
(yǎn) to cover up; to close; to surprise

掩人耳目 (w)

(yǎnréněrmù) to block the ears and eyes (idiom); to hoodwink; to dissimulate; to deceive; surreptitious

掩埋 (w)

(yǎnmái) to bury

掩样法 (w)

(yǎnyàngfǎ) illusion

掩杀 (w)

(yǎnshā) to make a surprise attack; to pounce on (an enemy)

掩耳 (w)

(yǎněr) to refuse to listen

掩耳盗铃 (w)

(yǎněrdàolíng) lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell; to deceive oneself; to bury one's head in the sand (idiom)

掩盖 (w)

(yǎngài) to conceal; to hide behind; to cover up

掩蔽 (w)

(yǎnbì) shelter; screen; cover; protection

掩藏 (w)

(yǎncáng) hidden; covered; concealed

掩护 (w)

(yǎnhù) to screen; to shield; to cover; protection; cover; CL:面[mian4]

掩面而泣 (w)

(yǎnmiànérqì) to bury one’s head in one’s hands and weep (idiom)

掩饰 (w)

(yǎnshì) to conceal a fault; to gloss over

掩体 (w)

(yǎntǐ) bunker (military)