
(shòu) to teach; to instruct; to award; to give

授乳 (w)

(shòurǔ) lactation; breast-feeding

授予 (w)

(shòuyǔ) to award; to confer

授人以柄 (w)

(shòurényǐbǐng) to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom); to give someone a hold on oneself

授人以鱼不如授人以渔 (w)

(shòurényǐyúbùrúshòurényǐyú) give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime; knowledge is the best charity

授任 (w)

(shòurèn) appointment (to a job); to be appointed (to high office); to accept an appointment; entrusted with responsibilities; same as 授任

授信 (w)

(shòuxìn) to extend credit (finance)

授勋 (w)

(shòuxūn) to award an honor

授受 (w)

(shòushòu) to give and accept

授受不亲 (w)

(shòushòubùqīn) (in ancient times) no direct contact between men and women

授命 (w)

(shòumìng) to give orders

授意 (w)

(shòuyì) to inspire; to incite

授时 (w)

(shòushí) time service

授业 (w)

(shòuyè) to teach; to bequeath

授权 (w)

(shòuquán) to authorize

授权令 (w)

(shòuquánlìng) warrant (law)

授权范围 (w)

(shòuquánfànwéi) scope of authority; mandate

授奖 (w)

(shòujiǎng) to award a prize

授粉 (w)

(shòufěn) pollination

授精 (w)

(shòujīng) insemination

授与 (w)

(shòuyǔ) grant; confer

授计 (w)

(shòujì) to confide a plan to sb

授课 (w)

(shòukè) to teach; to give lessons

授衔 (w)

(shòuxián) rank of professor; academic title