
(cǎn) miserable; wretched; cruel; inhuman; seriously; badly; tragic

惨不忍睹 (w)

(cǎnbùrěndǔ) spectacle too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic sight; appalling scenes of devastation

惨不忍闻 (w)

(cǎnbùrěnwén) too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic spectacle; appalling scenes of devastation

惨事 (w)

(cǎnshì) disaster

惨剧 (w)

(cǎnjù) tragedy; calamity; atrocity

惨叫 (w)

(cǎnjiào) to scream; blood-curdling screech; miserable shriek

惨境 (w)

(cǎnjìng) wretched situation

惨怛 (w)

(cǎndá) grieved; distressed

惨败 (w)

(cǎnbài) to suffer a crushing defeat

惨景 (w)

(cǎnjǐng) wretched sight

惨案 (w)

(cǎnàn) massacre; tragedy; CL:起[qi3]

惨死 (w)

(cǎnsǐ) to die tragically; to violently die

惨杀 (w)

(cǎnshā) to slaughter; to kill mercilessly

惨毒 (w)

(cǎndú) cruel; vicious

惨况 (w)

(cǎnkuàng) tragic situation; dreadful state

惨淡 (w)

(cǎndàn) dark; gloomy; dismal; by painstaking effort

惨淡经营 (w)

(cǎndànjīngyíng) to manage by painstaking effort (idiom)

惨烈 (w)

(cǎnliè) bitter; desperate

惨无人道 (w)

(cǎnwúréndào) inhuman (idiom); brutal and unfeeling

惨然 (w)

(cǎnrán) grieved; distressed

惨状 (w)

(cǎnzhuàng) devastation; miserable condition

惨痛 (w)

(cǎntòng) bitter; painful; deeply distressed

惨白 (w)

(cǎnbái) deathly pale

惨祸 (w)

(cǎnhuò) terrible tragedy; grave mishap

惨笑 (w)

(cǎnxiào) bitter smile

惨绝人寰 (w)

(cǎnjuérénhuán) extremely tragic (idiom); with unprecedented brutality

惨变 (w)

(cǎnbiàn) disastrous turn; tragic event

惨遭 (w)

(cǎnzāo) suffer

惨遭不幸 (w)

(cǎnzāobùxìng) to meet with disaster; to die tragically

惨重 (w)

(cǎnzhòng) disastrous