念珠 (w)

(niànzhū) prayer beads


(niàn) to read; to study (a degree course); to read aloud; to miss (sb); idea; remembrance; twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20)

念佛 (w)

(niànfó) to pray to Buddha; to chant the names of Buddha

念叨 (w)

(niàndao) to talk about often; to discuss; to reminisce about

念学位 (w)

(niànxuéwèi) to study for a degree; to take a degree course

念念不忘 (w)

(niànniànbùwàng) to keep in mind constantly (idiom)

念念有词 (w)

(niànniànyǒucí) to mumble; to mutter to oneself

念日 (w)

(niànrì) memorial day; commemoration day

念书 (w)

(niànshū) to read; to study

念经 (w)

(niànjīng) recite or chant Buddhist scripture

念旧 (w)

(niànjiù) to remember old friends; to cherish old friendships; for old time's sake

念诵 (w)

(niànsòng) to read out; to recite; to remember sb (while talking about sth else)

念头 (w)

(niàntou) thought; idea; intention