
(wā) to dig; to excavate; to scoop out

挖土机 (w)

(wātǔjī) excavator; backhoe

挖掉 (w)

(wādiào) to dig out; to eradicate

挖掘 (w)

(wājué) to excavate; to dig; to unearth

挖掘机械 (w)

(wājuéjīxiè) excavator; bulldozer

挖洞 (w)

(wādòng) to dig a hole

挖浚 (w)

(wājùn) to dredge

挖墙脚 (w)

(wāqiángjiǎo) to undermine; to let someone down; to seduce someone away from something

挖穴 (w)

(wāxué) to excavate; to dig out a cave

挖空 (w)

(wākōng) to excavate; to hollow

挖空心思 (w)

(wākōngxīnsi) to dig for thoughts (idiom); to search everything for an answer; to rack one's brains

挖肉补疮 (w)

(wāròubǔchuāng) to cut one's flesh to cover a sore (idiom); faced with a current crisis, to make it worse by a temporary expedient

挖苦 (w)

(wākǔ) to speak sarcastically; to make cutting remarks

挖角 (w)

(wājué) to poach (talent, personnel from competitors); to raid (a competitor for its talent); Taiwan pr. [wa1 jiao3]

挖开 (w)

(wākāi) to dig into; to cut a mine into

挖鼻子 (w)

(wābízi) to pick one's nose