
(guī) surname Gui


(guī) to return; to go back to; to give back to; (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by; to belong to; to gather together; (used between two identical verbs) despite; to marry (of a woman) (old); division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor

归仁 (w)

(guīrén) Kueijen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan

归仁乡 (w)

(guīrénxiāng) Kueijen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan

归并 (w)

(guībìng) to put together; to add; to merge

归依 (w)

(guīyī) to convert to (a religion); to rely upon; refuge; mainstay

归侨 (w)

(guīqiáo) returnees

归入 (w)

(guīrù) to assign (to a class); to classify as; to include

归公 (w)

(guīgōng) to commandeer; to take over for the state

归功 (w)

(guīgōng) to give credit; to give sb his due; attribution

归化 (w)

(guīhuà) old name for district of Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia

归化 (w)

(guīhuà) naturalization

归向 (w)

(guīxiàng) to turn toward

归咎 (w)

(guījiù) to blame; to declare to be at fault

归国 (w)

(guīguó) to go home (to one's native country); to return from abroad

归天 (w)

(guītiān) to die

归宿 (w)

(guīsù) place to return to; home; final destination; ending

归属 (w)

(guīshǔ) to belong to; to be affiliated to; to fall under the jurisdiction of

归属感 (w)

(guīshǔgǎn) loyalty

归属权 (w)

(guīshǔquán) right of attribution

归心 (w)

(guīxīn) converted to (religion)

归心似箭 (w)

(guīxīnsìjiàn) with one's heart set on speeding home (idiom)

归心者 (w)

(guīxīnzhě) religious convert

归拢 (w)

(guīlǒng) to gather; to rake together; to pile up

归于 (w)

(guīyú) to belong to; affiliated to; to result in sth; to incline towards

归根 (w)

(guīgēn) to return home (after a lifetime's absence); to go back to one's roots

归根到底 (w)

(guīgēndàodǐ) (saying) to sum it up...

归根结蒂 (w)

(guīgēnjiédì) ultimately; in the final analysis; after all; when all is said and done

归案 (w)

(guīàn) to bring to justice; arrested and brought to trial

归档 (w)

(guīdàng) to file away; to place on file

归省 (w)

(guīxǐng) go home for a visit; return to one's parents' home to pay respects

归真 (w)

(guīzhēn) to die (Buddhism)

归真返璞 (w)

(guīzhēnfǎnpú) see 返璞歸真|返璞归真[fan3 pu2 gui1 zhen1]

归程 (w)

(guīchéng) return trip; homeward journey

归纳 (w)

(guīnà) to sum up; to summarize; to conclude from facts; induction (method of deduction in logic)

归纳推理 (w)

(guīnàtuīlǐ) inference by induction (method of deduction in logic)

归纳法 (w)

(guīnàfǎ) induction (method of deduction in logic)

归结 (w)

(guījié) to sum up; to conclude; in a nutshell; the end (of a story)

归绥 (w)

(guīsuí) old name for Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia

归罪 (w)

(guīzuì) to blame sb

归西 (w)

(guīxī) to die; euphemism, lit. to return West or to the Western Paradise

归谬法 (w)

(guīmiùfǎ) reductio ad absurdum; arguing by contradiction; also called 反證法|反证法

归途 (w)

(guītú) the way back; one's journey home

归还 (w)

(guīhuán) to return sth; to revert

归附 (w)

(guīfù) to submit

归除 (w)

(guīchú) long division; calculation on the abacus

归队 (w)

(guīduì) to return to one's unit; to go back to one's station in life

归隐 (w)

(guīyǐn) to go back to one's native place and live in seclusion

归零地 (w)

(guīlíngdì) Ground Zero

归顺 (w)

(guīshùn) submission

归类 (w)

(guīlèi) to classify; to categorize