
(jīng) to start; to be frightened; to be scared; alarm

惊世骇俗 (w)

(jīngshìhàisú) universally shocking; to offend the whole of society

惊人 (w)

(jīngrén) astonishing

惊人之举 (w)

(jīngrénzhījǔ) to astonish people (with a miraculous feat)

惊动 (w)

(jīngdòng) alarm; alert; disturb

惊厥 (w)

(jīngjué) to faint from fear; (medicine) convulsions

惊叫 (w)

(jīngjiào) to cry out in fear

惊呆 (w)

(jīngdāi) stupefied; stunned

惊呼 (w)

(jīnghū) to cry out in alarm

惊喜 (w)

(jīngxǐ) to be pleasantly surprised

惊喜若狂 (w)

(jīngxǐruòkuáng) pleasantly surprised like mad (idiom); capering madly with joy; to express boundless pleasure

惊叹 (w)

(jīngtàn) to exclaim in admiration; a gasp of surprise

惊叹不已 (w)

(jīngtànbùyǐ) to exclaim in astonishment

惊叹号 (w)

(jīngtànhào) exclamation mark ! (punct.)

惊吓 (w)

(jīngxià) to frighten; to horrify; to terrify

惊梦 (w)

(jīngmèng) to awaken from a dream

惊天动地 (w)

(jīngtiāndòngdì) world-shaking (idiom)

惊奇 (w)

(jīngqí) to be amazed; to be surprised; to wonder

惊师动众 (w)

(jīngshīdòngzhòng) to alarm everyone; to scandalize the public

惊师动众 (w)

(jīngshīdòngzhòng) to alarm everyone; to scandalize the public

惊弓之鸟 (w)

(jīnggōngzhīniǎo) lit. bird startled by a bowshot (idiom); fig. a frightened person

惊心 (w)

(jīngxīn) stunning

惊心动魄 (w)

(jīngxīndòngpò) shaking one to the core; extremely disturbing; hair-raising (idiom)

惊怕 (w)

(jīngpà) alarmed; frightened

惊怖 (w)

(jīngbù) to surprise

惊急 (w)

(jīngjí) stunned and anxious

惊怪 (w)

(jīngguài) to marvel

惊怯 (w)

(jīngqiè) cowardly and panicking

惊恐 (w)

(jīngkǒng) to alarm; to dismay; to appall

惊恐翼龙 (w)

(jīngkǒngyìlóng) Phobetor (genus of pterodactyloid pterosaur)

惊恐万状 (w)

(jīngkǒngwànzhuàng) convulsed with fear (idiom)

惊悉 (w)

(jīngxī) pleasantly surprise; besides oneself with joy

惊悚 (w)

(jīngsǒng) horror (movie); thriller

惊悟 (w)

(jīngwù) to come to oneself with a start; to realize at a jolt

惊悸 (w)

(jīngjì) shaking in fear; one's heart palpitating with fear

惊惶失措 (w)

(jīnghuángshīcuò) see 驚慌失措|惊慌失措[jing1 huang1 shi1 cuo4]

惊愕 (w)

(jīngè) to stun; to shock and amaze; stupefied; astonishment

惊栗 (w)

(jīnglì) horror (genre); to tremble in fear

惊慌 (w)

(jīnghuāng) panic

惊慌失措 (w)

(jīnghuāngshīcuò) to lose one's head out of fear (idiom)

惊慌失色 (w)

(jīnghuāngshīsè) to go pale in panic (idiom)

惊惧 (w)

(jīngjù) panic; fright

惊扰 (w)

(jīngrǎo) to alarm; to agitate

惊叹 (w)

(jīngtàn) variant of 驚嘆|惊叹, to exclaim in admiration; a gasp of surprise

惊涛 (w)

(jīngtāo) raging waves; stormy waves

惊涛骇浪 (w)

(jīngtāohàilàng) perilous situation

惊现 (w)

(jīngxiàn) to appear (so as to cause shock or surprise)

惊异 (w)

(jīngyì) amazed

惊疑 (w)

(jīngyí) bewildered

惊痫 (w)

(jīngxián) epilepsy

惊群动众 (w)

(jīngqúndòngzhòng) to alarm everyone; to scandalize the public

惊羡 (w)

(jīngxiàn) to admire with surprise; sth takes ones breath away

惊艳 (w)

(jīngyàn) stunning; breathtaking

惊蛰 (w)

(jīngzhé) Jingzhe or Insects Wake, 3rd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 6th-20th March

惊觉 (w)

(jīngjué) to wake up with a start

惊讶 (w)

(jīngyà) amazed; astonished; to surprise; amazing; astonishment; awe

惊诧 (w)

(jīngchà) to be surprised; to be amazed; to be stunned

惊赏 (w)

(jīngshǎng) surprised and admiring; to appreciate with surprise

惊起 (w)

(jīngqǐ) to start in surprise; to give a jolt of surprise

惊跳 (w)

(jīngtiào) to shy (away); to give a start

惊车 (w)

(jīngchē) runaway carriage (caused by stampede of draught animals)

惊逃 (w)

(jīngtáo) to stampede

惊遽 (w)

(jīngjù) in a panic; stunned

惊醒 (w)

(jīngxǐng) to rouse; to be woken by sth; to wake with a start; to sleep lightly

惊错 (w)

(jīngcuò) puzzled; surprised and nonplussed

惊险 (w)

(jīngxiǎn) thrilling; a thriller

惊雷 (w)

(jīngléi) sudden clap of thunder; fig. surprising turn of events

惊颤 (w)

(jīngchàn) to quake in fear

惊风 (w)

(jīngfēng) infantile convulsion (illness affecting children esp. under the age of five, marked by muscular spasms)

惊飞 (w)

(jīngfēi) to go off like a rocket; to rocket

惊马 (w)

(jīngmǎ) startled horse

惊骇 (w)

(jīnghài) to be shocked; to be appalled; to be terrified

惊魂 (w)

(jīnghún) in a panicked state; frightened

惊鸟 (w)

(jīngniǎo) to scare a bird into flight

惊鸿 (w)

(jīnghóng) graceful (esp. of female posture); lithe