
(zhǎng) palm of the hand; sole of the foot; paw; horseshoe; to slap; to hold in one's hand; to wield

掌上电脑 (w)

(zhǎngshàngdiànnǎo) handheld computer; PDA (personal digital assistant); Pocket PC

掌嘴 (w)

(zhǎngzuǐ) to slap

掌厨 (w)

(zhǎngchú) to prepare meals; chef

掌心 (w)

(zhǎngxīn) hollow of the palm

掌控 (w)

(zhǎngkòng) to control; in control of

掌握 (w)

(zhǎngwò) to grasp (often fig.); to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency

掌握电脑 (w)

(zhǎngwòdiànnǎo) PDA; Personal Digital Assistant

掌击 (w)

(zhǎngjī) slap

掌故 (w)

(zhǎnggù) anecdote; tales (esp. about historical figure)

掌柜 (w)

(zhǎngguì) shopkeeper

掌权 (w)

(zhǎngquán) to wield (political etc) power; be in power

掌灯 (w)

(zhǎngdēng) to hold a lamp; to light a lamp

掌玺大臣 (w)

(zhǎngxǐdàchén) chancellor (rank in various European states); grand chancellor

掌玺官 (w)

(zhǎngxǐguān) chancellor (rank in various European states)

掌相 (w)

(zhǎngxiàng) palmistry; features of a palm (in palmistry)

掌管 (w)

(zhǎngguǎn) in charge of; to control

掌声 (w)

(zhǎngshēng) applause; CL:陣|阵[zhen4]

掌声雷动 (w)

(zhǎngshēngléidòng) thunderous applause (idiom)

掌舵 (w)

(zhǎngduò) to steer (a ship)

掌骨 (w)

(zhǎnggǔ) metacarpal bone (long bones in the hand and feet)