
(xuán) to hang or suspend; to worry; public announcement; unresolved; baseless; without foundation

悬垂 (w)

(xuánchuí) overhang

悬壶济世 (w)

(xuánhújìshì) practice medicine or pharmacy to help the people or public

悬岩 (w)

(xuányán) cliff

悬崖 (w)

(xuányá) precipice; overhanging cliff

悬崖勒马 (w)

(xuányálèmǎ) lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom); fig. to act in the nick of time

悬崖峭壁 (w)

(xuányáqiàobì) sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)

悬崖绝壁 (w)

(xuányájuébì) sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)

悬念 (w)

(xuánniàn) suspense in a movie, play etc; concern for sb's welfare

悬挂 (w)

(xuánguà) to suspend; to hang; suspension (cable car)

悬挂式滑翔 (w)

(xuánguàshìhuáxiáng) hang-gliding

悬挂式滑翔机 (w)

(xuánguàshìhuáxiángjī) hang-glider

悬案 (w)

(xuánàn) unresolved question; unresolved case

悬梁刺股 (w)

(xuánliángcìgǔ) to study assiduously and tirelessly (idiom); see also 頭懸梁,錐刺股|头悬梁,锥刺股[tou2 xuan2 liang2 , zhui1 ci4 gu3]

悬殊 (w)

(xuánshū) a wide gap; big contrast; large disparity; a mismatch

悬浮 (w)

(xuánfú) to float (in the air etc); suspension

悬浮微粒 (w)

(xuánfúwēilì) particulates; particulate matter

悬浮物 (w)

(xuánfúwù) suspended matter; suspension (of atmospheric pollution)

悬疑 (w)

(xuányí) suspense

悬荡 (w)

(xuándàng) to hang; suspended

悬空 (w)

(xuánkōng) midair

悬空寺 (w)

(xuánkōngsì) Xuankong Temple or Suspended Temple near Yanyuan in Shanxi

悬索桥 (w)

(xuánsuǒqiáo) suspension bridge

悬而未决 (w)

(xuánérwèijué) pending a decision; hanging in the balance

悬赏 (w)

(xuánshǎng) to offer a reward; bounty

悬赏令 (w)

(xuánshǎnglìng) an order to post a reward (for the capture of a criminal)

悬雍垂 (w)

(xuányōngchuí) uvula (biology)