
(diào) to fall; to drop; to lag behind; to lose; to go missing; to reduce; fall (in prices); to lose (value, weight etc); to wag; to swing; to turn; to change; to exchange; to swap; to show off; to shed (hair)

掉下 (w)

(diàoxià) to drop down; to fall

掉以轻心 (w)

(diàoyǐqīngxīn) treat sth lightly; to lower one's guard

掉价 (w)

(diàojià) drop in price; devalued; to have one's status lowered

掉价儿 (w)

(diàojiàr) erhua variant of 掉價|掉价, drop in price; devalued; to have one's status lowered

掉包 (w)

(diàobāo) to substitute in secret (a fake for the genuine item); to palm off

掉向 (w)

(diàoxiàng) to turn; to adjust one's direction; to lose one's bearings

掉换 (w)

(diàohuàn) to shift uneasily; to chop and change; to swap (positions); to replace

掉书袋 (w)

(diàoshūdài) lit. to drop a bag of books (idiom); fig. to drop quotations to appear learned; to quote classical texts as a parade of erudition

掉泪 (w)

(diàolèi) to shed tears

掉球 (w)

(diàoqiú) drop shot (in volleyball, tennis etc)

掉秤 (w)

(diàochèng) to lose weight (of cattle)

掉线 (w)

(diàoxiàn) to get disconnected (from the Internet)

掉膘 (w)

(diàobiāo) to lose weight (of cattle)

掉色 (w)

(diàosè) to lose color; to fade; also pr. [diao4 shai3]

掉落 (w)

(diàoluò) to fall down

掉转 (w)

(diàozhuǎn) to turn around

掉过 (w)

(diàoguò) to swap places

掉过儿 (w)

(diàoguòr) erhua variant of 掉過|掉过, to swap places

掉队 (w)

(diàoduì) to fall behind; to drop out

掉头 (w)

(diàotóu) to turn through 180 degrees; a U-turn; to turn around

掉点儿 (w)

(diàodiǎnr) drip of rain