车 (w)

(xiǎoxíngchē) compact car

小城 (w)

(xiǎochéng) small town

小报 (w)

(xiǎobào) tabloid newspaper

小夜曲 (w)

(xiǎoyèqǔ) serenade

小天鹅 (w)

(xiǎotiāné) Little Swan (PRC appliance brand)

小天鹅 (w)

(xiǎotiāné) tundra swan

小女 (w)

(xiǎonǚ) my daughter (humble)

小妖 (w)

(xiǎoyāo) small demon

小妖精 (w)

(xiǎoyāojīng) goblin; hussy; floozy

小妹 (w)

(xiǎomèi) little sister; girl

小姐 (w)

(xiǎojie) young lady; miss; (slang) prostitute; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

小姑 (w)

(xiǎogū) husband's younger sister; sister-in-law

小姨 (w)

(xiǎoyí) (informal) wife's younger sister; sister-in-law

小娃 (w)

(xiǎowá) child

小娃娃 (w)

(xiǎowáwa) baby

小婿 (w)

(xiǎoxù) my son-in-law (humble); I (spoken to parents-in-law)

小媳妇儿 (w)

(xiǎoxífur) young married woman; scapegoat; young girl engaged to sb by her parents (idiom)

小子 (w)

(xiǎozi) boy; young fellow; (derog.) chap

小孩 (w)

(xiǎohái) child; CL:個|个[ge4]

小孩儿 (w)

(xiǎoháir) erhua variant of 小孩, child

小学 (w)

(xiǎoxué) primary school; CL:個|个[ge4]

小学生 (w)

(xiǎoxuéshēng) primary school student; schoolchild; CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2]

小官 (w)

(xiǎoguān) petty official; minor functionary

小家子气 (w)

(xiǎojiāziqì) petty; small-minded

小家鼠 (w)

(xiǎojiāshǔ) mouse

小寒 (w)

(xiǎohán) Lesser Cold, 23rd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 6th-19th January

小写 (w)

(xiǎoxiě) lowercase

小写字母 (w)

(xiǎoxiězìmǔ) lowercase (letters)

小小 (w)

(xiǎoxiǎo) very small; very few; very minor

小屁孩 (w)

(xiǎopìhái) wimpy kid; brat

小屁孩日记 (w)

(xiǎopìháirìjì) Diary of a Wimpy Kid

小屋 (w)

(xiǎowū) cabin; lodge; cottage; chalet; hut; shed

小山包包 (w)

(xiǎoshānbāobao) a landscape dotted with low hills and hillocks (idiom)

小岩洞 (w)

(xiǎoyándòng) grotto

小岛 (w)

(xiǎodǎo) isle

小巧 (w)

(xiǎoqiǎo) small and exquisite; delicate; fine (features); compact; nifty

小巫见大巫 (w)

(xiǎowūjiàndàwū) lit. minor magician in the presence of a great one; pale into insignificance by comparison

小巷 (w)

(xiǎoxiàng) alley

小店 (w)

(xiǎodiàn) small store

小店区 (w)

(xiǎodiànqū) Xiaodian district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi

小康 (w)

(xiǎokāng) comparatively good living standard; a period of peace and prosperity

小康社会 (w)

(xiǎokāngshèhuì) middle-class society

小弟 (w)

(xiǎodì) little brother; I, your little brother (humble)

小弟弟 (w)

(xiǎodìdi) little brother; penis (slang)

小弹 (w)

(xiǎodàn) bomblet (of cluster bomb)

小径 (w)

(xiǎojìng) alley

小心 (w)

(xiǎoxīn) to be careful; to take care

小心眼 (w)

(xiǎoxīnyǎn) narrow-minded; petty

小心眼儿 (w)

(xiǎoxīnyǎnr) small-minded; petty; narrow-minded

小心翼翼 (w)

(xiǎoxīnyìyì) cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously

小心谨慎 (w)

(xiǎoxīnjǐnshèn) cautious and timid (idiom); prudent; careful

小意思 (w)

(xiǎoyìsi) small token; mere trifle (used of one's gifts)

小憩 (w)

(xiǎoqì) to rest for a bit; to take a breather

小惩大诫 (w)

(xiǎochéngdàjiè) lit. to punish a little to prevent a lot (idiom); to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent large scale repetition

小扁豆 (w)

(xiǎobiǎndòu) lentil

小手小脚 (w)

(xiǎoshǒuxiǎojiǎo) mean; stingy; to be lacking in boldness; timid

小打小闹 (w)

(xiǎodǎxiǎonào) small-scale

小技 (w)

(xiǎojì) small skills; folk musical theater

小拇指 (w)

(xiǎomǔzhǐ) little finger; pinkie

小括号 (w)

(xiǎokuòhào) brackets; parentheses ( )

小指 (w)

(xiǎozhǐ) little finger

小提琴 (w)

(xiǎotíqín) fiddle; violin

小提琴手 (w)

(xiǎotíqínshǒu) violinist; fiddler

小摊 (w)

(xiǎotān) vendor's stall

小摊儿 (w)

(xiǎotānr) erhua variant of 小攤|小摊, vendor's stall

小数 (w)

(xiǎoshù) decimal digit

小数点 (w)

(xiǎoshùdiǎn) decimal point

小斑点 (w)

(xiǎobāndiǎn) speckle

小于 (w)

(xiǎoyú) less than, <

小昊 (w)

(xiǎohào) Xiaohao (c. 2200 BC), leader of the Dongyi 東夷|东夷[Dong1 yi2] or Eastern Barbarians

小昭寺 (w)

(xiǎozhāosì) Ramoche Temple, Lhasa

小时 (w)

(xiǎoshí) hour; CL:個|个[ge4]

小时候 (w)

(xiǎoshíhou) in one's childhood

小时候儿 (w)

(xiǎoshíhour) erhua variant of 小時候|小时候, in one's childhood

小时工 (w)

(xiǎoshígōng) hourly worker; hourly job

小暑 (w)

(xiǎoshǔ) Xiaoshu or Lesser Heat, 11th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-22nd July

小朋友 (w)

(xiǎopéngyǒu) children; CL:個|个[ge4]

小本 (w)

(xiǎoběn) small capital; on a shoestring

小林 (w)

(xiǎolín) Kobayashi (name)

小槌 (w)

(xiǎochuí) mallet; drumstick

小标题 (w)

(xiǎobiāotí) subtitle; closed-captioning

小样 (w)

(xiǎoyàng) galley proof (printing); unimpressive; (coll.) little guy (mild insult also used as an affectionate term)

小树 (w)

(xiǎoshù) shrub; small tree; sapling; CL:棵[ke1]

小树林 (w)

(xiǎoshùlín) grove

小桥 (w)

(xiǎoqiáo) Xiao Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China

小步舞曲 (w)

(xiǎobùwǔqǔ) minuet

小段子 (w)

(xiǎoduànzi) short paragraph; news article

小毛虫 (w)

(xiǎomáochóng) slug

小气 (w)

(xiǎoqì) stingy; petty; miserly; narrow-minded

小气候 (w)

(xiǎoqìhòu) microclimate; fig. local situation

小气腔 (w)

(xiǎoqìqiāng) small air cavity

小气鬼 (w)

(xiǎoqìguǐ) miser; penny-pincher

小池・百合子 (w)

(xiǎochíbǎihézi) KOIKE Yuriko (1952-), Japanese LDP politician, minister of defense during 2008

小汽车 (w)

(xiǎoqìchē) compact car

小河 (w)

(xiǎohé) brook

小河区 (w)

(xiǎohéqū) Xiaohe district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou

小泉 (w)

(xiǎoquán) Koizumi (name); KOIZUMI Jun'ichirō, Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2001-2006

小泉・纯一郎 (w)

(xiǎoquánchúnyīláng) KOIZUMI Jun'ichirō (1942-), Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2001-2006

小泡 (w)

(xiǎopào) vesicles

小波 (w)

(xiǎobō) wavelet (math.)

小洞不堵沉大船 (w)

(xiǎodòngbùdǔchéndàchuán) A small hole not plugged will sink a great ship.

小洞不堵,大洞受苦 (w)

(xiǎodòngbùdǔdàdòngshòukǔ) A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole (idiom). A stitch in time saves nine.

小洞不堵,大洞吃苦 (w)

(xiǎodòngbùdǔdàdòngchīkǔ) A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole (idiom). A stitch in time saves nine.

小洞不堵,大洞难补 (w)

(xiǎodòngbùdǔdàdòngnánbǔ) If you don't plug the small hole, the big hole will be hard to repair (idiom). A stitch in time saves nine.

小洞不补大洞吃苦 (w)

(xiǎodòngbùbǔdàdòngchīkǔ) A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole (common saying); a stitch in time saves nine

小淘气 (w)

(xiǎotáoqì) rascal

小渊恵三 (w)

(xiǎoyuānhuìsān) Obuchi Keizō (1937-2000), Japanese politician

小港 (w)

(xiǎogǎng) Xiaogang or Hsiaokang district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan

小港区 (w)

(xiǎogǎngqū) Xiaogang or Hsiaokang district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan

小汤山 (w)

(xiǎotāngshān) Xiaotangshan town in Beijing municipality

小溪 (w)

(xiǎoxī) brook; streamlet

小滴 (w)

(xiǎodī) a drop

小满 (w)

(xiǎomǎn) Xiaoman or Lesser Full Grain, 8th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 21st May-5th June

小潮 (w)

(xiǎocháo) neap tide (the smallest tide, when moon is at first or third quarter)

小瀑布 (w)

(xiǎopùbù) cascade

小熊座 (w)

(xiǎoxióngzuò) Ursa Minor (constellation)

小熊维尼 (w)

(xiǎoxióngwéiní) Winnie-the-Pooh (bear character in children's stories by A. A. Milne adapted by Disney)

小熊猫 (w)

(xiǎoxióngmāo) lesser panda; red panda; firefox

小营盘镇 (w)

(xiǎoyíngpánzhèn) Xiaoyingpan township in Börtala Shehiri or Bole City 博樂市|博乐市, Xinjiang

小牛 (w)

(xiǎoniú) calf

小牛肉 (w)

(xiǎoniúròu) veal

小牝牛 (w)

(xiǎopìnniú) heifer

小犬 (w)

(xiǎoquǎn) puppy; my son (humble)

小犬座 (w)

(xiǎoquǎnzuò) Canis Minor (constellation)

小狗 (w)

(xiǎogǒu) pup; puppy

小狮座 (w)

(xiǎoshīzuò) Leo Minor (constellation)

小玩意 (w)

(xiǎowányì) gadget; widget (small item of software)

小球 (w)

(xiǎoqiú) sports such as ping pong and badminton that use small balls; see also 大球[da4 qiu2]

小产 (w)

(xiǎochǎn) to miscarry; a miscarriage; an abortion

小畑健 (w)

(xiǎotiánjiàn) OBATA Takeshi, manga artist, illustrator of cult series Death Note 死亡筆記|死亡笔记[si3 wang2 bi3 ji4]

小病 (w)

(xiǎobìng) minor illness; indisposition

小白脸 (w)

(xiǎobáiliǎn) attractive young man (usually derog.); pretty boy; gigolo

小白脸儿 (w)

(xiǎobáiliǎnr) erhua variant of 小白臉|小白脸, attractive young man (usually derog.); pretty boy; gigolo

小白菜 (w)

(xiǎobáicài) bak choy; Brassica chinensis; CL:棵[ke1]

小白鼠 (w)

(xiǎobáishǔ) little white mouse (esp. laboratory animal); fig. guinea pig, i.e. human participant in experiment

小百科全书 (w)

(xiǎobǎikēquánshū) micropedia

小的 (w)

(xiǎode) I (when talking to a superior)

小看 (w)

(xiǎokàn) to look down on; to underestimate

小眼角 (w)

(xiǎoyǎnjiǎo) outer corner of the eye

小睡 (w)

(xiǎoshuì) to nap; to doze

小碟子 (w)

(xiǎodiézi) saucer

小笔电 (w)

(xiǎobǐdiàn) mini laptop or notebook (computer); netbook; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]

小算盘 (w)

(xiǎosuànpán) lit. small abacus; fig. selfish calculations; bean-counting

小节 (w)

(xiǎojié) a minor matter; trivia; bar (music)

小节线 (w)

(xiǎojiéxiàn) barline (music)

小范围 (w)

(xiǎofànwéi) small-scale; local; to a limited extent

小篆 (w)

(xiǎozhuàn) the small or lesser seal, the form of Chinese character standardized by the Qin dynasty

小笼包 (w)

(xiǎolóngbāo) steamed dumpling

小米 (w)

(xiǎomǐ) millet

小粉 (w)

(xiǎofěn) (wheat) starch; amylum

小精灵 (w)

(xiǎojīnglíng) elf

小红 (w)

(xiǎohóng) Xiaohong (person name)

小红帽 (w)

(xiǎohóngmào) Little Red Riding Hood

小红莓 (w)

(xiǎohóngméi) cranberry

小红萝卜 (w)

(xiǎohóngluóbo) radish (the small red kind)

小组 (w)

(xiǎozǔ) group

小组委员会 (w)

(xiǎozǔwěiyuánhuì) subcommittee

小结 (w)

(xiǎojié) summary; short; brief; wrap-up

小绿人 (w)

(xiǎolǜrén) little green men from Mars

小缸缸儿 (w)

(xiǎogānggangr) small mug (baby language)

小羊 (w)

(xiǎoyáng) lamb

小羚羊 (w)

(xiǎolíngyáng) gazelle

小义大利 (w)

(xiǎoyìdàlì) Little Italy

小老婆 (w)

(xiǎolǎopó) concubine; junior wife; mistress

小聪明 (w)

(xiǎocōngming) clever-clever; clever in trivial matters; sharp but petty-minded

小声 (w)

(xiǎoshēng) in a low voice; (speak) in whispers

小肚鸡肠 (w)

(xiǎodùjīcháng) lit. small belly, chicken's gut (idiom); narrow-minded; petty

小脑 (w)

(xiǎonǎo) cerebellum (part of the brain)

小脚 (w)

(xiǎojiǎo) bound feet (traditional)

小肠 (w)

(xiǎocháng) small intestine

小腿 (w)

(xiǎotuǐ) calf (of the leg)

小舅子 (w)

(xiǎojiùzi) (informal) wife's younger brother

小舌 (w)

(xiǎoshé) uvula

小船 (w)

(xiǎochuán) boat

小花远志 (w)

(xiǎohuāyuǎnzhì) small-flowered milkwort (Polygala arvensis Willd. or P. telephioides), with roots used in Chinese medicine

小茴香 (w)

(xiǎohuíxiāng) fennel; fennel seed

小菜 (w)

(xiǎocài) appetizer; small side dish; easy job; piece of cake; see also 小菜一碟[xiao3 cai4 yi1 die2]

小菜一碟 (w)

(xiǎocàiyīdié) a small appetizer; a piece of cake; very easy (idiom)

小菜儿 (w)

(xiǎocàir) erhua variant of 小菜[xiao3 cai4]

小菜碟儿 (w)

(xiǎocàidiér) erhua variant of 小菜一碟[xiao3 cai4 yi1 die2]

小葱 (w)

(xiǎocōng) shallot; spring onion; CL:把[ba3]

小薰 (w)

(xiǎoxūn) Xiao Xun (Taiwan actress, 1989-)

小苏打粉 (w)

(xiǎosūdáfěn) baking soda

小兰 (w)

(xiǎolán) Xiaolan (person name)

小号 (w)

(xiǎohào) trumpet

小蜜 (w)

(xiǎomì) (derog.) girlfriend of a married man

小虾米 (w)

(xiǎoxiāmi) shrimp; fig. small fry; minor player

小蠹 (w)

(xiǎodù) bark beetle (zoology)

小行星 (w)

(xiǎoxíngxīng) asteroid; minor planet

小行星带 (w)

(xiǎoxíngxīngdài) asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter

小冲突 (w)

(xiǎochōngtū) skirmish

小袋 (w)

(xiǎodài) pouch

小袋鼠 (w)

(xiǎodàishǔ) wallaby; pademelon

小视 (w)

(xiǎoshì) to belittle; to look down upon; to despise

小觑 (w)

(xiǎoqù) to despise; to have contempt for

小解 (w)

(xiǎojiě) to urinate; to empty one's bladder

小计 (w)

(xiǎojì) subtotal

小说 (w)

(xiǎoshuō) novel; fiction; CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]

小说家 (w)

(xiǎoshuōjiā) School of Minor-talks, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhu1 zi3 bai3 jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)

小说家 (w)

(xiǎoshuōjiā) novelist

小调 (w)

(xiǎodiào) minor key (in music)

小谎 (w)

(xiǎohuǎng) fib

小豆蔻 (w)

(xiǎodòukòu) Indian cardamom (Amomum cardamomum)

小猫 (w)

(xiǎomāo) kitten

小贝 (w)

(xiǎobèi) "Becks", nickname of British footballer David Beckham (see 貝克漢姆|贝克汉姆[Bei4 ke4 han4 mu3])

小货车 (w)

(xiǎohuòchē) pickup truck

小贩 (w)

(xiǎofàn) peddler; hawker

小费 (w)

(xiǎofèi) tip

小资 (w)

(xiǎozī) petit bourgeois; yuppie; abbr. of 小資產階級|小资产阶级

小资产阶级 (w)

(xiǎozīchǎnjiējí) petty bourgeois

小卖部 (w)

(xiǎomàibù) kiosk; snack counter; retail department or section inside a larger business

小赤壁 (w)

(xiǎochìbì) Little Red Cliff, nickname of Bitan 碧潭[Bi4 tan2], Xindian, Taibei county, Taiwan

小起重机 (w)

(xiǎoqǐzhòngjī) jack

小路 (w)

(xiǎolù) lane

小车 (w)

(xiǎochē) small model car; mini-car; small horse-cart; barrow; wheelbarrow; type of folk dance

小轮车 (w)

(xiǎolúnchē) cycling BMX

小游 (w)

(xiǎoyóu) outing; short trip

小道 (w)

(xiǎodào) bypath; trail; bribery as a means of achieving a goal; minor arts (Confucian reference to agriculture, medicine, divination, and other professions unworthy of a gentleman)

小道新闻 (w)

(xiǎodàoxīnwén) news from the grapevine

小酌 (w)

(xiǎozhuó) drinks with snacks

小野不由美 (w)

(xiǎoyěbùyóuměi) Ono Fuyumi (1960-), Japanese novelist

小量 (w)

(xiǎoliàng) a small quantity

小金 (w)

(xiǎojīn) Xiaojin county (Tibetan: btsan lha rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan

小金库 (w)

(xiǎojīnkù) supplementary cash reserve; private fund; private hoard; slush fund

小金县 (w)

(xiǎojīnxiàn) Xiaojin county (Tibetan: btsan lha rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan

小钢球 (w)

(xiǎogāngqiú) iron pellet; shrapnel

小铲子 (w)

(xiǎochǎnzi) trowel

小阿姨 (w)

(xiǎoāyí) auntie, youngest of sisters in mother's family

小除夕 (w)

(xiǎochúxī) the day before New Year's Eve

小雁塔 (w)

(xiǎoyàntǎ) Xiaoyan pagoda in Xi'an

小雅 (w)

(xiǎoyǎ) one of the three main divisions of the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经

小集团 (w)

(xiǎojítuán) faction; clique

小鸡 (w)

(xiǎojī) chick

小鸡鸡 (w)

(xiǎojījī) penis (child's word)

小雨 (w)

(xiǎoyǔ) light rain; drizzle

小雪 (w)

(xiǎoxuě) Xiaoxue or Lesser Snow, 20th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 22nd November-6th December

小灵通 (w)

(xiǎolíngtōng) mobile phone (with a local, 7-digit phone number)

小灵通机站 (w)

(xiǎolíngtōngjīzhàn) cell phone base or repeater station (telecommunications)

小青 (w)

(xiǎoqīng) name of a person, Xiaoqing, from Madam White Snake

小青年 (w)

(xiǎoqīngnián) young person; youngster

小项 (w)

(xiǎoxiàng) small item; event (of program)

小题大做 (w)

(xiǎotídàzuò) to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom)

小额融资 (w)

(xiǎoéróngzī) microfinance

小颚 (w)

(xiǎoè) mandible (lower jaw)

小食中心 (w)

(xiǎoshízhōngxīn) Food court

小饭馆 (w)

(xiǎofànguǎn) tearoom; canteen; cafeteria

小马 (w)

(xiǎomǎ) colt; pony

小马座 (w)

(xiǎomǎzuò) Equuleus (constellation)

小脏鬼 (w)

(xiǎozāngguǐ) dirty little devil (affectionate, of child)

小松糕 (w)

(xiǎosōnggāo) muffin

小鬼 (w)

(xiǎoguǐ) (idiom) an endearing term of address to a child; little demon

小鸟依人 (w)

(xiǎoniǎoyīrén) lit. like a little bird relying on people (idiom); fig. cute and helpless-looking

小鹅 (w)

(xiǎoé) gosling

小鹰号 (w)

(xiǎoyīnghào) Kitty Hawk (US aircraft carrier)

小麦 (w)

(xiǎomài) wheat; CL:粒[li4]

小麦胚芽 (w)

(xiǎomàipēiyá) wheat germ

小面包 (w)

(xiǎomiànbāo) bread roll; bun

小黄瓜 (w)

(xiǎohuángguā) gherkin

小鼠 (w)

(xiǎoshǔ) mouse

小龙 (w)

(xiǎolóng) young dragon

小龙汤包 (w)

(xiǎolóngtāngbāo) steamed soup dumpling

小龙虾 (w)

(xiǎolóngxiā) crayfish; langoustine; chicken lobster