
(zhǐ) finger; to point at or to; to indicate or refer to; to depend on; to count on; (of hair) to stand on end

指事 (w)

(zhǐshì) ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character indicating an idea, such as up and down; also known as self-explanatory character

指事字 (w)

(zhǐshìzì) ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character indicating an idea, such as up and down; also known as self-explanatory character

指代 (w)

(zhǐdài) to refer to; to be used in place of

指令 (w)

(zhǐlìng) order; command; instruction

指令名字 (w)

(zhǐlìngmíngzì) command name

指使 (w)

(zhǐshǐ) to incite; to prompt (sb to do smthing)

指出 (w)

(zhǐchū) to indicate; to point out

指到 (w)

(zhǐdào) to point at; to indicate

指北针 (w)

(zhǐběizhēn) compass

指南 (w)

(zhǐnán) to guide; guidebook

指南宫 (w)

(zhǐnángōng) Zhinan Temple

指南车 (w)

(zhǐnánchē) a mechanical compass invented by Zu Chongzhi 祖沖之|祖冲之

指南针 (w)

(zhǐnánzhēn) compass

指印 (w)

(zhǐyìn) fingerprint; finger mark; thumbprint

指名 (w)

(zhǐmíng) to mention by name; to designate; designated

指向 (w)

(zhǐxiàng) to point towards; aimed at; facing; the direction indicated

指向装置 (w)

(zhǐxiàngzhuāngzhì) pointing device (for notebook computer)

指压 (w)

(zhǐyā) chiropractic; acupressure

指定 (w)

(zhǐdìng) to appoint; to assign; to indicate clearly and with certainty; designated

指导 (w)

(zhǐdǎo) to guide; to give directions; to direct; to coach; guidance; tuition; CL:個|个[ge4]

指导员 (w)

(zhǐdǎoyuán) instructor; coach; political instructor (in the PLA)

指导教授 (w)

(zhǐdǎojiàoshòu) adviser; advising professor

指导者 (w)

(zhǐdǎozhě) coach; mentor; counselor; instructor; director; guide; conductor

指导课 (w)

(zhǐdǎokè) tutorial; period of tuition for one or two students

指尖 (w)

(zhǐjiān) fingertips

指引 (w)

(zhǐyǐn) to guide; to show; to point (the way)

指征 (w)

(zhǐzhēng) indication

指战员 (w)

(zhǐzhànyuán) PLA commanders and fighters

指手划脚 (w)

(zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo) to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily; also written 指手畫腳|指手画脚

指手画脚 (w)

(zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo) to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily

指指点点 (w)

(zhǐzhǐdiǎndiǎn) to gesticulate; to point out; to point the finger of blame

指授 (w)

(zhǐshòu) to instruct; to direct

指控 (w)

(zhǐkòng) accusation; a (criminal) charge; to accuse

指挥 (w)

(zhǐhuī) to conduct; to command; to direct; conductor (of an orchestra); CL:個|个[ge4]

指挥中心 (w)

(zhǐhuīzhōngxīn) command center

指挥官 (w)

(zhǐhuīguān) commander

指挥家 (w)

(zhǐhuījiā) conductor (music)

指挥有方,人人乐从 (w)

(zhǐhuīyǒufāngrénrénlècóng) Command right and you will be obeyed cheerfully. (idiom)

指挥棒 (w)

(zhǐhuībàng) baton

指挥者 (w)

(zhǐhuīzhě) conductor; director

指摘 (w)

(zhǐzhāi) to criticize; to point out

指摹 (w)

(zhǐmó) fingerprint; thumbprint; also written 指模[zhi3 mo2]

指教 (w)

(zhǐjiào) to give advice or comments

指数 (w)

(zhǐshù) (numerical, statistical) index

指数函数 (w)

(zhǐshùhánshù) exponential function

指数基金 (w)

(zhǐshùjījīn) index fund

指数套利 (w)

(zhǐshùtàolì) index arbitrage

指数期权 (w)

(zhǐshùqīquán) index options

指斥 (w)

(zhǐchì) to denounce; to censure; to rebuke

指日可待 (w)

(zhǐrìkědài) imminent; just around the corner (idiom)

指明 (w)

(zhǐmíng) to show clearly; to designate; to indicate

指望 (w)

(zhǐwàng) to hope for sth; to count on; hope

指桑骂槐 (w)

(zhǐsāngmàhuái) lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree; fig. to scold sb indirectly; to make oblique accusations (idiom)

指标 (w)

(zhǐbiāo) norm; index; target

指模 (w)

(zhǐmó) fingerprint; thumbprint; also written 指摹[zhi3 mo2]

指正 (w)

(zhǐzhèng) to point out mistakes or weak points for correction; to comment; criticism

指法 (w)

(zhǐfǎ) finger method (in painting)

指派 (w)

(zhǐpài) assignment

指甲 (w)

(zhǐjia) fingernail

指甲刀 (w)

(zhǐjiadāo) nail clipper

指甲剪 (w)

(zhǐjiajiǎn) nail clipper

指甲油 (w)

(zhǐjiayóu) nail polish

指疔 (w)

(zhǐdīng) whitlow; felon

指示 (w)

(zhǐshì) to point out; to indicate; to instruct; directives; instructions; CL:個|个[ge4]

指示代词 (w)

(zhǐshìdàicí) demonstrative pronoun

指示剂 (w)

(zhǐshìjì) indicator

指示器 (w)

(zhǐshìqì) indicator

指示符 (w)

(zhǐshìfú) indicator

指纹 (w)

(zhǐwén) fingerprint; finger-print

指认 (w)

(zhǐrèn) to identify

指证 (w)

(zhǐzhèng) to testify; to give evidence

指责 (w)

(zhǐzé) to criticize; to find fault with; to denounce

指路 (w)

(zhǐlù) to give directions

指针 (w)

(zhǐzhēn) pointer on a gauge; clock hand; cursor

指关节 (w)

(zhǐguānjié) knuckle

指鸡骂狗 (w)

(zhǐjīmàgǒu) fig. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog (idiom); lit. to find a scapegoat

指头 (w)

(zhǐtou) finger; toe; CL:個|个[ge4]

指鹿作马 (w)

(zhǐlùzuòmǎ) to take a deer and call it a horse (idiom); deliberate inversion of the truth

指鹿为马 (w)

(zhǐlùwéimǎ) making a deer out to be a horse (idiom); deliberate misrepresentation

指点 (w)

(zhǐdiǎn) to give directions; to show how (to do sth); to censure; to pick at

指点迷律 (w)

(zhǐdiǎnmílǜ) to show sb how to get to the right path