
(tàn) to explore; to search out; to scout; to visit; to stretch forward

探井 (w)

(tànjǐng) test pit; exploratory shaft; test well (mineralogy)

探伤 (w)

(tànshāng) to inspect for damage; flaw detection; metal crack detection

探伤器 (w)

(tànshāngqì) metal crack detector

探勘 (w)

(tànkān) prospecting; exploration; a survey

探口气 (w)

(tànkǒuqì) to sound out opinions; to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning; also written 探口風|探口风[tan4 kou3 feng1]

探口风 (w)

(tànkǒufēng) to sound out opinions; to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning

探问 (w)

(tànwèn) to inquire into; to ask after

探囊取物 (w)

(tànnángqǔwù) to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as easy as pie; in the bag

探奇 (w)

(tànqí) to seek unusual scenery or places

探子 (w)

(tànzi) intelligence gatherer; spy; detective; scout; sound (medical instrument); long and narrow probing and sampling utensil

探家 (w)

(tànjiā) to make a trip home

探察 (w)

(tànchá) to investigate; to observe; to scout; to seek out and examine; to explore

探寻 (w)

(tànxún) to search; to seek; to explore

探尺 (w)

(tànchǐ) dipstick; measuring rod

探戈 (w)

(tàngē) tango (dance)

探摸 (w)

(tànmō) to feel for sth; to grope

探明 (w)

(tànmíng) to ascertain; to verify

探月 (w)

(tànyuè) lunar exploration

探望 (w)

(tànwàng) to visit

探查 (w)

(tànchá) to examine; to probe; to scout out; to nose around

探求 (w)

(tànqiú) to seek; to pursue; to investigate

探测 (w)

(tàncè) to probe; to take readings; to explore; exploration

探测器 (w)

(tàncèqì) detector; probe; craft

探测字 (w)

(tàncèzì) probe (character)

探测词 (w)

(tàncècí) probe word

探照灯 (w)

(tànzhàodēng) searchlight

探病 (w)

(tànbìng) to visit a sick person or patient

探监 (w)

(tànjiān) to visit a prisoner (usu. a relative or friend)

探看 (w)

(tànkàn) to visit; to go to see what's going on

探矿 (w)

(tànkuàng) to prospect; to dig for coal or minerals

探矿者 (w)

(tànkuàngzhě) prospector; person exploring for minerals

探秘 (w)

(tànmì) to explore a mystery; to probe the unknown

探究 (w)

(tànjiū) to investigate; to delve; to probe; to enquire into; to look into

探究式 (w)

(tànjiūshì) exploratory

探索 (w)

(tànsuǒ) to explore; to probe

探索性 (w)

(tànsuǒxìng) exploratory

探听 (w)

(tàntīng) to make inquiries; to try to find out; to pry

探花 (w)

(tànhuā) candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination; see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]

探视 (w)

(tànshì) to visit (a patient, prisoner etc); to look inquiringly

探视权 (w)

(tànshìquán) visitation rights (law)

探亲 (w)

(tànqīn) to go home to visit one's family

探讨 (w)

(tàntǎo) to investigate; to probe

探访 (w)

(tànfǎng) to seek by inquiry or search; to call on; to visit

探询 (w)

(tànxún) to inquire into; to ask after

探路 (w)

(tànlù) to find a path

探路者 (w)

(tànlùzhě) Pathfinder, NASA spacecraft sent to Mars in 1977

探身 (w)

(tànshēn) to lean forward; to lean out (of a window, door etc)

探身子 (w)

(tànshēnzi) to bend forward; to lean out

探针 (w)

(tànzhēn) probe

探险 (w)

(tànxiǎn) to explore

探险家 (w)

(tànxiǎnjiā) explorer

探险者 (w)

(tànxiǎnzhě) explorer

探雷 (w)

(tànléi) to detect mines; mine detection

探雷人员 (w)

(tànléirényuán) mine detector (employee)

探头 (w)

(tàntóu) to extend one's head (out or into); a probe; detector; search unit

探头探脑 (w)

(tàntóutànnǎo) to stick one's head out and look around (idiom)

探头探脑儿 (w)

(tàntóutànnǎor) erhua variant of 探頭探腦|探头探脑, to stick one's head out and look around

探风 (w)

(tànfēng) to make inquiries about sb or sth; to fish for information

探马 (w)

(tànmǎ) mounted scout (arch.)

探骊得珠 (w)

(tànlídézhū) to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from Zhuangzi); fig. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation); to see through to the nub