
(nù) anger; fury; flourishing; vigorous

怒不可遏 (w)

(nùbùkěè) unable to restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering rage

怒吼 (w)

(nùhǒu) to bellow; to rave; to snarl

怒容 (w)

(nùróng) angry look

怒容满面 (w)

(nùróngmǎnmiàn) scowling in anger; rage written across one's face

怒形于色 (w)

(nùxíngyúsè) to betray anger (idiom); fury written across one's face

怒恨 (w)

(nùhèn) extreme hatred; animosity; spite

怒放 (w)

(nùfàng) in full bloom

怒斥 (w)

(nùchì) to angrily rebuke; to indignantly denounce

怒族 (w)

(nùzú) Nu ethnic group

怒气 (w)

(nùqì) anger

怒气冲冲 (w)

(nùqìchōngchōng) spitting anger (idiom); in a rage

怒江 (w)

(nùjiāng) Nujiang river of south Tibet and northwest Yunnan, the upper reaches of Salween river 薩爾溫江|萨尔温江, forming border of Myanmar and Thailand

怒江傈僳族自治区 (w)

(nùjiānglìsùzúzìzhìqū) Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest Yunnan, capital Liuku or Lutku 六庫鎮|六库镇[Liu4 ku4 zhen4]

怒江傈僳族自治州 (w)

(nùjiānglìsùzúzìzhìzhōu) Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest Yunnan, capital Liuku or Lutku 六庫鎮|六库镇[Liu4 ku4 zhen4]

怒江大峡谷 (w)

(nùjiāngdàxiágǔ) the Grand Canyon of the Nujiang river in Tibet and Yunnan

怒江州 (w)

(nùjiāngzhōu) abbr. for 怒江傈僳族自治州, Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest Yunnan, capital Liuku or Lutku 六庫鎮|六库镇[Liu4 ku4 zhen4]

怒冲冲 (w)

(nùchōngchōng) furiously

怒潮 (w)

(nùcháo) (tidal) bore; raging tide

怒火 (w)

(nùhuǒ) rage; fury; hot anger

怒目 (w)

(nùmù) with glaring eyes; glowering

怒目切齿 (w)

(nùmùqièchǐ) to gnash one's teeth in anger

怒目相向 (w)

(nùmùxiāngxiàng) to glower at each other (idiom)

怒目而视 (w)

(nùmùérshì) to glare at

怒骂 (w)

(nùmà) to curse in rage

怒色 (w)

(nùsè) angry look; glare; scowl

怒颜相报 (w)

(nùyánxiāngbào) to shoot a vengeful look at sb (idiom)

怒发冲冠 (w)

(nùfàchōngguān) lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat (idiom); fig. seething in anger; raise one's hackles