
(xiān) to lift (a lid); to rock; to convulse

掀动 (w)

(xiāndòng) to stir; to lift; to set sth in motion

掀天揭地 (w)

(xiāntiānjiēdì) earth-shattering

掀掉 (w)

(xiāndiào) to remove; to tear off

掀涌 (w)

(xiānyǒng) to seethe; to bubble up

掀起 (w)

(xiānqǐ) to lift; to raise in height; to begin; upsurge; to set off (a campaign)

掀开 (w)

(xiānkāi) to lift open; to tear open

掀风鼓浪 (w)

(xiānfēnggǔlàng) to raise a storm; to stir up trouble; to instigate

掀腾 (w)

(xiānténg) to surge up; raging (billows)