
(chí) to hold; to grasp; to support; to maintain; to persevere; to manage; to run (i.e. administer); to control

持不同政见 (w)

(chíbùtóngzhèngjiàn) (politically) dissenting; dissident

持不同政见者 (w)

(chíbùtóngzhèngjiànzhě) (political) dissident

持久 (w)

(chíjiǔ) lasting; enduring; persistent; permanent; protracted; endurance; persistence; to last long

持久性毒剂 (w)

(chíjiǔxìngdújì) persistent agent

持久战 (w)

(chíjiǔzhàn) prolonged war; war of attrition

持之以恒 (w)

(chízhīyǐhéng) to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to persevere

持刀 (w)

(chídāo) to hold a knife; knife-wielding

持卡人 (w)

(chíkǎrén) cardholder

持国天 (w)

(chíguótiān) Dhritarashtra (one of the Four Heavenly Kings)

持守 (w)

(chíshǒu) maintain; guard

持家 (w)

(chíjiā) to housekeep; housekeeping

持平 (w)

(chípíng) to stay level (of exchange rate, market share etc)

持有 (w)

(chíyǒu) to hold (passport, views etc)

持有人 (w)

(chíyǒurén) holder

持枪抢劫 (w)

(chíqiāngqiāngjié) armed robbery

持橐簪笔 (w)

(chítuózānbǐ) to serve as a counselor (idiom)

持续 (w)

(chíxù) to continue; to persist; sustainable; preservation

持续性植物人状态 (w)

(chíxùxìngzhíwùrénzhuàngtài) persistent vegetative state

持续性植物状态 (w)

(chíxùxìngzhíwùzhuàngtài) persistent vegetative state (medicine)

持续时间 (w)

(chíxùshíjiān) duration

持重 (w)

(chízhòng) prudent; cautious; to be in charge of ritual ceremonies; to hold an important office