
(huǐ) to regret

悔不当初 (w)

(huǐbùdāngchū) to regret one's past deeds (idiom)

悔之无及 (w)

(huǐzhīwújí) too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event.

悔婚 (w)

(huǐhūn) to break a promise of marriage

悔恨 (w)

(huǐhèn) remorse; repentance

悔恨交加 (w)

(huǐhènjiāojiā) to feel remorse and shame (idiom)

悔悟 (w)

(huǐwù) to repent

悔意 (w)

(huǐyì) remorse

悔改 (w)

(huǐgǎi) to repent; repentance

悔棋 (w)

(huǐqí) to withdraw a move (chess)

悔罪 (w)

(huǐzuì) conviction

悔过 (w)

(huǐguò) to regret; to repent

悔过书 (w)

(huǐguòshū) written repentance

悔过自新 (w)

(huǐguòzìxīn) to repent and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf