
(guài) bewildering; odd; strange; uncanny; devil; monster; to wonder at; to blame; quite; rather

怪不得 (w)

(guàibude) lit. you can't blame it!; no wonder!; so that's why!

怪事 (w)

(guàishì) strange occurrences

怪人 (w)

(guàirén) strange person; eccentric

怪人奥尔・扬科维奇 (w)

(guàirénàoěryángkēwéiqí) "Weird Al" Yankovic (1959-), US singer and writer of parody songs

怪杰 (w)

(guàijié) monstre sacré (i.e. artist famous for being deliberately preposterous)

怪僻 (w)

(guàipì) eccentric; peculiar

怪叔叔 (w)

(guàishūshu) queer uncle, referring to a young to middle-aged male pedophile (Internet slang)

怪味 (w)

(guàiwèi) strange odor

怪圈 (w)

(guàiquān) vicious circle; (abnormal) phenomenon

怪念头 (w)

(guàiniàntou) eccentric notion; strange whim

怪手 (w)

(guàishǒu) excavator; backhoe

怪模怪样 (w)

(guàimóguàiyàng) outlandish; strange-looking; grotesque

怪样 (w)

(guàiyàng) odd expression; funny looks; queer face; to grimace; to give sb funny looks; to pull faces

怪气 (w)

(guàiqì) weird (temperament)

怪物 (w)

(guàiwu) monster; freak; eccentric person

怪物似 (w)

(guàiwùsì) monstrous

怪兽 (w)

(guàishòu) rare animal; mythical animal

怪异 (w)

(guàiyì) monstrous; strange; strange phenomenon

怪癖 (w)

(guàipǐ) eccentricity; peculiarity; strange hobby

怪相 (w)

(guàixiàng) grotesque visage; grimace

怪秘 (w)

(guàimì) strange; mystic

怪罪 (w)

(guàizuì) to blame

怪声怪气 (w)

(guàishēngguàiqì) strange voice; affected manner of speaking

怪胎 (w)

(guàitāi) freak; abnormal embryo; fetus with deformity

怪蜀黍 (w)

(guàishǔshǔ) see 怪叔叔[guai4 shu1 shu5]

怪讶 (w)

(guàiyà) astonished

怪话 (w)

(guàihuà) ridiculous talk; preposterous remark

怪诞 (w)

(guàidàn) freak; weird

怪诞不经 (w)

(guàidànbùjīng) uncanny; unbelievable; ridiculous; outrageous

怪道 (w)

(guàidào) no wonder!

怪里怪气 (w)

(guàilǐguàiqì) eccentric; odd-looking; peculiar